19,484 research outputs found

    Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA) - a case study of leek production

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    Purpose – Sustainable agriculture implies the ability of agro-ecosystems to remain productive in the long-term. It is not easy to point out unambiguously whether or not current production systems meet this sustainability demand. A priori thinking would suggest that organic crops are environmentally favourable, but may ignore the effect of reduced productivity, which shifts the potential impact to other parts of the food provision system. The purpose of this paper is to assess the ecological sustainability of conventional and organic leek production by means of life cycle assessment (LCA). Design/methodology/approach – A cradle-to-farm gate LCA is applied, based on real farm data from two research centres. For a consistent comparison, two functional units (FU) were defined: 1ha and 1?kg of leek production. Findings – Assessed on an area basis, organic farming shows a more favourable environmental profile. These overall benefits are strongly reduced when the lower yields are taken into account. Related to organic farming it is therefore important that solutions are found to substantially increase the yields without increasing the environmental burden. Related to conventional farming, important potential for environmental improvements are in optimising the farm nutrient flows, reducing pesticide use and increasing its self-supporting capacity. Research limitations/implications – The research is a cradle-to-farm gate LCA, future research can be expanded to comprise all phases from cradle-to-grave to get an idea of the total sustainability of our present food consumption patterns. The research is also limited to the case of leek production. Future research can apply the methodology to other crops. Originality/value – To date, there is still lack of clear evidence of the added value of organic farming compared to conventional farming on environmental basis. Few studies have compared organic and conventional food production by means of LCA. This paper addresses these issues

    Group theory for structural analysis and lattice vibrations in phosphorene systems

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    Group theory analysis for two-dimensional elemental systems related to phosphorene is presented, including (i) graphene, silicene, germanene and stanene, (ii) dependence on the number of layers and (iii) two stacking arrangements. Departing from the most symmetric D6h1D_{6h}^{1} graphene space group, the structures are found to have a group-subgroup relation, and analysis of the irreducible representations of their lattice vibrations makes it possible to distinguish between the different allotropes. The analysis can be used to study the effect of strain, to understand structural phase transitions, to characterize the number of layers, crystallographic orientation and nonlinear phenomena.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamical analysis of the cluster pair: A3407 + A3408

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    We carried out a dynamical study of the galaxy cluster pair A3407 \& A3408 based on a spectroscopic survey obtained with the 4 meter Blanco telescope at the CTIO, plus 6dF data, and ROSAT All-Sky-Survey. The sample consists of 122 member galaxies brighter than mR=20m_R=20. Our main goal is to probe the galaxy dynamics in this field and verify if the sample constitutes a single galaxy system or corresponds to an ongoing merging process. Statistical tests were applied to clusters members showing that both the composite system A3407 + A3408 as well as each individual cluster have Gaussian velocity distribution. A velocity gradient of 847±114\sim 847\pm 114 km  s1\rm km\;s^{-1} was identified around the principal axis of the projected distribution of galaxies, indicating that the global field may be rotating. Applying the KMM algorithm to the distribution of galaxies we found that the solution with two clusters is better than the single unit solution at the 99\% c.l. This is consistent with the X-ray distribution around this field, which shows no common X-ray halo involving A3407 and A3408. We also estimated virial masses and applied a two-body model to probe the dynamics of the pair. The more likely scenario is that in which the pair is gravitationally bound and probably experiences a collapse phase, with the cluster cores crossing in less than \sim1 h1h^{-1} Gyr, a pre-merger scenario. The complex X-ray morphology, the gas temperature, and some signs of galaxy evolution in A3408 suggests a post-merger scenario, with cores having crossed each other 1.65h1\sim 1.65 h^{-1}Gyr ago, as an alternative solution.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS, accepted 2016 May 9. Received 2016 May 9; in original form 2016 April 1

    Nanometric pitch in modulated structures of twist-bend nematic liquid crystals

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    The extended Frank elastic energy density is used to investigate the existence of a stable periodically modulate structure that appears as a ground state exhibiting a twist-bend molecular arrangement. For an unbounded sample, we show that the twist-bend nematic phase NTBN_{TB} is characterized by a heliconical structure with a pitch in the nano-metric range, in agreement with experimental results. For a sample of finite thickness, we show that the wave vector of the stable periodic structure depends not only on the elastic parameters but also on the anchoring energy, easy axis direction, and the thickness of the sample.Comment: 11 page

    General scalar products in the arbitrary six-vertex model

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    In this work we use the algebraic Bethe ansatz to derive the general scalar product in the six-vertex model for generic Boltzmann weights. We performed this calculation using only the unitarity property, the Yang-Baxter algebra and the Yang-Baxter equation. We have derived a recurrence relation for the scalar product. The solution of this relation was written in terms of the domain wall partition functions. By its turn, these partition functions were also obtained for generic Boltzmann weights, which provided us with an explicit expression for the general scalar product.Comment: 24 page

    Thermal radio emission from novae & symbiotics with the Square Kilometre Array

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    The thermal radio emission of novae during outburst enables us to derive fundamental quantities such as the ejected mass, kinetic energy, and density profile of the ejecta. Recent observations with newly-upgraded facilities such as the VLA and e-MERLIN are just beginning to reveal the incredibly complex processes of mass ejection in novae (ejections appear to often proceed in multiple phases and over prolonged timescales). Symbiotic stars can also exhibit outbursts, which are sometimes accompanied by the expulsion of material in jets. However, unlike novae, the long-term thermal radio emission of symbiotics originates in the wind of the giant secondary star, which is irradiated by the hot white dwarf. The effect of the white dwarf on the giant's wind is strongly time variable, and the physical mechanism driving these variations remains a mystery (possibilities include accretion instabilities and time-variable nuclear burning on the white dwarf's surface). The exquisite sensitivity of SKA1 will enable us to survey novae throughout the Galaxy, unveiling statistically complete populations. With SKA2 it will be possible to carry out similar studies in the Magellanic Clouds. This will enable high-quality tests of the theory behind accretion and mass loss from accreting white dwarfs, with significant implications for determining their possible role as Type Ia supernova progenitors. Observations with SKA1-MID in particular, over a broad range of frequencies, but with emphasis on the higher frequencies, will provide an unparalleled view of the physical processes driving mass ejection and resulting in the diversity of novae, whilst also determining the accretion processes and rates in symbiotic stars.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, in proceedings of "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", PoS(AASKA14)116, in pres

    Disorder effects at low temperatures in La_{0.7-x}Y_{x}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3} manganites

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    With the aim of probing the effect of magnetic disorder in the low-temperature excitations of manganites, specific-heat measurements were performed in zero field, and in magnetic fields up to 9 T in polycrystalline samples of La_{0.7-x}Y_{x}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}, with Y concentrations x=0, 0.10, and 0.15. Yttrium doping yielded the appearance of a cluster-glass state, giving rise to unusual low-temperature behavior of the specific-heat. The main feature observed in the results is a strong enhancement of the specific-heat linear term, which is interpreted as a direct consequence of magnetic disorder. The analysis was further corroborated by resistivity measurements in the same compounds.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Effectiveness of Psycho-Educational Intervention in HIV Patients' Treatment

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    Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is the main prognostic factor associated with HIV disease progression and death. The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a psycho-educational program to promote adherence to HAART in HIV patients. A longitudinal study (n = 102) over 9 months in an Infectious Diseases Hospital was carried out. Adherence to HAART was measured with standardized scales and values of viral load. Two groups were defined: adherents and non-adherents. In the latter, a psycho-educational program was implemented and 6 months later measured adherence to HAART. Knowledge about the infection, CD4 T lymphocytes and HIV-ribonucleic acid values were measured before and after this program. The sample was predominantly male (70%), heterosexual (78%), with a mean age of 49 (SD = 12.7) years, and 48% of participants were not adhering to HAART. After the program, non-adherence decreased to 21.6%. Knowledge about the infection increased from 79 to 97%. A significant increase in CD4 T lymphocytes (mean 540-580) and a decrease in viral load (mean 5411-3052) were observed, the latter of statistical significance. This program seems to be feasible and efficient, improving adherence to HAART