909 research outputs found

    The Validity of Herzberg’s Dual-Factor Theory on Job Satisfaction of Political Marketers

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    An avalanche of studies has been conducted to determine the level of job satisfaction, and determinants thereof, among political marketers – including political party supporters. Majority of these studies utilized the Maslow theory, which is based on a hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s theory has severally been criticized on philosophical, methodological and hierarchical grounds. The theory argues that human needs are ordered, i.e. they range from lower-order to higher-order needs. As one need is adequately or partially fulfilled, the individual moves to the next higher-order need. By so doing, an individual is said to derive his job satisfaction. But Herzberg’s two-factor theory (also called motivation /Hygiene theory) has been suggested as a more plausible alternative to the Maslow’s Theory for studying job satisfaction, and in evaluating the previous research efforts on political marketers which are mainly rooted in Maslow’s theory. The purpose of this paper is to present the result of an empirical investigation of the validity of the motivation – Hygiene Theory in the Nigerian political environment. The result should prove useful in evaluating the theory as an alternative to Maslow’s theory when studying job satisfaction

    Sijte postrno krmno bilje

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    Kod nas siju ljudi još vrlo malo postrne usjeve. U najboljem slučaju nakon žetve žitarica posiju nešto malo postrne repe ili kukuruza za stočnu krmu. Najveći dio površina ostaje neobrađen, te na njemu napasuju stoku, a manji dio ugare, t.j. "praše" (plitko preoru), i tako ga onda ostavljaju sve do zime ili proljeća. Iza strnih žita obično siju naredno proljeće kukuruz

    C Language Source Files Similarity Detection

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem, implementací a testováním nástroje csim, sloužícího pro porovnávání podobnosti dvou souborů v jazyce C. Primárním účelem vzniku tohoto nástroje je testování zpětného překladače vyvíjeného společností AVG Technologies s.r.o. Testování je prováděno na základě podobnosti abstraktního syntaktického stromu původního a dekompilovaného souboru. Čtenář je tedy seznámen se základy problematiky zpětného inženýrství, zejména zpětným překladem binárního kódu do vyšší úrovně reprezentace. Dále je popsán koloběh, kterým kód prochází od jeho vytvoření až po zpětný překlad, a jeho vliv na tento proces. Čtenáři je také poskytnut přehled o projektu LLVM a překladači Clang, který je základním stavebním kamenem nástroje csim.This thesis deals with design, implementation and testing of the csim tool, which compares two C source files by their similarity. The primary purpose of this tool is testing of a decompiler developed by AVG Technologies s.r.o. Testing is based on comparing abstract syntax trees of the original and decompiled source files. The reader is introduced to the basics of reverse engineering, especially reverse engineering of a binary file into a high-level programming language source file. The process of compiling followed by decompiling of a file is described along with its effect on reverse engineering. The LLVM project and the Clang compiler is introduced to the reader, since its libraries are the foundation upon which the csim tool is built.

    High functional complexity despite an extremely small repertoire of calls in the Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana)

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    Vocal learning and nonlearning birds frequently use the same habitats and are subject to similar selection pressures. However, although the repertoires of learning species are usually more complex, we know much less about how nonlearners encode information in acoustic signals. The present study describes the use of 3 basic mechanisms of acoustic encoding in signals of a vocal nonlearner: in repertoire, in acoustic structure, and in the temporal distribution of sounds. The study is based on observations of a simulated territorial intrusion in the Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana), a cryptic rail from Western and Central Eurasia. Males produced 5 types of calls. The loudest, the whitt call, consisted of 2 independent sounds with different fundamental frequencies: a soft and low F call and a loud and high G call. Before the playback, all males produced calls that consisted of both frequencies (F+G calls), and most of the birds still produced such calls after the playback. Only birds that approached the speaker during the playback produced F calls, F+G calls with a muffled G fundamental, and structurally distinctive soft rumble calls, whereas only birds that did not approach the speaker used G calls. These data suggest that males' engagement in aggressive interaction was associated with muting G or F fundamentals. The acoustic structure of whitt calls varied significantly between preplayback and postplayback recordings, and between approaching and nonapproaching males. However, certain acoustic parameters retained a high potential for individual recognition despite the playback. Finally, males lengthened their between-call intervals as they approached the speaker, which suggested that there was a link between the temporal distribution of calls and the aggressive motivation of males. Although they have a small repertoire of calls with innately programmed structures, Spotted Crakes modify their calling on many different planes and produce a high diversity of signals

    IPv6 Network Address Translation

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    Tato práce se zabývá překladem síťových adres Internetového protokolu verze 6. Cílem práce je využít překlad při automatické konfiguraci koncových zařízení. V práci jsou diskutovány stávající mechanismy určené k dynamické konfiguraci zařízení, a jejich výhody a nevýhody. Je zde navržen a implementován systém pro připojení domácí počítačové sítě k síti Internet, kombinující technologie Network Prefix Translation a Neighbor Discovery Proxy.This thesis deals with the translation of network addresses in the Internet protocol version 6. The aim is to use translation in the automatic configuration of end devices. In this work are discussed existing mechanisms for the dynamic configuration, and their advantages and disadvantages. There is designed and implemented system for connecting home computer network to the Internet, which combines Network Prefix Translation and Neighbor Discovery Proxy technologies.

    Profesor Bolesław W. Lewicki - między filmem i literaturą

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    The impact of the amendments to the land use planning and development act on local spatial policy – case study of Rzgów commune

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    The changes to the Act on Spatial Planning and Development introduced in 2015 were aimed at rationalizing the local spatial policy. Previously there was no legal regulation clearly defining how much the municipality area could devote to development.This resulted in the designation of newer construction sites, often without examining the real needs and development opportunities. As a result, this condition has led to the phenomenon of uncontrolled urbanization, dispersion of development and increase of costs of construction of technical and social infrastructure.New legal regulations have impact on municipal spatial policies on the one hand, which creates opportunities for planning for further development in line with the principles of spatial order and sustainable development, on the other hand, threaten to hamper the further development of the municipality.The purpose of the article is to present own research on the impact of introduced changes in the regulations on local spatial policy. In the work an analysis of the real needs and development opportunities of the Rzgów commune was conducted, then its results were compared with the local spatial conditions in the context of new legal regulations.Wprowadzone w 2015 roku zmiany w ustawie o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym miały na celu racjonalizację lokalnej polityki przestrzennej. Wcześniej nie było regulacji prawnych jasno określających ile terenów gmina może przeznaczyć pod zabudowę. Skutkowało to wyznaczaniem coraz to nowszych terenów budowlanych, często bez zbadania rzeczywistych potrzeb i możliwości rozwoju. W efekcie stan ten doprowadził do zjawiska niekontrolowanej urbanizacji oraz wzrostu kosztów budowy infrastruktury technicznej i społecznej. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie badań własnych nad oddziaływaniem wprowadzonych zmian w przepisach na lokalną politykę przestrzenną. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę rzeczywistych potrzeb i możliwości rozwoju gminy Rzgów, następnie zestawiono jej wyniki z lokalnymi uwarunkowaniami przestrzennymi w kontekście nowych regulacji prawnych

    Modelling of Babel Routing Protocol

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    Tato práce se zabývá simulováním směrovacího protokolu Babel. Cílem je vytvoření implementace simulačního modelu pro prostředí OMNeT++. Součástí textu práce je popis tohoto protokolu a základních principů simulace počítačových sítí v prostředí OMNeT++ s použitím knihovny INET. Dále jsou v práci diskutovány již existující implementace a je předložen návrh simulačního modelu, následovaný popisem jeho implementace. Nakonec je provedeno ověření správnosti vytvořeného modelu.This thesis deals with the simulation of a Babel routing protocol. The goal is to create implementation of simulation model for OMNeT++ simulator. The text includes a description of the protocol and basic principles of computer network simulation in OMNeT++ environment using an INET library. Furthermore, the text discussed existing implementations and submits a proposal of a simulation model, followed by description of its implementation. Finally, the correctness of created model is verified.

    Delineating the psychosocial impact of the Coronavirus pandemic

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