30 research outputs found

    Brain structural and functional recovery following initiation of combination antiretroviral therapy

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    NeuroAIDS persists in the era of combination antiretroviral therapies. We describe here the recovery of brain structure and function following 6 months of therapy in a treatment-naive patient presenting with HIV-associated dementia. The patient’s neuropsychological test performance improved and his total brain volume increased by more than 5 %. Neuronal functional connectivity measured by magnetoencephalography changed from a pattern identical to that observed in other HIV-infected individuals to one that was indistinguishable from that of uninfected control subjects. These data suggest that at least some of the effects of HIV on the brain can be fully reversed with treatment

    Acceptability of Carraguard Vaginal Microbicide Gel among HIV-Infected Women in Chiang Rai, Thailand

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    Background: Few studies of microbicide acceptability among HIV-infected women have been done. We assessed CarraguardH vaginal gel acceptability among participants in a randomized, controlled, crossover safety trial in HIV-infected women in Thailand. Methodology/Principal Findings: Participants used each of 3 treatments (Carraguard gel, methylcellulose placebo gel, and no product) for 7 days, were randomized to one of six treatment sequences, and were blinded to the type of gel they received in the two gel-use periods. After both gel-use periods, acceptability was assessed by face-to-face interview. Responses were compared to those of women participating in two previous Carraguard safety studies at the same study site. Sixty women enrolled with a median age of 34 years; 25 % were sexually active. Self-reported adherence (98%) and overall satisfaction rating of the gels (87% liked ‘‘somewhat’ ’ or ‘‘very much’’) were high, and most (77%) considered the volume of gel ‘‘just right.’ ’ For most characteristics, crossover trial participants evaluated the gels more favorably than women in the other two trials, but there were few differences in the desired characteristics of a hypothetical microbicide. Almost half (48%) of crossover trial participants noticed a difference between Carraguard and placebo gels; 33 % preferred Carraguard while 12 % preferred placebo (p=0.01). Conclusions/Significance: Daily Carraguard vaginal gel use was highly acceptable in this population of HIV-infecte

    Asymmetric reproductive isolation between terminal forms of the salamander ring species Ensatina eschscholtzii revealed by fine-scale genetic analysis of a hybrid zone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ring species, exemplified by salamanders of the <it>Ensatina eschscholtzii </it>complex, represent a special window into the speciation process because they allow the history of species formation to be traced back in time through the geographically differentiated forms connecting the two terminal forms of the ring. Of particular interest is the nature and extent of reproductive isolation between the geographically terminal forms, in this case <it>E. e. eschscholtzii </it>and <it>E. e. klauberi</it>. Previous studies have documented infrequent hybridization at the end of the ring. Here, we report the first fine-scale genetic analysis of a hybrid zone between the terminal forms in southern California using individual-based Bayesian analyses of multilocus genetic data to estimate levels and direction of hybridization and maximum-likelihood analysis of linkage disequilibrium and cline shape to make inferences about migration and selection in the hybrid zone.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The center of the hybrid zone has a high proportion of hybrids, about half of which were classified as F1s. Clines are narrow with respect to dispersal, and there are significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium as well as nonrandom associations (linkage disequilibria) between alleles characteristic of each parental type. There is cytonuclear discordance, both in terms of introgression and the geographic position of mitochondrial versus nuclear clines. Genetic disequilibrium is concentrated on the <it>eschscholtzii </it>side of the zone. Nearly all hybrids possess <it>klauberi </it>mtDNA, indicating that most hybrids are formed from female <it>klauberi </it>mating with male <it>eschscholtzii </it>or male hybrids (but not vice versa).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results are consistent with a tension zone trapped at an ecotone, with gene combinations characteristic of <it>klauberi </it>showing up on the <it>eschscholtzii </it>side of the zone due to asymmetric hybridization. We suggest that the observed asymmetry is best explained by increased discriminatory power of <it>eschscholtzii </it>females, or asymmetric postzygotic isolation. The relatively high frequency of hybrids, particularly F1s, contrasts with other contacts between the terminal forms, and with other contacts between other divergent <it>Ensatina </it>lineages, highlighting the diverse outcomes of secondary contact within a single species complex.</p

    Heat shock protein-90-alpha, a prolactin-STAT5 target gene identified in breast cancer cells, is involved in apoptosis regulation

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    Introduction The prolactin-Janus-kinase-2-signal transducer and activator of transcription-5 (JAK2-STAT5) pathway is essential for the development and functional differentiation of the mammary gland. The pathway also has important roles in mammary tumourigenesis. Prolactin regulated target genes are not yet well defined in tumour cells, and we undertook, to the best of our knowledge, the first large genetic screen of breast cancer cells treated with or without exogenous prolactin. We hypothesise that the identification of these genes should yield insights into the mechanisms by which prolactin participates in cancer formation or progression, and possibly how it regulates normal mammary gland development. Methods We used subtractive hybridisation to identify a number of prolactin-regulated genes in the human mammary carcinoma cell line SKBR3. Northern blotting analysis and luciferase assays identified the gene encoding heat shock protein 90-alpha (HSP90A) as a prolactin-JAK2-STAT5 target gene, whose function was characterised using apoptosis assays. Results We identified a number of new prolactin-regulated genes in breast cancer cells. Focusing on HSP90A, we determined that prolactin increased HSP90A mRNA in cancerous human breast SKBR3 cells and that STAT5B preferentially activated the HSP90A promoter in reporter gene assays. Both prolactin and its downstream protein effector, HSP90&#945;, promote survival, as shown by apoptosis assays and by the addition of the HSP90 inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), in both untransformed HC11 mammary epithelial cells and SKBR3 breast cancer cells. The constitutive expression of HSP90A, however, sensitised differentiated HC11 cells to starvation-induced wild-type p53-independent apoptosis. Interestingly, in SKBR3 breast cancer cells, HSP90&#945; promoted survival in the presence of serum but appeared to have little effect during starvation. Conclusions In addition to identifying new prolactin-regulated genes in breast cancer cells, we found that prolactin-JAK2-STAT5 induces expression of the HSP90A gene, which encodes the master chaperone of cancer. This identifies one mechanism by which prolactin contributes to breast cancer. Increased expression of HSP90A in breast cancer is correlated with increased cell survival and poor prognosis and HSP90&#945; inhibitors are being tested in clinical trials as a breast cancer treatment. Our results also indicate that HSP90&#945; promotes survival depending on the cellular conditions and state of cellular transformation

    Impact of tree training system, branch type and position in the canopy on the ripening homogeneity of \u2018Abb\ue9 F\ue9tel\u2019 pear fruit

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    In pear, fruit ripening is not homogeneous, which leads to problems in harvest and storage management. To identify factors affecting the ripening homogeneity, structural, biochemical and molecular parameters were investigated. Fruits were sampled from trees trained with three different systems, spindle, V-shaped and bi-axis, and were further grouped on the basis of canopy position (top or bottom) and branch type (short-old-spurs, 3-year-old or older branches, 2-year-old branches and twigs). This study confirmed that the position in the canopy plays a crucial role in fruit ripening in V-shaped and bi-axis training systems. Fruit on the spindle training system was unaffected by the position of the canopy, albeit showing a large variability within the fruit of each part of the canopy. Such variability is much lower in the bi-axis and V-shaped systems. The spindle training system had no similarity in homogeneity indices between the molecular and physiological measurements. Partial least square discriminate analysis (PLS-DA) showed differences in training system, branch type and canopy position separated by the different physiological and molecular parameters. Short-old-spurs and twigs had the highest homogeneity and least variability in all training systems and branch types. In addition, partial least square path modelling (PLS-PM) was able to identify a high correlation between physiological measurements and ripening compared to that of molecular dat