1,223 research outputs found

    Quality milk: A veterinarian\u27s viewpoint

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    I would like to thank the organizers of this program for the opportunity to speak to you today on a subject that I feel is of the utmost importance to the dairy industry in the U.S. The problem to which I am referring is not the current devastating drought that has affected many of the dairy-producing areas in our country, but rather the repercussions of the dairy industry\u27s inability to market a wholesome uncontaminated product that is viewed as such by a majority of the consumers in the U.S. I am sure that most of us here can remember the problems that occurred several years ago with contaminated Tylenol products that reached various market areas in the U.S. With the recent revelations that approximately 70% of the milk samples in several metropolitan areas, including Boston and Seattle, were contaminated with sulfamethazine, I fear that we in the dairy industry also could be faced with much more adverse publicity than what we have seen in the recent past. There has been at least one segment on 60 Minutes dealing with the potential contamination of milk products, along with articles in the Wall Street Journal. This publicity is definitely not what the dairy industry needs today. Currently, what publicity has been generated has not shaken the confidence that American consumers have in dairy products as a source of wholesome, uncontaminated, nutritional components of their diet. However, those of us that are involved in the dairy industry need to realize the potential devastation that could occur to our complete marketing system, if adulterated, contaminated milk is not removed from the market place.; Dairy Day, 1988, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1988

    Electrodeposition from supercritical fluids

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    Recent studies have shown that it is possible to electrodeposit a range of materials, such as Cu, Ag and Ge, from various supercritical fluids, including hydrofluorocarbons and mixtures of CO2 with suitable co-solvents. In this perspective we discuss the relatively new field of electrodeposition from supercritical fluids. The perspective focuses on some of the underlying physical chemistry and covers both practical and scientific aspects of electrodeposition from supercritical fluids. We also discuss possible applications for supercritical fluid electrodeposition and suggest some key developments that are required to take the field to the next stage

    Reduction of MAI and Beat Noise in OCDMA Systems Using an SA-SOA-TPA-Based Receiver

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    A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Serial Killers’ Lives:From Childhood Abuse to Methods of Murder

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    The aim of the current research was to provide a new method for mapping the developmental sequences of serial killers’ life histories. The role of early childhood abuse, leading to types of serial murder and behaviours involved in the murders, was analysed using Behaviour Sequence Analysis. A large database (n = 233) of male serial killers with known childhood abuse (physical, sexual, or psychological) was analysed according to typologies and crime scene behaviours. Behaviour Sequence Analysis was used to show significant links between behaviours and events across their lifetime. Sexual, physical, and psychological abuse often led to distinct crime scene behaviours. The results provide individual accounts of abuse types and behaviours. The present research highlights the importance of childhood abuse as a risk factor for serial killers’ behaviours, and provides a novel and important advance in profiling serial killers and understanding the sequential progression of their life histories

    The ChlD subunit links the motor and porphyrin binding subunits of magnesium chelatase

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    Magnesium chelatase initiates chlorophyll biosynthesis, catalysing the MgATP2- dependent insertion of a Mg2+ ion into protoporphyin IX. The catalytic core of this large enzyme complex consists of three subunits: Bch/ChlI, Bch/ChlD and Bch/ChlH (in bacteriochlorophyll and chlorophyll producing species respectively). The D and I subunits are members of the AAA+ (ATPases associated with various cellular activities) superfamily of enzymes, and they form a complex that binds to H, the site of metal ion insertion. In order to investigate the physical coupling between ChlID and ChlH in vivo and in vitro , ChlD was FLAG-tagged in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed interactions with both ChlI and ChlH. Co-production of recombinant ChlD and ChlH in Escherichia coli yielded a ChlDH. Quantitative analysis using microscale thermophoresis (MST) showed magnesium-dependent binding ( K d 331 ± 58 nM) between ChlD and H. The physical basis for a ChlD-H interaction was investigated using chemical crosslinking coupled with mass spectrometry (XL-MS), together with modifications that either truncate ChlD or modify single residues. We found that the C-terminal integrin I domain of ChlD governs association with ChlH, the Mg2+ dependence of which also mediates the cooperative response of the Synechocystis chelatase to magnesium. Our work, showing the interaction site between the AAA+ motor and the chelatase domain of magnesium chelatase, will be essential for understanding how free energy from the hydrolysis of ATP on the AAA+ ChlI subunit is transmitted via the bridging subunit ChlD to the active site on ChlH

    Health-Related Quality of Life and All-Cause Mortality among Older Healthy Individuals in Australia and the United States:A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Published online: 3 January 2021PURPOSE: Previous research has demonstrated that lower health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is associated with higher morbidity and mortality, especially in-patient groups. The association of HRQoL with all-cause mortality in community samples requires further investigation. This study aimed to examine whether HRQoL predicts all-cause mortality in older healthy community-dwelling people from Australia and the United States (U.S.) enrolled in the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) trial. We also explored whether this association varies by gender or country. METHOD: A prospective cohort of 19,106 individuals aged 65-98 years, who were without a dementia diagnosis or a known major life-limiting disease, and completed the 12-item short-form-HRQoL at recruitment (2010-2014). They were followed until June 2017. Cox proportional-hazard models were used to determine the association between the physical (PCS) and mental component scores (MCS) of HRQoL and all-cause mortality, adjusting for sociodemographic factors, health-related behaviours and clinical measures. Hazards ratios were estimated for every 10-unit increase in PCS or MCS. RESULTS: There were 1052 deaths over a median 4.7-years (interquartile range 3.6-5.7) of follow-up, with 11.9 events per 1000 person-years. Higher PCS was associated with lower all-cause mortality (HR 0.83, 95% CI 0.77, 0.89) in the entire sample, while higher MCS was associated with lower mortality among U.S. participants only (HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.63, 0.95). Gender differences in the association of either PCS or MCS with mortality were not observed. CONCLUSION: Our large study provides evidence that HRQoL is inversely associated with all-cause mortality among initially healthy older people.Aung Zaw Zaw Phyo, Joanne Ryan, David A. Gonzalez-Chica, Robyn L. Woods, Christopher M. Reid, Mark R. Nelson ... et al

    The Quantum McKay Correspondence for polyhedral singularities

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    Let G be a polyhedral group, namely a finite subgroup of SO(3). Nakamura's G-Hilbert scheme provides a preferred Calabi-Yau resolution Y of the polyhedral singularity C^3/G. The classical McKay correspondence describes the classical geometry of Y in terms of the representation theory of G. In this paper we describe the quantum geometry of Y in terms of R, an ADE root system associated to G. Namely, we give an explicit formula for the Gromov-Witten partition function of Y as a product over the positive roots of R. In terms of counts of BPS states (Gopakumar-Vafa invariants), our result can be stated as a correspondence: each positive root of R corresponds to one half of a genus zero BPS state. As an application, we use the crepant resolution conjecture to provide a full prediction for the orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants of [C^3/G].Comment: Introduction rewritten. Issue regarding non-uniqueness of conifold resolution clarified. Version to appear in Inventione

    Investigation of the Neutron Form Factors by Inclusive Quasi-Elastic Scattering of Polarized Electrons off Polarized 3^{3}He: A Theoretical Overview

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    The theory of quasi-elastic inclusive scattering of polarized leptons off polarized 3^3He is critically reviewed and the origin of different expressions for the polarized nuclear response function appearing in the literature is explained. The sensitivity of the longitudinal asymmetry upon the neutron form factors is thoroughly investigated and the role played by the polarization angle for minimizing the proton contribution is illustrated.Comment: Phys. Rev C in press; 9 figs. (available upon request

    Statistical Survey of Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths Observed by the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves Instruments: Radio Flux Density Variations with Frequency

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    We have performed a statistical study of 152152 Type III radio bursts observed by Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves between May 2007 and February 2013. We have investigated the flux density between 125125kHz and 1616MHz. Both high- and low-frequency cutoffs have been observed in 60 60\,% of events suggesting an important role of propagation. As already reported by previous authors, we observed that the maximum flux density occurs at 11MHz on both spacecraft. We have developed a simplified analytical model of the flux density as a function of radial distance and compared it to the STEREO/Waves data.Comment: published in Solar Physic
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