1,413 research outputs found

    Lauren Reiman Honors Portfolio

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    Lauren Reiman\u27s honors portfolio captured in January 2019

    ANALISA KERUSAKAN JALAN DAN PENANGANANNYA DENGAN METODE PCI (PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX) (Studi Kasus: Ruas Jalan Kauditan (by pass) – Airmadidi ; STA 0+770 – STA 3+770 )

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    Anggaran perbaikan kerusakan jalan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah pada tahun 2018 telah mencapai Rp 23,7 triliun untuk merehabilitasi jalan sepanjang 154.576 km untuk Sulawesi Utara Sendiri dialokasikan Rp. 651 miliar dengan jalan sepanjang 4.254 km. Jumlah ini menunjukkan banyaknya pengeluaran negara untuk menangani kerusakan jalan, oleh karena itu diperlukannya pemeriksaan kondisi kerusakan jalan untuk menentukan penanganan yang tepat di waktu yang tepat.Analisa kerusakan jalan sangat penting dilakukan demi tercapainya penanganan yang tepat, sehingga penggunaan anggaran dapat digunakan dengan efektif dan efisien. Metode Pavement Condition Index (PCI) di pilih untuk menjadi pedoman/acuan dalam menentukan kondisi perkerasan serta menentukan metode perbaikan tindakan yang akan di ambil pada jalan yang di tinjau. PCI adalah sistem penilaian kondisi perkerasan jalan berdasarkan jenis, tingkat dan luas kerusakan yang terjadi dan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam usaha pemeliharaan. Nilai PCI ini memiliki rentang 0 sampai 100 dengan kriteria sempurna (excellent), sangat baik (very good), baik (good), sedang (fair), jelek (poor), sangat jelek (very poor) dan gagal (failed).Dalam penelitian ini ruas jalan yang akan di tinjau yaitu Ruas Jalan Kauditan (by pass) – Airmadidi ; STA 0+770 – STA 3+770, ruas jalan ini merupakan penghubung antara 2 kota besar yaitu Manado dan Bitung, dimana kota Bitung merupakan kota industri dan pelabuhan terbesar yang ada di Sulawesi Utara. Hal ini menjadikan ruas jalan Manado – Bitung harus memikul beban lalulintas yang besar.Penelitian ini dilakukan langsung secara visual dengan panjang ruas jalan yang diamati sepanjang 3km dan dibagi menjadi 60 segmen dengan ukuran persegmen 50 x 6. Untuk analisa beban yang diterima di ruas jalan yang diteliti, dilakukan survey lalulintas 12 jam selama 3 hari didapat 3.645.267,17 ESAL. Dari hasil penelitian didapat Nilai Index kondisi Perkerasan dengan menggunakan metode PCI pada tahun 2020 sebesar 76,7 (Sangat Baik) dengan beban ESA/Tahun kumulatif dari tahun terakhir dilakukan Overlay sebesar 22.155.288,47 ESAL. Kata kunci: Pavement Condition Index (PCI), beban lalulinta

    Isospectral Flow and Liouville-Arnold Integration in Loop Algebras

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    A number of examples of Hamiltonian systems that are integrable by classical means are cast within the framework of isospectral flows in loop algebras. These include: the Neumann oscillator, the cubically nonlinear Schr\"odinger systems and the sine-Gordon equation. Each system has an associated invariant spectral curve and may be integrated via the Liouville-Arnold technique. The linearizing map is the Abel map to the associated Jacobi variety, which is deduced through separation of variables in hyperellipsoidal coordinates. More generally, a family of moment maps is derived, identifying certain finite dimensional symplectic manifolds with rational coadjoint orbits of loop algebras. Integrable Hamiltonians are obtained by restriction of elements of the ring of spectral invariants to the image of these moment maps. The isospectral property follows from the Adler-Kostant-Symes theorem, and gives rise to invariant spectral curves. {\it Spectral Darboux coordinates} are introduced on rational coadjoint orbits, generalizing the hyperellipsoidal coordinates to higher rank cases. Applying the Liouville-Arnold integration technique, the Liouville generating function is expressed in completely separated form as an abelian integral, implying the Abel map linearization in the general case.Comment: 42 pages, 2 Figures, 1 Table. Lectures presented at the VIIIth Scheveningen Conference, held at Wassenaar, the Netherlands, Aug. 16-21, 199

    Load Planning Processes to Enhance Cargo Compartment Utilization

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    Purpose: The United States Air Force often provides effective airlift for cargo distribution, but is at times inefficient. This paper aims to address the under-utilization of military airlift cargo compartments that plagues the airlift system.Design/methodology/approach: The authors examine seven techniques designed to increase cargo compartment utilization and increase airlift utilization rates. The techniques were applied through load planning software to 30 real-world movements consisting of 159 sorties. They then ran each post-technique movement through a modeled flight environment to obtain cycle movement data. The metrics gained from both the load planning software and the modeled environment were regressed to provide statistical understanding regarding how well each technique influenced cost savings.Findings: The results showed a 24 per cent elimination of aircraft required and a savings of 14.5m.Extrapolationoftheauthors’findingstofouryearsofairliftmissiondatarevealedanestimatedannualsavingsof14.5m. Extrapolation of the authors’ findings to four years of airlift mission data revealed an estimated annual savings of 1.6bn

    The Myth of Strategic and Tactical Airlift

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    In the 21st century, our ability to quickly and decisively deliver combat forces and equipment is of the utmost importance in achieving our national security objectives. The swiftness and flexibility of the US Air Force’s mobility airlift fleet is the key to executing a rapid global mobility strategy. The operational effectiveness and efficiency of military air transportation relies on the expertise and intuition of Air Mobility Command’s (AMC) mobility planners. Working in coordination with the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) and geographic combatant commands (GCC), AMC is responsible for the tasking and tracking of almost 900 daily mobility sorties worldwide. Using a hub-and-spoke model, mobility planners conceptualize airlift requirements and routes as either tactical or strategic in nature. Airlift assets are also considered this way. Tactical aircraft (usually C-130 variants) are smaller and are used primarily for intratheater airlift within a defined area of responsibility (AOR). Strategic aircraft (C-5B/M, C-17A) have larger payload capacities and extended ranges, making them useful for intertheater transportation between two different AORs or GCCs

    Strong "quantum" chaos in the global ballooning mode spectrum of three-dimensional plasmas

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    The spectrum of ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pressure-driven (ballooning) modes in strongly nonaxisymmetric toroidal systems is difficult to analyze numerically owing to the singular nature of ideal MHD caused by lack of an inherent scale length. In this paper, ideal MHD is regularized by using a kk-space cutoff, making the ray tracing for the WKB ballooning formalism a chaotic Hamiltonian billiard problem. The minimum width of the toroidal Fourier spectrum needed for resolving toroidally localized ballooning modes with a global eigenvalue code is estimated from the Weyl formula. This phase-space-volume estimation method is applied to two stellarator cases.Comment: 4 pages typeset, including 2 figures. Paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Optimizing Sequential Dual Tracer P.E.T. Studies using a Combined 2D/3D Imaging Protocol

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    We have investigated a combined 2D/3D protocol for minimizing contamination in dual tracer P.E.T. studies in which the tracers are administered on a timescale that is short compared to the half-lives. We have performed a series of phantom studies on an Advance and a Discovery ST (GE Healthcare Technologies), using a torso phantom with cardiac insert (Data Spectrum Corporation) to simulate a combined FDG and NH3 scan protocol for a patient with ischemia. The phantom was imaged in a series of alternating 2D/3D acquisitions as it decayed over 6 half-lives. By comparing 2D and 3D images, we have verified that 3D images are of comparable accuracy to 2D images, even with realistic out-of-field activity challenging the 3D scans. Based on scan and image statistical quality, we have recommended optimal doses for maximizing the image quality of both scans

    Universal Drinfeld-Sokolov Reduction and Matrices of Complex Size

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    We construct affinization of the algebra glλgl_{\lambda} of ``complex size'' matrices, that contains the algebras gln^\hat{gl_n} for integral values of the parameter. The Drinfeld--Sokolov Hamiltonian reduction of the algebra glλ^\hat{gl_{\lambda}} results in the quadratic Gelfand--Dickey structure on the Poisson--Lie group of all pseudodifferential operators of fractional order. This construction is extended to the simultaneous deformation of orthogonal and simplectic algebras that produces self-adjoint operators, and it has a counterpart for the Toda lattices with fractional number of particles.Comment: 29 pages, no figure
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