8 research outputs found

    Somatic mosaicism and common genetic variation contribute to the risk of very-early-onset inflammatory bowel disease

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    Abstract: Very-early-onset inflammatory bowel disease (VEO-IBD) is a heterogeneous phenotype associated with a spectrum of rare Mendelian disorders. Here, we perform whole-exome-sequencing and genome-wide genotyping in 145 patients (median age-at-diagnosis of 3.5 years), in whom no Mendelian disorders were clinically suspected. In five patients we detect a primary immunodeficiency or enteropathy, with clinical consequences (XIAP, CYBA, SH2D1A, PCSK1). We also present a case study of a VEO-IBD patient with a mosaic de novo, pathogenic allele in CYBB. The mutation is present in ~70% of phagocytes and sufficient to result in defective bacterial handling but not life-threatening infections. Finally, we show that VEO-IBD patients have, on average, higher IBD polygenic risk scores than population controls (99 patients and 18,780 controls; P < 4 × 10−10), and replicate this finding in an independent cohort of VEO-IBD cases and controls (117 patients and 2,603 controls; P < 5 × 10−10). This discovery indicates that a polygenic component operates in VEO-IBD pathogenesis

    Transtorno de humor bipolar: diversas apresentações de uma mesma doença Bipolar mood disorder: different occurrences of the same disease

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    O presente relato tem por objetivo acompanhar a evolução de um caso que se apresentou como mutismo seletivo e evoluiu para transtorno de humor bipolar e chamar atenção para a diversidade de sintomas possíveis no transtorno de humor. Em geral, o mutismo seletivo tem início na idade pré-escolar, porém os sintomas chamam mais atenção na idade escolar. A importância do diagnóstico e tratamento precoces reside na prevenção das complicações, tais como distúrbios no desenvolvimento social e acadêmico e na auto-estima, além da possibilidade de evolução para outros transtornos de ansiedade. O transtorno de humor bipolar é uma doença mental caracterizada por variações extremas no humor. Na criança, prejudica o crescimento emocional e seu desenvolvimento. É confundido com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade e transtornos de comportamento, tais como transtorno de conduta e desafiador opositivo. A paciente do sexo feminino, quando avaliada, estava com 5 anos e 9 meses de idade. Concluiu-se o diagnóstico como mutismo seletivo. Foi indicada psicoterapia, com orientações aos pais e à escola, e iniciado o uso de inibidores seletivos de recaptação da serotonina, com boa resposta aos sintomas de ansiedade, mas passou a apresentar piora significativa do comportamento. Foi levantada a hipótese diagnóstica de transtorno de humor bipolar de início precoce. Medicada com estabilizador, apresentou adequação na terceira medicação e evolução satisfatória. O mutismo seletivo, considerado um transtorno de ansiedade na infância, pode ser pródromo para outros quadros psiquiátricos na infância. Há necessidade que os pediatras, médicos que primeiro acessam essas crianças, assim como os psiquiatras da infância, estejam atentos à riqueza de sintomas que pode dar seguimento ao quadro.<br>The purpose of the present case report is to follow the evolution of a child who presented selective mutism and evolved into bipolar mood disorder, and also to draw attention to the diversity of possible symptoms of mood disorders. In general, selective mutism starts at preschool age, although the symptoms are more evident at school age. The importance of an early diagnosis and treatment lies in the prevention of some complications, such as social and academic development and self-esteem, besides the possibility of the development of other anxiety disorders. Bipolar mood disorder is a mental disease characterized by extreme mood variations. In childhood, it hinders the child's emotional growth and development. Selective mutism is mistaken by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and behavioral disorders, such as conduct disorder and oppositional defiance disorder. The present case report is about a female patient evaluated at 5 years and 9 months of age. We concluded the case as being a selective mutism disorder. Not only psychotherapy, with parent and school orientation, but also medication was prescribed. The first prescribed medication was use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors with good results regarding anxiety symptoms, although the patient started to present significant deterioration in behavior. Because of that, the diagnostic hypothesis came to be bipolar mood disorder with an early start. The patient presented satisfactory evolution only after given a third option of mood stabilizer medication. Selective mutism, which is an anxiety disorder in childhood, can be prodromus to other psychiatric conditions at the same age. It is necessary for pediatricians, who are the doctors that first assess these children, and also child psychiatrists, to be aware of the wealth of symptoms that can give continuation to the condition

    Angeborene Herz- und Gefäßfehler

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