64 research outputs found

    Mediators of the Link Between Autistic Traits and Relationship Satisfaction in a Non-Clinical Sample

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    People with ASD have deficits in their social skills and may therefore experience lower relationship satisfaction. This study investigated possible mechanisms to explain whether and how autistic traits, measured with the AQ, influence relationship satisfaction in a non-clinical sample of 195 married couples. More autistic traits were associated with lower relationship satisfaction for husbands but not for wives. Multiple mediation analyses revealed that husbands’ responsiveness towards their wives, trust, and intimacy mediated this link between autistic traits and relationship satisfaction. These findings suggest that autistic traits may hamper men’s relationship satisfaction because they impede relationship-specific feelings and behavior. There was no partner-effect of autistic traits, indicating that more autistic traits do not necessarily influence the partner’s perceptions of relationship satisfaction

    Relato de caso: a importância da atuação multiprofissional na laringectomia supracricóide

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    Esse estudo tem como tema a atuação multiprofissional na laringectomia supracricóide. A terapia fonoaudiológica no hospital foi realizada duas vezes por dia, após 14 sessões, a consistência pastosa foi liberada. O paciente retornou ao ambulatório de disfagia do hospital, uma vez por semana durante dois meses e atualmente retorna uma vez ao mês. A terapia nutricional por sonda nasoentérica (SNE) possibilitou a ingestão calórica necessária e hidratação e, com a liberação da consistência via oral pelo Fonoaudiólogo, o Nutricionista ampliou as opções de alimentos que o paciente poderia ingerir, favorecendo o ganho de peso e retirada da via alternativa de alimentação. A intervenção multiprofissional possibilitou que o grau de disfagia orofaríngea mecânica evoluísse de grave para disfagia orofaríngea leve apenas para líquidos, sendo a evolução da terapia constatada por meio da ingestão oral do paciente, a qual evoluiu da FOIS 1 para FOIS 3 e atualmente encontra-se na FOIS 6. A realização da terapia nutricional enteral possibilitou que o paciente recuperasse o seu peso usual, no período de três meses, haja vista que com a cirurgia, o mesmo perdeu 11 Kg. Verificou-se que por meio do acompanhamento multiprofissional, foi possível evoluir de uma nutrição enteral exclusiva para dieta por via oral, o que favoreceu a evolução do estado nutricional, com a recuperação do peso corpóreo, além de proporcionar melhora na qualidade de vida deste sujeito

    Autism Symptoms and Internalizing Psychopathology in Girls and Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Findings regarding phenotypic differences between boys and girls with ASD are mixed. We compared autism and internalizing symptoms in a sample of 8-18 year-old girls (n = 20) and boys (n = 20) with ASD and typically developing (TYP) girls (n = 19) and boys (n = 17). Girls with ASD were more impaired than TYP girls but did not differ from boys with ASD in autism symptoms. In adolescence, girls with ASD had higher internalizing symptoms than boys with ASD and TYP girls, and higher symptoms of depression than TYP girls. Girls ages 8-18 with ASD resemble boys with ASD and not TYP girls, and appear to be at increased risk for affective symptoms in the teen years

    Dental Microwear and Diet of the Plio-Pleistocene Hominin Paranthropus boisei

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    The Plio-Pleistocene hominin Paranthropus boisei had enormous, flat, thickly enameled cheek teeth, a robust cranium and mandible, and inferred massive, powerful chewing muscles. This specialized morphology, which earned P. boisei the nickname “Nutcracker Man”, suggests that this hominin could have consumed very mechanically challenging foods. It has been recently argued, however, that specialized hominin morphology may indicate adaptations for the consumption of occasional fallback foods rather than preferred resources. Dental microwear offers a potential means by which to test this hypothesis in that it reflects actual use rather than genetic adaptation. High microwear surface texture complexity and anisotropy in extant primates can be associated with the consumption of exceptionally hard and tough foods respectively. Here we present the first quantitative analysis of dental microwear for P. boisei. Seven specimens examined preserved unobscured antemortem molar microwear. These all show relatively low complexity and anisotropy values. This suggests that none of the individuals consumed especially hard or tough foods in the days before they died. The apparent discrepancy between microwear and functional anatomy is consistent with the idea that P. boisei presents a hominin example of Liem's Paradox, wherein a highly derived morphology need not reflect a specialized diet

    Social interaction style of children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder

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    Qualitative differences in social interaction style exist within the autism spectrum. In this study we examined whether these differences are associated with (1) the severity of autistic symptoms and comorbid disruptive behavior problems, (2) the child's psycho-social health, and (3) executive functioning and perspective taking skills. The social interaction style of 156 children and adolescents (6-19 years) with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) was determined with the Wing Subgroups Questionnaire. An active-but-odd social interaction style was positively associated with symptoms of autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity. Furthermore, an active-but-odd social interaction style was negatively associated with children's psycho-social health and positively with executive functioning problems. Social interaction style explains part of the heterogeneity among children with HFASD

    Teacher Wellbeing: The Importance of Teacher–Student Relationships

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    Many studies have examined the importance of teacher-student relationships for the development of children. Much less is known, however, about how these relationships impact the professional and personal lives of teachers. This review considers the importance of teacher-student relationships for the wellbeing of teachers guided by the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping of Lazarus (1991). Based on theories on interpersonal relationships, it is postulated that teachers have a basic need for relatedness with the students in their class that originates from the close proximity between teacher and student. It is discussed that teachers internalize experiences with students in representational models of relationships that guide emotional responses in daily interactions with students, and changes teacher wellbeing in the long run. In addition, the notion of mental representations of relationships at different levels of generalization could offer a window to understand how individual teacher-student relationships may affect the professional and personal self-esteem of teachers. Lastly, it is argued that the influence of student misbehavior on teacher stress may be more fully understood from a relationship perspective. The review shows that few studies have directly tested these propositions and offers suggestions for future research

    Structural Perturbations to Population Skeletons: Transient Dynamics, Coexistence of Attractors and the Rarity of Chaos

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    Simple models of insect populations with non-overlapping generations have been instrumental in understanding the mechanisms behind population cycles, including wild (chaotic) fluctuations. The presence of deterministic chaos in natural populations, however, has never been unequivocally accepted. Recently, it has been proposed that the application of chaos control theory can be useful in unravelling the complexity observed in real population data. This approach is based on structural perturbations to simple population models (population skeletons). The mechanism behind such perturbations to control chaotic dynamics thus far is model dependent and constant (in size and direction) through time. In addition, the outcome of such structurally perturbed models is [almost] always equilibrium type, which fails to commensurate with the patterns observed in population data.We present a proportional feedback mechanism that is independent of model formulation and capable of perturbing population skeletons in an evolutionary way, as opposed to requiring constant feedbacks. We observe the same repertoire of patterns, from equilibrium states to non-chaotic aperiodic oscillations to chaotic behaviour, across different population models, in agreement with observations in real population data. Model outputs also indicate the existence of multiple attractors in some parameter regimes and this coexistence is found to depend on initial population densities or the duration of transient dynamics. Our results suggest that such a feedback mechanism may enable a better understanding of the regulatory processes in natural populations

    Mechanical Properties of Plant Underground Storage Organs and Implications for Dietary Models of Early Hominins

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    The diet of early human ancestors has received renewed theoretical interest since the discovery of elevated d13C values in the enamel of Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. As a result, the hominin diet is hypothesized to have included C4 grass or the tissues of animals which themselves consumed C4 grass. On mechanical grounds, such a diet is incompatible with the dental morphology and dental microwear of early hominins. Most inferences, particularly for Paranthropus, favor a diet of hard or mechanically resistant foods. This discrepancy has invigorated the longstanding hypothesis that hominins consumed plant underground storage organs (USOs). Plant USOs are attractive candidate foods because many bulbous grasses and cormous sedges use C4 photosynthesis. Yet mechanical data for USOs—or any putative hominin food—are scarcely known. To fill this empirical void we measured the mechanical properties of USOs from 98 plant species from across sub-Saharan Africa. We found that rhizomes were the most resistant to deformation and fracture, followed by tubers, corms, and bulbs. An important result of this study is that corms exhibited low toughness values (mean = 265.0 J m-2) and relatively high Young’s modulus values (mean = 4.9 MPa). This combination of properties fits many descriptions of the hominin diet as consisting of hard-brittle objects. When compared to corms, bulbs are tougher (mean = 325.0 J m-2) and less stiff (mean = 2.5 MPa). Again, this combination of traits resembles dietary inferences, especially for Australopithecus, which is predicted to have consumed soft-tough foods. Lastly, we observed the roasting behavior of Hadza hunter-gatherers and measured the effects of roasting on the toughness on undomesticated tubers. Our results support assumptions that roasting lessens the work of mastication, and, by inference, the cost of digestion. Together these findings provide the first mechanical basis for discussing the adaptive advantages of roasting tubers and the plausibility of USOs in the diet of early hominins

    Abrasive, Silica Phytoliths and the Evolution of Thick Molar Enamel in Primates, with Implications for the Diet of Paranthropus boisei

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    Background: Primates—including fossil species of apes and hominins—show variation in their degree of molar enamel thickness, a trait long thought to reflect a diet of hard or tough foods. The early hominins demonstrated molar enamel thickness of moderate to extreme degrees, which suggested to most researchers that they ate hard foods obtained on or near the ground, such as nuts, seeds, tubers, and roots. We propose an alternative hypothesis—that the amount of phytoliths in foods correlates with the evolution of thick molar enamel in primates, although this effect is constrained by a species ’ degree of folivory. Methodology/Principal Findings: From a combination of dietary data and evidence for the levels of phytoliths in plant families in the literature, we calculated the percentage of plant foods rich in phytoliths in the diets of twelve extant primates with wide variation in their molar enamel thickness. Additional dietary data from the literature provided the percentage of each primate’s diet made up of plants and of leaves. A statistical analysis of these variables showed that the amount of abrasive silica phytoliths in the diets of our sample primates correlated positively with the thickness of their molar enamel, constrained by the amount of leaves in their diet (R 2 = 0.875; p,.0006). Conclusions/Significance: The need to resist abrasion from phytoliths appears to be a key selective force behind the evolution of thick molar enamel in primates. The extreme molar enamel thickness of the teeth of the East African homini

    Association Testing Of Copy Number Variants in Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia have been associated with an overlapping set of copynumber variant loci, but the nature and degree of overlap in copy number variants (deletions compared toduplications) between these two disorders remains unclear.Methods: We systematically evaluated three lines of evidence: (1) the statistical bases for associations of autismspectrum disorders and schizophrenia with a set of the primary CNVs thus far investigated, from previous studies;(2) data from case series studies on the occurrence of these CNVs in autism spectrum disorders, especially amongchildren, and (3) data on the extent to which the CNVs were associated with intellectual disability anddevelopmental, speech, or language delays. We also conducted new analyses of existing data on these CNVs inautism by pooling data from seven case control studies.Results: Four of the CNVs considered, dup 1q21.1, dup 15q11-q13, del 16p11.2, and dup 22q11.21, showed clearstatistical evidence as autism risk factors, whereas eight CNVs, del 1q21.1, del 3q29, del 15q11.2, del 15q13.3, dup16p11.2, dup 16p13.1, del 17p12, and del 22q11.21, were strongly statistically supported as risk factors forschizophrenia. Three of the CNVs, dup 1q21.1, dup 16p11.2, and dup 16p13.1, exhibited statistical support as riskfactors for both autism and schizophrenia, although for each of these CNVs statistical significance was nominal fortests involving one of the two disorders. For the CNVs that were statistically associated with schizophrenia but werenot statistically associated with autism, a notable number of children with the CNVs have been diagnosed withautism or ASD; children with these CNVs also demonstrate a high incidence of intellectual disability anddevelopmental, speech, or language delays.Conclusions: These findings suggest that although CNV loci notably overlap between autism and schizophrenia,the degree of strongly statistically supported overlap in specific CNVs at these loci remains limited. These analysesalso suggest that relatively severe premorbidity to CNV-associated schizophrenia in children may sometimes bediagnosed as autism spectrum disorder