74 research outputs found

    Fact or Factitious? A Psychobiological Study of Authentic and Simulated Dissociative Identity States

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    BACKGROUND: Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a disputed psychiatric disorder. Research findings and clinical observations suggest that DID involves an authentic mental disorder related to factors such as traumatization and disrupted attachment. A competing view indicates that DID is due to fantasy proneness, suggestibility, suggestion, and role-playing. Here we examine whether dissociative identity state-dependent psychobiological features in DID can be induced in high or low fantasy prone individuals by instructed and motivated role-playing, and suggestion. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: DID patients, high fantasy prone and low fantasy prone controls were studied in two different types of identity states (neutral and trauma-related) in an autobiographical memory script-driven (neutral or trauma-related) imagery paradigm. The controls were instructed to enact the two DID identity states. Twenty-nine subjects participated in the study: 11 patients with DID, 10 high fantasy prone DID simulating controls, and 8 low fantasy prone DID simulating controls. Autonomic and subjective reactions were obtained. Differences in psychophysiological and neural activation patterns were found between the DID patients and both high and low fantasy prone controls. That is, the identity states in DID were not convincingly enacted by DID simulating controls. Thus, important differences regarding regional cerebral bloodflow and psychophysiological responses for different types of identity states in patients with DID were upheld after controlling for DID simulation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The findings are at odds with the idea that differences among different types of dissociative identity states in DID can be explained by high fantasy proneness, motivated role-enactment, and suggestion. They indicate that DID does not have a sociocultural (e.g., iatrogenic) origin

    Predicting the safety and efficacy of butter therapy to raise tumour pHe: an integrative modelling study

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    Background: Clinical positron emission tomography imaging has demonstrated the vast majority of human cancers exhibit significantly increased glucose metabolism when compared with adjacent normal tissue, resulting in an acidic tumour microenvironment. Recent studies demonstrated reducing this acidity through systemic buffers significantly inhibits development and growth of metastases in mouse xenografts.\ud \ud Methods: We apply and extend a previously developed mathematical model of blood and tumour buffering to examine the impact of oral administration of bicarbonate buffer in mice, and the potential impact in humans. We recapitulate the experimentally observed tumour pHe effect of buffer therapy, testing a model prediction in vivo in mice. We parameterise the model to humans to determine the translational safety and efficacy, and predict patient subgroups who could have enhanced treatment response, and the most promising combination or alternative buffer therapies.\ud \ud Results: The model predicts a previously unseen potentially dangerous elevation in blood pHe resulting from bicarbonate therapy in mice, which is confirmed by our in vivo experiments. Simulations predict limited efficacy of bicarbonate, especially in humans with more aggressive cancers. We predict buffer therapy would be most effectual: in elderly patients or individuals with renal impairments; in combination with proton production inhibitors (such as dichloroacetate), renal glomular filtration rate inhibitors (such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors), or with an alternative buffer reagent possessing an optimal pK of 7.1–7.2.\ud \ud Conclusion: Our mathematical model confirms bicarbonate acts as an effective agent to raise tumour pHe, but potentially induces metabolic alkalosis at the high doses necessary for tumour pHe normalisation. We predict use in elderly patients or in combination with proton production inhibitors or buffers with a pK of 7.1–7.2 is most promising

    Internet-based treatment for PTSD reduces distress and facilitates the development of a strong therapeutic alliance: a randomized controlled clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: The present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of an internet-based therapy (Interapy) for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a German speaking population. Also, the quality of the online therapeutic relationship, its development and its relevance as potential moderator of the treatment effects was investigated. METHOD: Ninety-six patients with posttraumatic stress reactions were allocated at random to ten sessions of Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) conducted over a 5-week period or a waiting list control group. Severity of PTSD was the primary outcome. Secondary outcome variables were depression, anxiety, dissociation and physical health. Follow-up assessments were conducted at the end of treatment and 3 months after treatment. RESULTS: From baseline to post-treatment assessment, PTSD severity and other psychopathological symptoms were significantly improved for the treatment group (intent-to-treat group x time interaction effect size d = 1.40). Additionally, patients of the treatment condition showed significantly greater reduction of co-morbid depression and anxiety as compared to the waiting list condition. These effects were sustained during the 3-months follow-up period. High ratings of the therapeutic alliance and low drop-out rates indicated that a positive and stable therapeutic relationship could be established online. Significant improvement of the online working alliance in the course of treatment and a substantial correlation between the quality of the online relationship at the end of treatment and treatment outcome emerged. CONCLUSION: Interapy proved to be a viable treatment alternative for PTSD with large effect sizes and sustained treatment effects. A stable and positive online therapeutic relationship can be established through the Internet which improved during the treatment process. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN012606000401550

    The Transient Receptor Potential Ion Channel TRPV6 Is Expressed at Low Levels in Osteoblasts and Has Little Role in Osteoblast Calcium Uptake

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    Background: TRPV6 ion channels are key mediators of regulated transepithelial absorption of Ca2+ within the small intestine. Trpv6-/- mice were reported to have lower bone density than wild-type littermates and significant disturbances in calcium homeostasis that suggested a role for TRPV6 in osteoblasts during bone formation and mineralization. TRPV6 and molecules related to transepithelial Ca2+ transport have been reported to be expressed at high levels in human and mouse osteoblasts. Results: Transmembrane ion currents in whole cell patch clamped SaOS-2 osteoblasts did not show sensitivity to ruthenium red, an inhibitor of TRPV5/6 ion channels, and 45Ca uptake was not significantly affected by ruthenium red in either SaOS-2 (P = 0.77) or TE-85 (P = 0.69) osteoblastic cells. In contrast, ion currents and 45Ca uptake were both significantly affected in a human bronchial epithelial cell line known to express TRPV6. TRPV6 was expressed at lower levels in osteoblastic cells than has been reported in some literature. In SaOS-2 TRPV6 mRNA was below the assay detection limit; in TE-85 TRPV6 mRNA was detected at 6.90±1.9 × 10−5 relative to B2M. In contrast, TRPV6 was detected at 7.7±3.0 × 10−2 and 2.38±0.28 × 10−4 the level of B2M in human carcinoma-derived cell lines LNCaP and CaCO-2 respectively. In murine primary calvarial osteoblasts TRPV6 was detected at 3.80±0.24 × 10−5 relative to GAPDH, in contrast with 4.3±1.5 × 10−2 relative to GAPDH in murine duodenum. By immunohistochemistry, TRPV6 was expressed mainly in myleocytic cells of the murine bone marrow and was observed only at low levels in murine osteoblasts, osteocytes or growth plate cartilage. Conclusions: TRPV6 is expressed only at low levels in osteoblasts and plays little functional role in osteoblastic calcium uptake

    Influence of 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1, 25(OH)2D3] on the expression of Sox 9 and the transient receptor potential vanilloid 5/6 ion channels in equine articular chondrocytes

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    Background Sox 9 is a major marker of chondrocyte differentiation. When chondrocytes are cultured in vitro they progressively de-differentiate and this is associated with a decline in Sox 9 expression. The active form of vitamin D, 1, 25 (OH)2D3 has been shown to be protective of cartilage in both humans and animals. In this study equine articular chondrocytes were grown in culture and the effects of 1, 25 (OH)2D3 upon Sox 9 expression examined. The expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) ion channels 5 and 6 in equine chondrocytes in vitro, we have previously shown, is inversely correlated with de-differentiation. The expression of these channels in response to 1, 25 (OH)2D3 administration was therefore also examined. Results The active form of vitamin D (1, 25 (OH)2D3) when administered to cultured equine chondrocytes at two different concentrations significantly increased the expression of Sox 9 at both. In contrast 1, 25 (OH)2D3 had no significant effect upon the expression of either TRPV 5 or 6 at either the protein or the mRNA level. Conclusions The increased expression of Sox 9, in equine articular chondrocytes in vitro, in response to the active form of vitamin D suggests that this compound could be utilized to inhibit the progressive de-differentiation that is normally observed in these cells. It is also supportive of previous studies indicating that 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 can have a protective effect upon cartilage in animals in vivo. The previously observed correlation between the degree of differentiation and the expression levels of TRPV 5/6 had suggested that these ion channels may have a direct involvement in, or be modulated by, the differentiation process in vitro. The data in the present study do not support this

    Bartter- and Gitelman-like syndromes: salt-losing tubulopathies with loop or DCT defects

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    Salt-losing tubulopathies with secondary hyperaldosteronism (SLT) comprise a set of well-defined inherited tubular disorders. Two segments along the distal nephron are primarily involved in the pathogenesis of SLTs: the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop, and the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). The functions of these pre- and postmacula densa segments are quite distinct, and this has a major impact on the clinical presentation of loop and DCT disorders – the Bartter- and Gitelman-like syndromes. Defects in the water-impermeable thick ascending limb, with its greater salt reabsorption capacity, lead to major salt and water losses similar to the effect of loop diuretics. In contrast, defects in the DCT, with its minor capacity of salt reabsorption and its crucial role in fine-tuning of urinary calcium and magnesium excretion, provoke more chronic solute imbalances similar to the effects of chronic treatment with thiazides. The most severe disorder is a combination of a loop and DCT disorder similar to the enhanced diuretic effect of a co-medication of loop diuretics with thiazides. Besides salt and water supplementation, prostaglandin E2-synthase inhibition is the most effective therapeutic option in polyuric loop disorders (e.g., pure furosemide and mixed furosemide–amiloride type), especially in preterm infants with severe volume depletion. In DCT disorders (e.g., pure thiazide and mixed thiazide–furosemide type), renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) blockers might be indicated after salt, potassium, and magnesium supplementation are deemed insufficient. It appears that in most patients with SLT, a combination of solute supplementation with some drug treatment (e.g., indomethacin) is needed for a lifetime

    Сетевая система контроля технологического процесса выращивания полупроводниковых кристаллов и тонких пленок

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    Экспериментальное моделирование аппаратно-программного обеспечения показало достаточную надежность работы системы и значительное уменьшение трудоемкости контроля и управления параметрами технологического процесса

    Registration of CT to pre-treatment MRI for planning of MR-HIFU ablation treatment of painful bone metastases

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    MR-HIFU is a new non-invasive treatment modality that can be used for palliation in patients with painful bone metastases. Since treatment strategies are mainly focused on the ablation of periosteal nerves, information on the presence and geometry of cortical bone influences the treatment strategy, both in determining the acoustic power and in avoiding safety issues related to far-field heating. Although MRI is available for imaging during treatment, CT is best used for examining the cortical bone. We present a registration method for registering CT and MR images of patients with bone metastases prior to therapy. CT and MRI data were obtained from nine patients with metastatic bone lesions at varying locations. A two-step registration approach was used, performing simultaneous rigid registration of all available MR images in the first step and an affine and deformable registration with an additional bone metric in the second step. The performance was evaluated using landmark annotation by clinical observers. An average registration error of 4.5 mm was obtained, which was comparable to the slice thickness of the data. The performance of the registration algorithm was satisfactory, even with differences in MRI acquisition parameters and for various anatomical sites. The obtained CT overlay is useful for treatment planning, as it allows an assessment of the integrity of the cortical bone. CT-MR registration is therefore recommended for HIFU treatment planning of patients with bone metastases