2,971 research outputs found

    Management and treatment of sinonasal inverted papilloma

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    Aims: The aim of this paper is to describe the surgical experience of 35 patients with Inverted Papilloma (IP) of paranasal sinuses and its recurrence rate after a year of follow-up. Materials: A retrospective chart review was performed on patients presenting with IP of paranasal sinuses. Thirty-five patients comprised the focus of this study. For all patients was performed a pre-surgery TC, and for more 5 patients it was necessary to perform a Magnetic Resonance (MR) with gadolinium. Results: Among 35 patients selected, 18 patients underwent to open surgery, 4 patients had a combined approach with endoscopy and open surgery, while 13 patients were managed only with an endoscopic approach, with a minimum of 1 year of follow-up. Our results highlighted that the global percentage of success 12 months after the treatment was 93% and it not vary according to the tipology of the approach used if a radical excision of the lesion is achieved. More in depth, among 35 cases, only 2 patients were found to have recurrences and were treated with coronal and endoscopic approach. Conclusion: It is fundamental to underline that surgery must be carried on in a radical manner to treat these tend to recur. A complete removal of the lesion and bone peripheral border filing are essential to perform a correct and definitive treatment. Also, endoscopic approach can be taken into account when tumors are localized median to a sagittal plan crossing the orbit median wall and when they did not massively compromised paranasal sinus walls

    Aesthetic restoration in maxillo-mandibular malformations: the role of genioplasty

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to determinate how orthognatic surgery aids to cure many skull and face abnormalities and to help re-establishing the correct occlusive relation thanks to the repositioning of the maxillo-mandibular skeleton basis. Methods: The study included 183 male patients and 338 female patients, with an average age of 23 years. The sample series was divided according to specific pathologies. All patients underwent surgical procedures and the therapeutic strategy was determined based on the anomalies presented. Results: 113 patients had a II class dental skeletal occlusion, 180 patients had a III class dental-skeletal occlusion and 222 patients had skull-facial abnormalities. 5 patients underwent only a genioplasty, 82 patients underwent a genioplasty associated with BSSO, 175 patients underwent a genioplasty associated with Le Fort I osteotomy and the remaining 253 patients underwent a genioplasty associated with BSSO and Le Fort I osteotomy. Conclusion: The experience shows that genioplasty has been successfully introduced in orthognathic surgical therapeutic procedures, for dental-skeleton abnormalities and mandibular asymmetries treatment. In recent years, the evolution of computer systems has allowed an accurate assessment and programming, by means of the three-dimensional display, which are of great help in the course of diagnosis and evaluation of the displacements to be carried out, in order to obtain optimal aesthetic results

    Pro12Ala polymorphism in the PPARG gene contributes to the development of diabetic nephropathy in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients: comment on the study by Liu et al.

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    We read with interest the article by Liu et al. (1) showing that the Pro/Pro genotype of the peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor (PPAR)-γ2 is a significant independent predictor of the development of diabetic nephropathy in a large population of Chinese type 2 diabetic patients. The study confirms, in a different ethnic group, what has already been shown in relatively small studies conducted in Caucasian diabetic patients (i.e., a population with lower prevalence of diabetic nephropathy and higher frequency of Pro12Ala genotype than the Chinese population), although none of these studies provides a complete evaluation of renal function (2–4). We report data that confirm the association between the Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR-γ2 and urinary albumin excretion rate (AER) in

    How Well Can We Control Dyslipidemias Through Lifestyle Modifications?

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    The role for lifestyle modifications to correct dyslipidemia(s) is reviewed. Dietary composition is crucial. Replacing saturated fat with MUFA or n-6 PUFA lowers plasma low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol and ameliorates the LDL/HDL ratio. Replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates has diverging effects due to the heterogeneity of carbohydrate foods. Diets rich in refined carbohydrates increase fasting and postprandial triglycerides, whereas the consumption of fiber-rich, low GI foods lowers LDL cholesterol with no detrimental effects on triglycerides. The role of polyphenols is debated: available evidence suggests a lowering effect of polyphenol-rich foods on postprandial triglycerides. As for functional foods, health claims on a cholesterol lowering effect of psyllium, beta-glucans and phytosterols are accepted by regulatory agencies. The importance of alcohol intake, weight reduction, and physical activity is discussed. In conclusion, there is evidence that lifestyle affects plasma lipid. A multifactorial approach including multiple changes with additive effects is the best option. This may also ensure feasibility and durability. The traditional Mediterranean way of life can represent a useful model

    A systematic review on the relations between pasta consumption and cardio-metabolic risk factors

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    Aims: The traditional Italian dish pasta is major food source of starch with low glycemic index (GI), and also an important low-GI component of the Mediterranean diet. This systematic review aimed at assessing comprehensively and in-depth the potential benefit of pasta on cardio-metabolic disease risk factors. Data Synthesis: Following a standard protocol, we conducted a systematic literature search of PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, for prospective cohort studies and randomized controlled dietary intervention trials that examined pasta, and pasta-related fiber and grain intake in relation to cardio-metabolic risk factors of interest. Studies evaluating postprandial glucose response to pasta compared to bread or potato were quantitatively summarized using meta-analysis of standardized mean difference. Evidence from studies with pasta as part of low-GI dietary intervention and studies investigating different types of pasta were qualitatively summarized. Conclusions: Pasta meals have significant lower postprandial glucose response compared to bread or potato meals, but evidence was lacking in terms of how the intake of pasta can influence cardio-metabolic disease risk. More long-term randomized controlled trials are needed where investigators directly contrast the cardio-metabolic effects of pasta and bread or potato. Long-term prospective cohort studies with required data available should also be analyzed regarding the effect of pasta intake on disease endpoints

    Effects of wholegrain cereal foods on plasma short chain fatty acid concentrations in individuals with the metabolic syndrome

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    Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) derived from dietary fiber fermentation by gut microbiota have been identified as one of the mechanisms behind the association between habitual whole-grain intake and a lower risk of cardiometabolic diseases. The aims of the present work are: (1) to evaluate whether a whole-grain wheat-based diet may increase SCFAs concentration, and (2) to identify possible associations between SCFAs and metabolic changes observed after the nutritional intervention
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