727 research outputs found

    Can we trust the chord (and the Hellinger) distance?

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    Abstract To avoid the problems associated with the Euclidean distance for the calculation of plot-to-plot dissimilarity, a variety of alternative measures have been proposed. Among them, the chord and the Hellinger distances are both obtained by first transforming separately the species abundances in each plot vector and then by calculating the Euclidean distance on the chord-transformed or the Hellinger-transformed data. However, although both measures are routinely used by ecologists as substitutes for the Euclidean distance, they have very different properties. In this paper, using a modified version of Dalton's principle of transfers, I will show that, unlike the Euclidean distance, the chord and the Hellinger distances are not monotonic to changes in absolute abundances. Therefore, they are not interchangeable with the Euclidean distance. The moral of this story is that although dissimilarity may appear an intuitively simple concept, the properties of even the best-known indices are not fully understood. Therefore, a clear understanding of old and new coefficients is needed to evaluate their ability to highlight relevant aspects of compositional dissimilarity among plots

    Components of functional diversity revisited: A new classification and its theoretical and practical implications

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    Functional diversity is regarded as a key concept for understanding the link between ecosystem function and biodiversity. The different and ecologically well-defined aspects of the concept are reflected by the so-called functional components, for example, functional richness and divergence. Many authors proposed that components be distinguished according to the multivariate technique on which they rely, but more recent studies suggest that several multivariate techniques, providing different functional representations (such as dendrograms and ordinations) of the community can in fact express the same functional component. Here, we review the relevant literature and find that (1) general ecological acceptance of the field is hampered by ambiguous terminology and (2) our understanding of the role of multivariate techniques in defining components is unclear. To address these issues, we provide new definitions for the three basic functional diversity components namely functional richness, functional divergence and functional regularity. In addition, we present a classification of presence-/absence-based approaches suitable for quantifying these components. We focus exclusively on the binary case for its relative simplicity. We find illogical, as well as logical but unused combinations of components and representations; and reveal that components can be quantified almost independently from the functional representation of the community. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of the new classification are discussed

    No evidence of increased fire risk due to agricultural land abandonment in Sardinia (Italy)

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    Abstract. Different land cover types are related to different levels of fire hazard through their vegetation structure and fuel load composition. Therefore, understanding the relationships between landscape changes and fire behavior is of crucial importance for developing adequate fire fighting and fire prevention strategies for a changing world. In the last decades the abandonment of agricultural lands and pastoral activities has been the major driver of landscape transformations in Mediterranean Europe. As agricultural land abandonment typically promotes an increase in plant biomass (fuel load), a number of authors argue that vegetation succession in abandoned fields and pastures is expected to increase fire hazard. In this short paper, based on 28 493 fires in Sardinia (Italy) in the period 2001–2010, we show that there is no evidence of increased probability of fire ignition in abandoned rural areas. To the contrary, in Sardinia the decreased human impact associated with agricultural land abandonment leads to a statistically significant decrease of fire ignition probability

    Quantifying the network connectivity of landscape mosaics: a graph-theoretical approach

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    Connectivity determines a large number of ecological functions of the landscape, including seed and animal dispersal, gene flow and disturbance propagation, and is therefore a key to understanding fluxes of matter and energy within land mosaics. Several approaches to quantifying landscape connectivity are possible. Among these, graph theory may be used to represent a landscape as a series of interconnected patches, where flows occur as a result of structural and/or functional patch connectivity. Within this context, we propose the use of a graph-theoretic index (i.e., the Harary index) as a measure of landscape connectivity. Results derived from the analysis of the vegetation map of Palmarola (central Italy) show that, from a statistical and ecological viewpoint, the Harary index may be a better measure of landscape connectivity than more traditional indices derived from transportation geography

    Improvement of Carrot Stands with Plant Biostimulants and Fluid Drilling

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    We determined if application of certain naturally occurring compounds would stimulate emergence, growth, and development of carrot (Daucus carota L.). The commercially available biostimulants Agro-Lig, Enersol (humic acids), and Ergostim (folic acid) were added at a concentration of 1.5% (w/v) to Laponite 508 (magnesium sulfate) gel used in fluid drilling. Agro-Lig, Enersol and Ergostim increased carrot emergence \u3e2-fold as measured by number of roots as compared to untreated seed. Number of carrots increased 50% to 75% when biostimulants were incorporated into the gel, compared to fluid-drilled seed without the biostimulants. When biostimulants were applied as a drench over untreated seeds sown conventionally, the average root weight obtained was more than twice that from untreated seeds

    Autonomous 3D geometry reconstruction through robot-manipulated optical sensors

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    Many industrial sectors face increasing production demands and the need to reduce costs, without compromising the quality. The use of robotics and automation has grown significantly in recent years, but versatile robotic manipulators are still not commonly used in small factories. Beside of the investments required to enable efficient and profitable use of robot technology, the efforts needed to program robots are only economically viable in case of large lot sizes. Generating robot programs for specific manufacturing tasks still relies on programming trajectory waypoints by hand. The use of virtual simulation software and the availability of the specimen digital models can facilitate robot programming. Nevertheless, in many cases, the virtual models are not available or there are excessive differences between virtual and real setups, leading to inaccurate robot programs and time-consuming manual corrections. Previous works have demonstrated the use of robot-manipulated optical sensors to map the geometry of samples. However, the use of simple user-defined robot paths, which are not optimized for a specific part geometry, typically causes some areas of the samples to not be mapped with the required level of accuracy or to not be sampled at all by the optical sensor. This work presents an autonomous framework to enable adaptive surface mapping, without any previous knowledge of the part geometry being transferred to the system. The novelty of this work lies in enabling the capability of mapping a part surface at the required level of sampling density, whilst minimizing the number of necessary view poses. Its development has also led to an efficient method of point cloud down-sampling and merging. The article gives an overview of the related work in the field, a detailed description of the proposed framework and a proof of its functionality through both simulated and experimental evidences

    Gribov horizon and i-particles: about a toy model and the construction of physical operators

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    Restricting the functional integral to the Gribov region Ω\Omega leads to a deep modification of the behavior of Euclidean Yang-Mills theories in the infrared region. For example, a gluon propagator of the Gribov type, k2k4+γ^4\frac{k^2}{k^4+{\hat \gamma}^4}, can be viewed as a propagating pair of unphysical modes, called here ii-particles, with complex masses ±iγ^2\pm i{\hat \gamma}^2. From this viewpoint, gluons are unphysical and one can see them as being confined. We introduce a simple toy model describing how a suitable set of composite operators can be constructed out of ii-particles whose correlation functions exhibit only real branch cuts, with associated positive spectral density. These composite operators can thus be called physical and are the toy analogy of glueballs in the Gribov-Zwanziger theory.Comment: 35 pages, 10 .pdf figures. v2: version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The ternary diagram of functional diversity

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    Among the many diversity indices in the ecologist toolbox, measures that can be partitioned into additive terms are particularly useful as the different components can be related to different ecological processes shaping community structure. In this paper, an additive diversity decomposition is proposed to partition the diversity structure of a given community into three complementary fractions: functional diversity, functional redundancy and species dominance. These three components sum up to one. Therefore, they can be used to portray the community structure in a ternary diagram. Since the identification of community-level patterns is an essential step to investigate the main drivers of species coexistence, the ternary diagram of functional diversity can be used to relate different facets of diversity to community assembly processes more exhaustively than looking only at one index at a time. The value of the proposed diversity decomposition is demonstrated by the analysis of actual abundance data on plant assemblages sampled in grazed and ungrazed grasslands in Tuscany (Central Italy)

    Left Spigelian Hernia in Super-Obese Patient: A Case-Report.

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    Abstract: We report a case in which a giant Spigelian hernia presented with severe, persistent abdominal pain in a 62- year-old super-obese woman with a history of total abdominal hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy at the age of 40 years for benign neoplasia, who later underwent open hernia repair (maximal diameter of the hernia sac: 21 cm) because of the development of compartment syndrome. Afterward, although a large incarcerated hernia disease was found, the sac removal was technically difficult and an open procedure was carried out, with double-mesh placement. No complications were recorded during the post-operative course. We report a difficult issue related to the diagnosis and management of this pathology, underlining the complete surgical repair to avoid hernia recurrence

    An Overview of the Strategies to Boost SARS-CoV-2-Specific Immunity in People with Inborn Errors of Immunity

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has heightened concerns about immunological protection, especially for individuals with inborn errors of immunity (IEI). While COVID-19 vaccines elicit strong immune responses in healthy individuals, their effectiveness in IEI patients remains unclear, particularly against new viral variants and vaccine formulations. This uncertainty has led to anxiety, prolonged self-isolation, and repeated vaccinations with uncertain benefits among IEI patients. Despite some level of immune response from vaccination, the definition of protective immunity in IEI individuals is still unknown. Given their susceptibility to severe COVID-19, strategies such as immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgRT) and monoclonal antibodies have been employed to provide passive immunity, and protection against both current and emerging variants. This review examines the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and antibody-based therapies in IEI patients, their capacity to recognize viral variants, and the necessary advances required for the ongoing protection of people with IEIs.</p
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