476 research outputs found

    Observing solar-like oscillations

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    We review techniques for measuring stellar oscillations in solar-type stars. Despite great efforts, no unambiguous detections have been made. A new method, based on monitoring the equivalent widths of strong lines, shows promise but is yet to be confirmed. We also discuss several subtleties, such as the need to correct for CCD non-linearities and the importance of data weighting

    Group Irregularity Strength of Connected Graphs

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    We investigate the group irregularity strength (sg(G)s_g(G)) of graphs, i.e. the smallest value of ss such that taking any Abelian group \gr of order ss, there exists a function f:E(G)\rightarrow \gr such that the sums of edge labels at every vertex are distinct. We prove that for any connected graph GG of order at least 3, sg(G)=ns_g(G)=n if n4k+2n\neq 4k+2 and sg(G)n+1s_g(G)\leq n+1 otherwise, except the case of some infinite family of stars

    Explosive Activity on Kīlauea's Lower East Rift Zone Fueled by a Volatile-Rich, Dacitic Melt

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    Abstract: Magmas with matrix glass compositions ranging from basalt to dacite erupted from a series of 24 fissures in the first 2 weeks of the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) eruption of Kīlauea Volcano. Eruption styles ranged from low spattering and fountaining to strombolian activity. Major element trajectories in matrix glasses and melt inclusions hosted by olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase are consistent with variable amounts of fractional crystallization, with incompatible elements (e.g., Cl, F, and H2O) becoming enriched by 4–5 times as melt MgO contents evolve from 6 to 0.5 wt%. The high viscosity and high H2O contents (∼2 wt%) of the dacitic melts erupting at Fissure 17 account for the explosive Strombolian behavior exhibited by this fissure, in contrast to the low fountaining and spattering observed at fissures erupting basaltic to basaltic‐andesite melts. Saturation pressures calculated from melt inclusion CO2‐H2O contents indicate that the magma reservoir(s) supplying these fissures was located at ∼2–3 km depth, which is in agreement with the depth of a dacitic magma body intercepted during drilling in 2005 (∼2.5 km) and a seismically imaged low Vp/Vs anomaly (∼2 km depth). Nb/Y ratios in erupted products are similar to lavas erupted between 1955 and 1960, indicating that melts were stored and underwent variable amounts of crystallization in the LERZ for >60 years before being remobilized by a dike intrusion in 2018. We demonstrate that extensive fractional crystallization generates viscous and volatile‐rich magma with potential for hazardous explosive eruptions, which may be lurking undetected at many ocean island volcanoes

    Randomised controlled trial of a new palliative care service: Compliance, recruitment and completeness of follow-up

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Palliative care has been proposed for progressive non-cancer conditions but there have been few evaluations of service developments. We analysed recruitment, compliance and follow-up data of a fast track (or wait list control) randomised controlled trial of a new palliative care service – a design not previously used to assess palliative care.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>An innovative palliative care service (comprising a consultant in palliative medicine, a clinical nurse specialist, an administrator and a psychosocial worker) was delivered to people severely affected by multiple sclerosis (MS), and their carers, in southeast London. Our design followed the MRC Framework for the Evaluation of Complex Interventions. In phase II we conducted randomised controlled trial, of immediate referral to the service (fast-track) versus a 12-week wait (standard best practice). Main outcome measures were: compliance (the extent the trial protocol was adhered to), recruitment (target 50 patients), attrition and missing data rates; trial outcomes were Palliative Care Outcome Scale and MS Impact Scale.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>69 patients were referred, 52 entered the trial (26 randomised to each arm), 5 refused consent and 12 were excluded from the trial for other reasons, usually illness or urgent needs, achieving our target numbers. 25/26 fast track and 21/26 standard best practice patients completed the trial, resulting in 217/225 (96%) of possible interviews completed, 87% of which took place in the patient's home. Main reasons for failure to interview and/or attrition were death or illness. There were three deaths in the standard best practice group and one in the fast-track group during the trial. At baseline there were no differences between groups. Missing data for individual questionnaire items were small (median 0, mean 1–5 items out of 56+ items per interview), not associated with any patient or carer characteristics or with individual questionnaires, but were associated with interviewer.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first time a fast track (or wait list) randomised trial has been reported in palliative care. We found it achieved good recruitment and is a feasible method to evaluate palliative care services when patients are expected to live longer than 3–6 months. Home interviews are needed for a trial of this kind; interviewers need careful recruitment, training and supervision; and there should be careful separation from the clinical service of the control patients to prevent accidental contamination.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Clinical Trials.Gov NCT00364963</p

    Listening In on the Past: What Can Otolith δ18O Values Really Tell Us about the Environmental History of Fishes?

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    Oxygen isotope ratios from fish otoliths are used to discriminate marine stocks and reconstruct past climate, assuming that variations in otolith δ18O values closely reflect differences in temperature history of fish when accounting for salinity induced variability in water δ18O. To investigate this, we exploited the environmental and migratory data gathered from a decade using archival tags to study the behaviour of adult plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the North Sea. Based on the tag-derived monthly distributions of the fish and corresponding temperature and salinity estimates modelled across three consecutive years, we first predicted annual otolith δ18O values for three geographically discrete offshore sub-stocks, using three alternative plausible scenarios for otolith growth. Comparison of predicted vs. measured annual δ18O values demonstrated >96% correct prediction of sub-stock membership, irrespective of the otolith growth scenario. Pronounced inter-stock differences in δ18O values, notably in summer, provide a robust marker for reconstructing broad-scale plaice distribution in the North Sea. However, although largely congruent, measured and predicted annual δ18O values of did not fully match. Small, but consistent, offsets were also observed between individual high-resolution otolith δ18O values measured during tag recording time and corresponding δ18O predictions using concomitant tag-recorded temperatures and location-specific salinity estimates. The nature of the shifts differed among sub-stocks, suggesting specific vital effects linked to variation in physiological response to temperature. Therefore, although otolith δ18O in free-ranging fish largely reflects environmental temperature and salinity, we counsel prudence when interpreting otolith δ18O data for stock discrimination or temperature reconstruction until the mechanisms underpinning otolith δ18O signature acquisition, and associated variation, are clarified

    Application of light microscopical and ultrastructural immunohistochemistry in the study of goblet cell carcinoid in the appendix

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Goblet cell carcinoids appear less frequently in the appendix than do other carcinoids. In the presented work a case with a goblet cell carcinoid of the appendix is described.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Routine histological and histochemical methods were employed, with a combination of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry on one section and light and electron microscopical immunohistochemisty on paraffin-embedded material, were applied to identify the type of the carcinoid and to reveal the fine structure of cell types in the tumour nests of the appendix.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the biopsy of a patient who had undergone appendectomy, an infiltration with clusters of goblet cells in the submucosa of the appendix was found. After a second operation of right-sided hemicolectomy, similar clusters of goblet cells were detected in the muscle layers of the caecum. After 18 months the patient died from cirrhosis and had not developed metastases or any recurrence. Immunohistochemically the serotonin-, somatostatin-, chromogranin A- and synaptophysin-positive endocrine cells were basally attached to mucin-secreting cells. The combined staining revealed simultaneously present endocrine cells (chromogranin-A-positive) and mucin-secreting cells (PAS- or alcian blue-positive). The ultrastructural immunohistochemistry showed that chromogranin A-positive cells had discoid and pleomorphic granules and were located in tumour nests or as single cells in the appendiceal wall.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The combined histochemical and immunohistochemical procedure and the ultrastructural immunohistochemistry on archival material could contribute in clarifying the diagnosis of goblet cell carcinoid.</p

    Indirect Reciprocity under Incomplete Observation

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    Indirect reciprocity, in which individuals help others with a good reputation but not those with a bad reputation, is a mechanism for cooperation in social dilemma situations when individuals do not repeatedly interact with the same partners. In a relatively large society where indirect reciprocity is relevant, individuals may not know each other's reputation even indirectly. Previous studies investigated the situations where individuals playing the game have to determine the action possibly without knowing others' reputations. Nevertheless, the possibility that observers of the game, who generate the reputation of the interacting players, assign reputations without complete information about them has been neglected. Because an individual acts as an interacting player and as an observer on different occasions if indirect reciprocity is endogenously sustained in a society, the incompleteness of information may affect either role. We examine the game of indirect reciprocity when the reputations of players are not necessarily known to observers and to interacting players. We find that the trustful discriminator, which cooperates with good and unknown players and defects against bad players, realizes cooperative societies under seven social norms. Among the seven social norms, three of the four suspicious norms under which cooperation (defection) to unknown players leads to a good (bad) reputation enable cooperation down to a relatively small observation probability. In contrast, the three trustful norms under which both cooperation and defection to unknown players lead to a good reputation are relatively efficient

    Plastisol Foaming Process. Decomposition of the Foaming Agent, Polymer Behavior in the Corresponding Temperature Range and Resulting Foam Properties

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    The decomposition of azodicarbonamide, used as foaming agent in PVC - plasticizer (1/1) plastisols was studied by DSC. Nineteen different plasticizers, all belonging to the ester family, two being polymeric (polyadipates), were compared. The temperature of maximum decomposition rate (in anisothermal regime at 5 K min-1 scanning rate), ranges between 434 and 452 K. The heat of decomposition ranges between 8.7 and 12.5 J g -1. Some trends of variation of these parameters appear significant and are discussed in terms of solvent (matrix) and viscosity effects on the decomposition reactions. The shear modulus at 1 Hz frequency was determined at the temperature of maximum rate of foaming agent decomposition, and differs significantly from a sample to another. The foam density was determined at ambient temperature and the volume fraction of bubbles was used as criterion to judge the efficiency of the foaming process. The results reveal the existence of an optimal shear modulus of the order of 2 kPa that corresponds roughly to plasticizer molar masses of the order of 450 ± 50 g mol-1. Heavier plasticizers, especially polymeric ones are too difficult to deform. Lighter plasticizers such as diethyl phthalate (DEP) deform too easily and presumably facilitate bubble collapse

    The effect of early pregnancy following chemotherapy on disease relapse and foetal outcome in women treated for gestational trophoblastic tumours

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    Little literature exists on the safety of early pregnancy following chemotherapy. Here we assess the rate of relapse and foetal outcome in women who have completed single and multi-agent chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic tumours. The records of 1532 patients treated for persistent gestational trophoblastic tumours at Charing Cross Hospital between 1969 and 1998 were reviewed. Patients were defined as receiving single agent or multi-agent treatment. Relapse rates and foetal outcome were reviewed in the 230 patients who became pregnant within 12 months of completing chemotherapy. In the single agent group 153 (22%) of 691 patients conceived early. Three subsequently relapsed. In the multi-agent group, 77 (10%) of 779 patients conceived early, two then relapsed. Relapse rates were 2% (3 out of 153) and 2.5% (2 out of 77) for each group compared to 5% and 5.6% in the comparative non-pregnant groups. Outcomes of 230 early pregnancies: 164 (71%) delivered at full term, 35 (15%) terminations, 26 (11%) spontaneous abortions, three (1.3%) new hydatidiform moles and two (1%) stillbirths. Early pregnancies were more common in the single agent group (P<0.001), but spontaneous miscarriages and terminations were more likely to occur in the multi-agent group (P=0.04 and 0.03, respectively). Of the full-term pregnancies, three (1.8%) babies were born with congenital abnormalities. Patients in either group who conceive within 12 months of completing chemotherapy are not at increased risk of relapse. Though, we still advise avoiding pregnancy within 12 months of completing chemotherapy, those that do conceive can be reassured of a likely favourable outcome

    Asteroseismology and Interferometry

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    Asteroseismology provides us with a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of stellar structure and evolution. Recent developments, including the first systematic studies of solar-like pulsators, have boosted the impact of this field of research within Astrophysics and have led to a significant increase in the size of the research community. In the present paper we start by reviewing the basic observational and theoretical properties of classical and solar-like pulsators and present results from some of the most recent and outstanding studies of these stars. We centre our review on those classes of pulsators for which interferometric studies are expected to provide a significant input. We discuss current limitations to asteroseismic studies, including difficulties in mode identification and in the accurate determination of global parameters of pulsating stars, and, after a brief review of those aspects of interferometry that are most relevant in this context, anticipate how interferometric observations may contribute to overcome these limitations. Moreover, we present results of recent pilot studies of pulsating stars involving both asteroseismic and interferometric constraints and look into the future, summarizing ongoing efforts concerning the development of future instruments and satellite missions which are expected to have an impact in this field of research.Comment: Version as published in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, pp. 217-36