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    Detection of organic compound signatures in infra-red, limb emission spectra observed by the MIPAS-B2 instrument

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    International audienceOrganic compounds play a central role in troposphere chemistry and increasingly are a viable target for remote sensing observations. In this paper, infra-red spectral features of three organic compounds are investigated in thermal emission spectra recorded by a balloon-borne instrument, MIPAS-B2, operating at high spectral resolution. It is demonstrated, for the first time, that PAN and acetone can be detected in infra-red remote sensing spectra of the upper troposphere; detection results are presented at tangent altitudes of 10.4 km and 7.5 km (not acetone). In addition, the results provide the first observation of spectral features of formic acid in thermal emission, as opposed to solar occultation, and confirm that concentrations of this gas are likely to be measurable in the free troposphere, given accurate spectroscopic data. For PAN, two bands are observed centred at 794 cm?1 and 1163 cm?1. For acetone and formic acid, one band has been detected for each so far with band centres at 1218 cm?1 and 1105 cm?1 respectively. Mixing ratios inferred at 10.4 km tangent altitude are 180 pptv and 530 pptv for PAN and acetone respectively, and 200 pptv for formic acid with HITRAN 2000 spectroscopy. Accuracies are on the order of 30 to 50%. The detection technique applied here is verified by examining weak but known signatures of CFC-12 and HCFC-22 in the same spectral regions as those of the organic compounds, with results confirming the quality of both the instrument and the radiative transfer model. The results suggest the possibility of global sensing of the organic compounds studied here which would be a major step forward in verifying and interpreting global tropospheric model calculations

    Representaciones ecológicas en la infancia y estilos de vida

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    En aquest treball, hi analitzem diferents concepcions de les funcions simbòliques de les representacions, i des d'aquest plantejament indaguem si els nens i les nenes de diferents cultures i edats mostren similituds en els estils i en les maneres d'entendre la vida i el seu manteniment. Estudiem els dibuixos d'una illa imaginària que han produït nens i nenes -de sis a dotze anys- de l'Argentina, Colòmbia, l'Espanya i Anglaterra. Un dibuix de com la veurien en el moment d'arribar-hi i un altre de la mateixa illa després d'un any de viure-hi. Les produccions pictòriques han permès fer l'apropament a les representacions ecològiques dels infants dels diferents països i a les transformacions que introdueixen en l'ambient natural per a la seva adaptació.In this paper, we analyse the different conceptions of the symbolic functions of representations. Based on this we explore if boys and girls of different cultures and age groups show similarities in their ways of understanding life and how it is maintained. We studied two pictures of an imaginary island drawn by six to twelve year-old children from Argentina, Colombia, Spain and Great Britain. One of the pictures represented the island as they would see it on arrival to the island and the other one represented the island one year later. The pictures allowed us to approach the ecological representations of the children in their different countries as well as the transformations that they introduce in the natural environment to adapt to it.En este trabajo, analizamos diferentes concepciones de las funciones simbólicas de las representaciones, y desde este planteamiento indagamos si niños y niñas de distintas culturas y edades muestran similitudes en los estilos y formas de entender la vida y su mantenimiento. Estudiamos dos dibujos de una isla imaginaria que han producido niños y niñas -de seis a doce años- de Argentina, Colombia, España e Inglaterra. Un dibujo de cómo la verían a la llegada y otro de la misma isla pasado un año de vivir en ella. Las producciones pictóricas han permitido el acercamiento a las representaciones ecológicas de los niños y las niñas de los diferentes países y a las transformaciones que introducen en el ambiente natural para su adaptación a él