30 research outputs found

    Kleegrassilage versus Stroh als Raufutter: ein Systemvergleich in der Öko-Ferkelaufzucht

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    Roughage offer is obligatory in organic piglet feeding. In Germany, grass-clover silage or straw are usual. A comparison of these two roughage sources demonstrated that the offer of grass-clover silage resulted in an improved live weight development, whereas piglets’ health status and loss rate remained unaffected. It is concluded that silage offer is beneficial for piglets and should given priority to straw

    Erste Ergebnisse zur Mastleistung, Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität aus einem Versuch zur ökologischen Ebermast

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    Die Mast intakter männlicher Tiere stellt eine Alternative zur Ferkelkastration dar. Neben dem Problem des Ebergeruchs, verursacht durch die Leitsubstanzen Skatol und Androstenon, unterscheiden sich Eber in der Mastleistung, der Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, zwei verschiedene Endstufeneberherkünfte und zwei verschiedene Fütterungsstrategien im Hinblick auf Mastleistung, Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität miteinander zu vergleichen. Dazu wurden auf dem öko-zertifizierten Versuchsbetrieb des Thünen-Institutes für Ökologischen Landbau in Trenthorst bis jetzt 147 Eber bis zu einer Lebendmasse von 115 kg, aufgeteilt in vier Versuchsvarianten, zwei verschiedene Endstufeneberherkünfte (Pietrain, Duroc) und zwei Fütterungsstrategien (Kontrollgruppe, Zusatz von 10% nativer Kartoffelstärke am Ende der Endmast), gemästet. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zwischen den Versuchsgruppen keine Unterschiede in der Mastleistung, Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität bestehen. Die tägliche Lebendmassezunahme und der Muskelfleischanteil liegen im Bereich von ökologisch gemästeten Sauen und Kastraten. Des Weiteren zeigen sich keine PSE-Qualitätsabweichungen und keine Integumentschäden

    Betriebseigenes versus zugekauftes Futter für Öko-Ferkel: Unterschiedliche Fütterungsstrategien und ihre Auswirkungen

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    Based on organic agriculture´s aim to produce as regionally and self-sufficient as possible, animal feeding should be mainly based on home-grown feedstuff. This poses a special challenge in feeding of piglets, who require highly digestible diets and highquality protein. Therefore, a feeding trial was conducted to compare various singlephase, 100% organic feeding strategies for piglets before and after weaning, differing in the proportion of home-grown feeds. Each strategy consisted of one out of three concentrates and one out of two roughages. The type of roughage did not affect animal performance, but the concentrate with the highest proportion of home-grown feed and accordingly lowest quality led to significantly slower growth, while the concentrate conversion ratio was best for the highest quality feed. Despite these differences, the time and amount of feed needed to raise a piglet of 20 kg did not differ between the treatments. Therefore, the concentrate with the highest proportion of home-grown feed can be recommended, at least under equally favourable conditions including a prolonged suckling period of 49 days, single-phase feeding, and good animal care


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    Em Gouveia (MG) está localizada a primeira suíte magmática alcalina Orosiriana pós-colisional descrita na região do Espinhaço Meridional, denominada Suíte Gouveana. Com base em datação U-Pb em titanita, ela foi formada há 1,95 Ga a partir de um magma lamprofírico que se diferenciava para os demais termos monzoníticos e sieníticos da suíte, ao longo de porções transtensionais de falhas transcorrentes regionais. Esta suíte foi termalmente aquecida acima de 600 oC no período Estateriano há 1,73 Ga e guarda também registros da imposição metamórfica Brasiliana por volta de 0,5-0,45 Ga. Vizinha a esta suíte, uma rocha traqui-andesítica porfirítica rica em K, aparentemente proveniente da diferenciação de um magma basáltico toleítico contaminado pela crosta continental, possivelmente cristalizou-se a 1,16 Ga (fase tardi-orogênica do evento Grenvilleano?) e foi discretamente foliado ao longo das referidas falhas transcorrentes durante sua reativação na fase metamórfica Brasiliana datada pelo método Sm-Nd em cerca de 0,45 Ga, método este que mostra ainda uma idade TDM de 1,25 Ga para esta rocha. Assim, a Suíte Gouveana e o traqui-andesito, apesar de aflorarem em um restrito espaço geográfico, teriam sua gênese distanciada no tempo geológico em pelo menos 0,7 a 0,8 Ga

    The bioenergetic role of dioxygen and the terminal oxidase(s) in cyanobacteria

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    AbstractOwing to the release of 13 largely or totally sequenced cyanobacterial genomes (see http://www.kazusa.or.jp/cyano and www.jgi.doe.gov/), it is now possible to critically assess and compare the most neglected aspect of cyanobacterial physiology, i.e., cyanobacterial respiration, also on the grounds of pure molecular biology (gene sequences). While there is little doubt that cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) do form the largest, most diversified and in both evolutionary and ecological respects most significant group of (micro)organisms on our earth, and that what renders our blue planet earth to what it is, viz. the O2-containing atmosphere, dates back to the oxygenic photosynthetic activity of primordial cyanobacteria about 3.2×109 years ago, there is still an amazing lack of knowledge on the second half of bioenergetic oxygen metabolism in cyanobacteria, on (aerobic) respiration. Thus, the purpose of this review is threefold: (1) to point out the unprecedented role of the cyanobacteria for maintaining the delicate steady state of our terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere through a major contribution to the poising of oxygenic photosynthesis against aerobic respiration (“the global biological oxygen cycle”); (2) to briefly highlight the membrane-bound electron-transport assemblies of respiration and photosynthesis in the unique two-membrane system of cyanobacteria (comprising cytoplasmic membrane and intracytoplasmic or thylakoid membranes, without obvious anastomoses between them); and (3) to critically compare the (deduced) amino acid sequences of the multitude of hypothetical terminal oxidases in the nine fully sequenced cyanobacterial species plus four additional species where at least the terminal oxidases were sequenced. These will then be compared with sequences of other proton-pumping haem–copper oxidases, with special emphasis on possible mechanisms of electron and proton transfer


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    Uma rocha ígnea porfirítica, metamorfisada em baixo grau e constituída por fenocristais de sanidina e andesina, cristais de epidoto magmático e matriz contendo biotita cloritizada e quartzo recristalizado com extinção ondulante, encontra-se inserida no Complexo de Gouveia (MG). Em termos litogeoquímicos, trata-se de um traqui-andesito metaluminoso, toleítico de alto-K, enriquecido em Pb e empobrecido em Mg, Ti, Zr, e Sr. Apresenta anomalia negativa de Nb, que possivelmente revela magmagênese a partir de uma cunha mantélica (região fonte) previamente modificada por metassomatismo relacionado à subducção. Sua assinatura tardi-orogênica, em conjunto com as características estruturais do Complexo de Gouveia, permitem supor um modelo geotectônico no qual o magmatismo subvulcânico teria ocorrido em uma bacia pull-apart. Esta bacia teria sido gerada em associação ao desenvolvimento de transcorrências sinistrais regionais ao final de um episódio orogenético

    The Multiple Roles of Various Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Photosynthetic Organisms

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    This chapter provides an overview on recent developments and current knowledge about monitoring, generation and the functional role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) - H2O2, HO2, HO, OH-, 1O2 and O2 - - in both oxidative degradation and signal transduction in photosynthetic organisms including a summary of important mechanisms of nonphotochemical quenching in plants. We further describe microscopic techniques for ROS detection and controlled generation. Reaction schemes elucidating formation, decay and signaling of ROS in cyanobacteria as well as from chloroplasts to the nuclear genome in eukaryotes during exposure of oxygen-evolving photosynthetic organisms to oxidative stress are discussed that target the rapidly growing field of regulatory effects of ROS on nuclear gene expression. © 2016 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.1