201 research outputs found

    Kelsen e la religione

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    This paper focuses on the relationship between religion and politics in Hans Kelsen's theory of law. It moves from the idea that this relationship has a central importance in understanding the Reine Rechslehre as a project and plays a crucial role in Kelsen's reflexions on democracy and moral relativis

    Metamorphosis of the concept of legality

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    Las palabras que revelan conceptos esenciales y situaciones fundamentales de la teoría y de la práctica jurídica y política no siempre tienen el mismo significado, sino que adquieren significados diferentes con relación a las diversas configuraciones históricas y geográficas de la sociedad civil y de la sociedad política. Lo mismo ocurre con el principio de legalidad y con el concepto de legalidad con este relacionado. En este artículo, queremos esbozar un cuadro del cambio del concepto de legalidad con referencia a la evolución de la forma de Estado –de Estado de derecho a Estado social– y al Estado constitucional. La última metamorfosis de la legalidad parece destacar la pérdida o, por lo menos, una crisis profunda de elementos fundamentales –antes que todo, el elemento de la certeza del derecho– que habían caracterizado la estructura y los ideales del concepto tradicional de legalidad.The words expressing essential concepts and fundamental ideas about legal and political theory and practice do not always recur with the same meaning, but they assume a different meaning depending on the different historical and geographical configurations of the civil and political society. The same thing is for the rule of law and for the relative concept of legality. Here, we want to give a hint of how the concept of legality has changed with reference to the evolution of the form of the State, from the legal State to the social State and, finally, to the constitutional State. The last metamorphosis of legality seems to show the loss, or at least, a deep crisis of fundamental elements, first of all the certainty of law, which had marked the structure and the ideals of the traditional concept of legality

    Democracy and constitutionalism

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    El Estado constitucional no puede no ser un Estado democrático. ¿En qué medida, entonces, la actual crisis de la democracia es también una crisis del Estado democrático de Derecho? La respuesta que se sugiere en el presente ensayo constata una de las razones de la crisis actual de la democracia en la adopción general de la forma político-jurídica del Estado constitucional de Derecho caracterizado por una hipertrofia de las modalidades “jurídicas” de gestión de las relaciones sociales y de adopción de las decisiones políticas. La democracia corre el riesgo de encontrarse enjaulada en inmensos y oscuros complejos de disposiciones normativas de todo orden y grado, que impiden la participación de los ciudadanos ordinarios y reservan la cosa pública a la especialización de unos pocos técnicos.The constitutional State is necessarily a democratic state. To what extent, then, the current crisis of democracy is also a crisis of the democratic rule of law? The answer suggested in this essay considers as one of the reasons for the current crisis of democracy the general adoption of the political-legal form of the Constitutional State, characterized by a hypertrophy of the “legal” forms of management of the social relations and political decision-making. Democracy runs the risk of being caged in immense and obscure sets of normative dispositions of every order and degree, hindering the participation of ordinary citizens and reserving public affairs to the expertise of a few technicians

    Metamorfosis del concepto de legalidad.

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    The words expressing essential concepts and fundamental ideas about legal and political theory and practice do not always recur with the same meaning, but they assume a different meaning depending on the different historical and geographical configurations of the civil and political society. The same thing is for the rule of law and for the relative concept of legality. Here, we want to give a hint of how the concept of legality has changed with reference to the evolution of the form of the State, from the legal State to the social State and, finally, to the constitutional State. The last metamorphosis of legality seems to show the loss, or at least, a deep crisis of fundamental elements, first of all the certainty of law, which had marked the structure and the ideals of the traditional concept of legality.Las palabras que revelan conceptos esenciales y situaciones fundamentales de la teoría y de la práctica jurídica y política no siempre tienen el mismo significado, sino que adquieren significados diferentes con relación a las diversas configuraciones históricas y geográficas de la sociedad civil y de la sociedad política. Lo mismo ocurre con el principio de legalidad y con el concepto de legalidad con este relacionado. En este artículo, queremos esbozar un cuadro del cambio del concepto de legalidad con referencia a la evolución de la forma de Estado –de Estado de derecho a Estado social– y al Estado constitucional. La última metamorfosis de la legalidad parece destacar la pérdida o, por lo menos, una crisis profunda de elementos fundamentales –antes que todo, el elemento de la certeza del derecho– que habían caracterizado la estructura y los ideales del concepto tradicional de legalidad

    Particle Number PEMS: Inter-Laboratory: Comparison Exercise

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    This report summarizes the results of the Inter-Laboratory Comparison Exercise for the PN-PEMS equipment that took place between September 2015 and January 2016. The accuracy and precision of PN measurement with two different PN-PEMS was assessed with one selected Golden Vehicle in seven different laboratories across Europe, providing indications for drafting the third package of the RDE regulation. The differences of the PN-PEMS to the reference system at the CVS were between -40% and +40%; similar to those between the reference system at the tailpipe and the CVS. The accuracy and precision of the PN-PEMS, as estimated by comparing them with the reference system at the tailpipe were 10.4% ± 11.9% for the diffusion charger based PN-PEMS and -8.0% ±9.5% for the CPC-based PN-PEMS. The larger differences compared to the reference system at the CVS can be explained by particle transformations between the vehicle tailpipe and the CVS and calibration uncertainties of the reference systems at the CVS. On road tests showed that the PN-PEMS were stable and measuring as in the laboratory. For the tested vehicle technology, there were not significant deviations between the PN emissions measured in the laboratory and the PN emissions measured under real driving conditions at ambient temperatures between 3°C and 25°C.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    EU-PEMS PM Pilot Program: Testing, data analysis and results.

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    The present work was conducted in the frame of the EU PEMS PM Evaluation programme. The program was launched in 2008 by the European Commission [1] to assess the potential of portable instruments to measure particulate emissions on-board of vehicles. The EU-PEMS program is a voluntary program, receiving contributions from the European Joint Research Centre (JRC), some portable emissions instrument manufacturers (AVL, Control Sistem, Sensors Inc, Horiba) and the European association of heavy-duty engines manufacturers (ACEA). After the successful completion of the laboratory evaluation program with the identification and recommendation of the candidate principles [3, 4, 5], the second phase of the process was launched with the on-road measurement of PM with the updated instrumentation recommended in the validation program (PEMS PM Pilot Program). The PEMS PM Pilot program concludes the research phase of the PEMS PM instrumentation into its inclusion in the Euro VI regulationJRC.F.8-Sustainable Transpor

    Performance of diethylene glycol based particle counters in the sub 3 nm size range [Discussion paper]

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    When studying new particle formation, the uncertainty in determining the "true" nucleation rate is considerably reduced when using Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs) capable of measuring concentrations of aerosol particles at sizes close to or even at the critical cluster size (1–2 nm). Recently CPCs, able to reliably detect particles below 2 nm in size and even close to 1 nm became available. The corrections needed to calculate nucleation rates are substantially reduced compared to scaling the observed formation rate to the nucleation rate at the critical cluster size. However, this improved instrumentation requires a careful characterization of their cut-off size and the shape of the detection efficiency curve because relatively small shifts in the cut-off size can translate into larger relative errors when measuring particles close to the cut-off size. Here we describe the development of two continuous flow CPCs using diethylene glycol (DEG) as the working fluid. The design is based on two TSI 3776 counters. Several sets of measurements to characterize their performance at different temperature settings were carried out. Furthermore two mixing-type Particle Size Magnifiers (PSM) A09 from Airmodus were characterized in parallel. One PSM was operated at the highest mixing ratio (1 L min−1 saturator flow), and the other was operated in a scanning mode, where the mixing ratios are changed periodically, resulting in a range of cut-off sizes. Different test aerosols were generated using a nano-Differential Mobility Analyzer (nano-DMA) or a high resolution DMA, to obtain detection efficiency curves for all four CPCs. One calibration setup included a high resolution mass spectrometer (APi-TOF) for the determination of the chemical composition of the generated clusters. The lowest cut-off sizes were achieved with negatively charged ammonium sulphate clusters, resulting in cut-offs of 1.4 nm for the laminar flow CPCs and 1.2 and 1.1 nm for the PSMs. A comparison of one of the laminar-flow CPCs and one of the PSMs measuring ambient and laboratory air showed good agreement between the instruments

    How Do Amines Affect the Growth of Recently Formed Aerosol Particles

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    Growth rates of recently born nanometer-scale particles were measured during the CLOUD experiments at CERN. Combining the data from several recently developed measurement techniques allowed us to follow the growth of the particles starting from molecules to molecular clusters and finally to climatically relevant particles. We studied the binary system with sulphuric acid and water, and the ternary systems with ammonia or dimethylamine added to the chamber, both in purely neutral situation, and with ionization from cosmic rays or the CERN particle beam