10 research outputs found


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    An "enterprise portal" a platform intranet access to corporatedata and system resource information together in one place.The enterprise portal is the gateway to the information systemof the enterprise for all staff and eventually partners. The issueof the portal is to seek to focus the user within the systemThe enterprise portal is the gateway to the data system Thisarticle's main objective is to develop a comprehensive anda balanced overview of the technical information portal andbusiness management knowledge, while showing how they arelikely to enhance productivity and accelerate innovation in theenterprise. Hummingbird hopes to help you identify many ofthe technologies that underpin the management of knowledge, while giving you a maximum element to support yourdecision-making process.On appelle "portail d'entreprise" une plate-forme intranetdonnant accès à des données de l'entreprise ainsi qu'à desressources du système d'information regroupées au sein d'uneinterface unique.Le portail d'entreprise est ainsi la porte d'entrée vers les données dusystème d'information de l'entreprise pour l'ensemble du personnelet éventuellement les partenaires. L'enjeu du portail est de chercherà centrer l'utilisateur au sein du système d'information.Ce article a pour principal objectif de dresser un panoramacomplet et équilibré des technologies de portail d'informationd'entreprise et de gestion de la connaissance, tout en montrant enquoi celles-ci sont susceptibles de renforcer la productivité etd'accélérer l'innovation dans l'entreprise. Hummingbird espère ainsivous aider à identifier un grand nombre des technologies qui soustendent la gestion de la connaissance, tout en vous procurant un maximum d'éléments d'appréciation pour appuyer votre processusdécisionnel

    Analyse de comportement cyclique des flux de trésorerie

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    Cash flows have special statistical and chronological properties, which are not found in otherfinancial markets. This article aims to treat and analyze cyclical informational shocks of cashflows through the search for conditional heteroskedasticity on the basis of a class of ARMAmodels with GARCH error which gives useful information on the nature and amplitude ofdifferent informational shocks.Les flux de trésorerie présentent des propriétés statistiques et chronologiques particulières, que l'on ne retrouve pas sur les autres marchés financiers. Cet article vise à traiter et analyser les chocs informationnels cycliques des flux de trésorerie a travers la recherche de l’hétéroscédasticité conditionnelle sur la base d'une classe de modèles ARMA avec erreur GARCH qui donne des informations utiles sur la nature et l’amplitude des différents chocs informationnels

    New designs systems for induction cooking devices for heating performances improving

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    In order to give a temperature distribution at the bottom of the induction cooking, and moderate reduction the temperature outside the useless areas of these systems. This paper is dedicated to the study of the induction heating systems, which involves coupled electromagnetic and thermal phenomena and where new topologies are proposed. The modelling of the problem is based on the Maxwell's equations and the heat diffusion equation. We present a numerical simulation method based on parameterization of thermal electromagnetic coupling phenomena taking into account the changing of the physical characteristics of the body during the induction heating process. The purpose of this new optimum perforation topology is based on improving the thermal performances of the system, which allows improved dissipation by heat exchange. The results are obtained from a two-dimensional calculation code developed and implemented on Matlab software where CVM the finite volume method was adopted as a method of solving partial differential equations with partial derivatives characteristics of physical phenomena

    Measuring the effect of foreign exchange reserves on foreign direct investment in Algeria during the period 1990-2020 using the ARDL model

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    This paper aims to examine the impact of foreign exchange reserves on foreign direct investment in Algeria during the period 1990-2020 by applying the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL). The model showed that the current variables are co-integrated. Also, the results indicate that foreign exchange reserves have a positive impact on foreign direct investment in the long term only, at a rate of 44%

    L'effet des produits verts sur la prise de décision des clients

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          Cette étude vise l’identification des objectifs suivants: (1) de connaitre l’effet des produits verts sur la décision du consommateur algérien selon la recherche de produits verts, l'achat, l’utilisation, l’évaluation, et l’élimination du produit, (2) d’identifier la relation entre le comportement du consommateur algérien vis-à-vis les produits verts (3) d’identifier les différences dans la décision du consommateur algérien selon l'âge, le sexe, le revenu mensuel et le niveau d'instruction. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, un questionnaire a été développé contient 34 questions. L’échantillon est constitué de 450 consommateurs disponibles dans les grands centres commerciaux des wilayas d’Alger, Blida, Tizi-Ouzou, et Oran durant la période 01-20 avril 2013. Les résultats ont montrés l’existence d’effet statistique significatif de l’influence des produits verts sur la décision du client algérien liés aux variables de l’étude; sauf pour la variable utilisation des produits verts qu’il n'a aucun effet statistique sur le comportement du consommateur algérien. La présente étude donne de nombreuses recommandations, la plus importante est que le gouvernement algérien devrait procéder à la sensibilisation du public concernant la protection de l'environnement et la culture environnementale.  تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة         و تحديد كيفية تأثير المنتجات الخضراء على القرارات الشرائية للزبائن الجزائريين، و ذلك من خلال المراحل الأساسية لعملية شراء المنتوج. حيث قام الباحثان بتصميم إستبانة متكونة من 34 سؤال، و تم توزيعها على عينة متكونة    من 450 فرد موزعين على أربعة مدن جزائرية كبرى ( الجزائر، البليدة، تيزي وزو ، وهران) تتراوح أعمارهم بين 18-60 سنة خلال الثلاثة أسابيع الأولى      من شهر أفريل 2013. حيث تم استعمال أسلوب الإنحدار البسيط في معالجة المعطيات المتحصل عليها و كذلك بعض الإختبارات الإحصائية. النتائج بينت وجود تأثير معنوي للمنتجات الخضراء        على قرارات الشراء، في معظم مراحله، للزبون الجزائري. في الأخير قام الباحثان بتقديم بعض التوصيات المرتبطة بموضوع الدراسة.  

    Measuring the effect of Foreign Exchange Reserves on Foreign Direct Investment in Algeria during the period 1990-2020 using the ARDL model

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    This paper aims to examine the impact of foreign exchange reserves on foreign direct investment in Algeria during the period 1990-2020 by applying the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL). The model showed that the current variables are co-integrated. Also, the results indicate that foreign exchange reserves have a positive impact on foreign direct investment in the long term only, at a rate of 44%

    Profiles of Fatty Acids, Polyphenols, Sterols, and Tocopherols and Scavenging Property of Mediterranean Oils: New Sources of Dietary Nutrients for the Prevention of Age-related Diseases

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    International audienceThe present study provides the fatty acid, tocopherol, phytosterol, and polyphenol profiles of some Mediterranean oils extracted from pumpkin, melon, and black cumin seed oils and those of dietary argan seed oil. Gas chromatography analysis revealed that oleic and linoleic acids were the most abundant fatty acids. Argan and melon seed oils exhibited the highest levels of oleic acid (47.32±0.02%) and linoleic acid (58.35±0.26%), respectively. In terms of tocopherols, melon seed oil showed the highest amount (652.1±3.26 mg/kg) with a predominance of γ-tocopherol (633.1±18.81 mg/kg). The phytosterol content varied between 2237.00±37.55 µg/g for argan oil to 6995.55±224.01 µg/g for melon seed oil. High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis also revealed the presence of several polyphenols: vanillin (0.59 mg equivalents Quercetin/100 g) for melon seed oil, and p-hydroxycinnamic acid (0.04 mg equivalents Quercetin/100 g), coumarine (0.05 mg equivalents Quercetin/100 g), and thymoquinone (1.2 mg equivalents Quercetin/100 g) for black cumin seed oil. The "Kit Radicaux Libres" (KRL) assay used to evaluate the scavenging properties of the oils showed that black cumin seed oil was the most efficient. On the light of the richness of all Mediterranean oil samples in bioactive compounds, the seed oils studied can be considered as important sources of nutrients endowed with cytoprotective properties which benefits in preventing age-related diseases which are characterized by an enhanced oxidative stress

    A systematic review of the epidemiology of hepatitis E virus in Africa

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