47 research outputs found

    De que forma a disciplina introdução às ciências biológicas pode ilustrar os campos de atuação do biólogo

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    The Introduction to Biological Sciences Discipline aims to show the studied object, its values and its characteristics. At the “Luiz de Queiroz” School of Agriculture, USP, Piracicaba, this compulsory course is offered in most courses. I have been in charge of this discipline since the creation of the course in Biological Sciences, in the year of 2002. During these fifteen years, I was able to follow the evolution of the disciplines offered for the graduation in Biological Science course and of the arriving students. At the end of the semester, in the evaluation of the student also includes in the questionnaire inquiries about evaluation of the discipline always leading to its improvement.A disciplina Introdução às Ciências Biológicas tem como objetivo mostrar o objeto estudado, os seus valores e suas características. Na Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, USP, Piracicaba, essa disciplina, na forma obrigatória, é ofertada na maior parte dos cursos. Sou responsável por ela desde a criação do curso em Ciências Biológicas, no ano de 2002. Nesses quinze anos, pude acompanhar a evolução das disciplinas ofertadas durante o curso e também dos alunos ingressantes. No final do semestre, na avaliação do aluno constam também do questionário questões sobre avaliação da disciplina, levando sempre ao seu melhoramento

    Lipid production and composition in haploid and diploid strains of Aspergillus nidulans

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    Six auxotrophic mutants of A. nidulans were crossed in a dialell cross system to obtain heterokaryous and heterozygous diploids. In order to ascertain their lipid accumulation ability, some of these mutants and diploids were tested in a minimal medium (with 3% glucose + 0.6% NaNO3), either in a shaker or in an incubator without agitation. Both, the mutants and diploids, exhibited only 4.6% lipid, on a dry weight basis. With the aim of optimising culture conditions for lipid accumulation, a wild type was cultivated in a range of different media and cultural conditions. The best yield (about 24%), was achieved in a modified minimal medium (MM + 12% glucose + 0.1% NaNO3), with a vortex stirrer device. The lipid composition of wild type 16 grown in a fermenter was determined. The results obtained from cells grown in two different media and using two extraction methods were compared. Fractionation of the total lipid on a Florisil column showed that this strain is composed of 86% neutral lipid, 7% glycolipid and 7% phospholipid, after isopropanol (IP) extraction, whilst chloroform-methanol (CM) extraction gave 75% neutral lipid, 8% glycolipid and 17% phospholipid. A further fractionation on hydrated Florisil showed that CM extracted sterols (both free and esterified) more efficiently than IP. Therefore, CM was considered a better extraction method, particularly for protein-bound lipids. The separation of the neutral lipid fraction into sub-classes also showed that the enhanced lipid content achieved in modified minimal medium, compared with a previously reported medium, was accounted for mainly by an increase, not in the triglycerides as was expected, but in the amount of sterols. TLC analysis of glycolipid and phospholipid from IP and CM extraction demonstrated two major glycolipid components (monoglycosyl and diglycosyl diglycerides) and that phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were the principal phospholipids with lesser amounts of phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylglycerol, cardiolipin and phospbatidic acid (PA) after CM extraction, whilst after IP extraction only PC, PE and PA were found. Another significant difference between the two extraction methods is the large amount of PA found after CM extraction, but not after IP, showing that, almost certainly, phospholipase D activity had occurred during the process of extraction and/or storage of the lipid. It was also found that the principal phospholipid attacked by the enzyme was PC. The fatty acid composition was determined by GLC. The major fatty acids found in the total lipid were: 16:0 =21%; 17:0 =5%; 18:0 =18%; 18:1 = 20%; 18:2 = 35%. Each lipid class showed a different and distinctive fatty acid composition, exhibiting variation with the growth medium and extraction method used. Of particular interest was the sterol ester fraction which contained margarinic acid (17:0) as its only fatty acid

    Bioensaios vegetais na avaliação da toxidade do composto de lodo têxtil

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    Composting of industrial wastes is increasing because of recycling requirements set on organic wastes. The evaluation of toxicity of these wastes by biological testing is therefore extremely important for screening the suitability of waste for land application. The toxicity of a textile sludge compost was investigated using seed germination and plant growth bioassays using soybean and wheat. Compost samples were mixed with water (seed germination bioassay) or nutrient solution (plant growth bioassay) at concentrations of 0, 19, 38, 76 and 152 g L-1. No negative effects were observed after five days of compost water-extract in relation to soybean and wheat seed germination. After fifteen days, under a hydroponics system, plant growth had harmful effects of the compost at concentrations above 38 g L-1. Textile sludge compost presented great phytotoxicity under hydroponics condition and the soybean and wheat were sensitive for evaluation of organic wastes in plant growth bioassays.A compostagem de resíduos industriais tem aumentado devido à pressão para reciclar os resíduos orgânicos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes resíduos por testes biológicos é extremamente importante para selecionar resíduos apropriados para aplicação no solo. A toxicidade do composto de lodo têxtil foi investigada utilizando bioensaios de germinação de sementes e crescimento vegetal em soja e trigo. Amostra do composto foi misturada com água (bioensaio de germinação de sementes) ou solução nutritiva (bioensaio de crescimento de plantas) em concentrações de 0, 19, 38, 76 e 152 g L-1. Não foram observados efeitos negativos, após cinco dias, do extrato aquoso do composto para a germinação de sementes da soja e do trigo. Após quinze dias em sistema hidropônico, houve efeitos deletérios do composto em concentrações acima de 38 g L-1. O composto de lodo têxtil mostrou maior fitotoxicidade em condições hidropônicas e a soja e o trigo são espécies sensíveis para avaliação de resíduos orgânicos em bioensaios de crescimento vegetal

    Bioensaios vegetais na avaliação da toxidade do composto de lodo têxtil

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    Composting of industrial wastes is increasing because of recycling requirements set on organic wastes. The evaluation of toxicity of these wastes by biological testing is therefore extremely important for screening the suitability of waste for land application. The toxicity of a textile sludge compost was investigated using seed germination and plant growth bioassays using soybean and wheat. Compost samples were mixed with water (seed germination bioassay) or nutrient solution (plant growth bioassay) at concentrations of 0, 19, 38, 76 and 152 g L-1. No negative effects were observed after five days of compost water-extract in relation to soybean and wheat seed germination. After fifteen days, under a hydroponics system, plant growth had harmful effects of the compost at concentrations above 38 g L-1. Textile sludge compost presented great phytotoxicity under hydroponics condition and the soybean and wheat were sensitive for evaluation of organic wastes in plant growth bioassays.A compostagem de resíduos industriais tem aumentado devido à pressão para reciclar os resíduos orgânicos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes resíduos por testes biológicos é extremamente importante para selecionar resíduos apropriados para aplicação no solo. A toxicidade do composto de lodo têxtil foi investigada utilizando bioensaios de germinação de sementes e crescimento vegetal em soja e trigo. Amostra do composto foi misturada com água (bioensaio de germinação de sementes) ou solução nutritiva (bioensaio de crescimento de plantas) em concentrações de 0, 19, 38, 76 e 152 g L-1. Não foram observados efeitos negativos, após cinco dias, do extrato aquoso do composto para a germinação de sementes da soja e do trigo. Após quinze dias em sistema hidropônico, houve efeitos deletérios do composto em concentrações acima de 38 g L-1. O composto de lodo têxtil mostrou maior fitotoxicidade em condições hidropônicas e a soja e o trigo são espécies sensíveis para avaliação de resíduos orgânicos em bioensaios de crescimento vegetal

    Bioensaios vegetais na avaliação da toxidade do composto de lodo têxtil

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    Composting of industrial wastes is increasing because of recycling requirements set on organic wastes. The evaluation of toxicity of these wastes by biological testing is therefore extremely important for screening the suitability of waste for land application. The toxicity of a textile sludge compost was investigated using seed germination and plant growth bioassays using soybean and wheat. Compost samples were mixed with water (seed germination bioassay) or nutrient solution (plant growth bioassay) at concentrations of 0, 19, 38, 76 and 152 g L-1. No negative effects were observed after five days of compost water-extract in relation to soybean and wheat seed germination. After fifteen days, under a hydroponics system, plant growth had harmful effects of the compost at concentrations above 38 g L-1. Textile sludge compost presented great phytotoxicity under hydroponics condition and the soybean and wheat were sensitive for evaluation of organic wastes in plant growth bioassays.A compostagem de resíduos industriais tem aumentado devido à pressão para reciclar os resíduos orgânicos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes resíduos por testes biológicos é extremamente importante para selecionar resíduos apropriados para aplicação no solo. A toxicidade do composto de lodo têxtil foi investigada utilizando bioensaios de germinação de sementes e crescimento vegetal em soja e trigo. Amostra do composto foi misturada com água (bioensaio de germinação de sementes) ou solução nutritiva (bioensaio de crescimento de plantas) em concentrações de 0, 19, 38, 76 e 152 g L-1. Não foram observados efeitos negativos, após cinco dias, do extrato aquoso do composto para a germinação de sementes da soja e do trigo. Após quinze dias em sistema hidropônico, houve efeitos deletérios do composto em concentrações acima de 38 g L-1. O composto de lodo têxtil mostrou maior fitotoxicidade em condições hidropônicas e a soja e o trigo são espécies sensíveis para avaliação de resíduos orgânicos em bioensaios de crescimento vegetal

    Bioensaios vegetais na avaliação da toxidade do composto de lodo têxtil

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    Composting of industrial wastes is increasing because of recycling requirements set on organic wastes. The evaluation of toxicity of these wastes by biological testing is therefore extremely important for screening the suitability of waste for land application. The toxicity of a textile sludge compost was investigated using seed germination and plant growth bioassays using soybean and wheat. Compost samples were mixed with water (seed germination bioassay) or nutrient solution (plant growth bioassay) at concentrations of 0, 19, 38, 76 and 152 g L-1. No negative effects were observed after five days of compost water-extract in relation to soybean and wheat seed germination. After fifteen days, under a hydroponics system, plant growth had harmful effects of the compost at concentrations above 38 g L-1. Textile sludge compost presented great phytotoxicity under hydroponics condition and the soybean and wheat were sensitive for evaluation of organic wastes in plant growth bioassays.A compostagem de resíduos industriais tem aumentado devido à pressão para reciclar os resíduos orgânicos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes resíduos por testes biológicos é extremamente importante para selecionar resíduos apropriados para aplicação no solo. A toxicidade do composto de lodo têxtil foi investigada utilizando bioensaios de germinação de sementes e crescimento vegetal em soja e trigo. Amostra do composto foi misturada com água (bioensaio de germinação de sementes) ou solução nutritiva (bioensaio de crescimento de plantas) em concentrações de 0, 19, 38, 76 e 152 g L-1. Não foram observados efeitos negativos, após cinco dias, do extrato aquoso do composto para a germinação de sementes da soja e do trigo. Após quinze dias em sistema hidropônico, houve efeitos deletérios do composto em concentrações acima de 38 g L-1. O composto de lodo têxtil mostrou maior fitotoxicidade em condições hidropônicas e a soja e o trigo são espécies sensíveis para avaliação de resíduos orgânicos em bioensaios de crescimento vegetal

    Textile sludge compost on soybean and wheat seedlings

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do composto de lodo têxtil sobre plântulas de soja e trigo. O composto de lodo têxtil foi misturado com água e solução nutritiva nas seguintes concentrações (g do composto em 1.000 mL de água e solução nutritiva): 19 g L-1, 38 g L-1, 76 g L-1 e 152 g L-1. Um controle, constituído de água e solução nutritiva, foi incluído no experimento. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. As plântulas de soja e trigo foram expostas aos extratos do composto, em sistema de hidroponia com aeração e, após 15 dias, foram avaliadas a massa da matéria seca total, altura da parte aérea, comprimento radicular, conteúdo de clorofila e atividade da peroxidase nas folhas e raízes. Houve diminuição na massa da matéria seca total, altura da parte aérea e comprimento radicular das plântulas de soja e trigo com o aumento da concentração do composto, a partir de 38 g L-1. A atividade da peroxidase, das raízes e das folhas das plântulas de soja e trigo, aumentou a partir da concentração de 38 g L-1. Concentrações maiores do composto de lodo têxtil afetam, de forma prejudicial, as plântulas de soja e trigo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of textile sludge compost on soybean and wheat seedlings. The textile sludge compost was mixed with water plus nutritive solution, in the following concentrations (g of compost in 1,000 mL of water plus nutritive solution): 19 g L-1, 38 g L-1, 76 g L-1 and 152 g L-1. A control, constituted of water plus nutritive solution, was included in the experiment. A completely randomized design was used with four replicates. The seedlings were exposed to the concentrations of compost extract, in hydroponic system, and after 15 days, the total dry mass, height of aerial part, root length, chlorophyll content and peroxidase activity of leaves and roots were evaluated. Seedlings of both crops showed a decrease in the total dry mass, height of aerial part and root length with application of compost in concentrations equal to or above 38 g L-1. Peroxidase activity in roots and leaves increased with the concentration of compost equal to or above 38 g L-1. Concentrations above 19 g L-1 of this textile sludge compost are harmfull to soybean and wheat seedlings


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    Avaliou-se a biodegradação de Glifosato em amostras de dois solos brasileiros, ambos com e sem histórico de uso prévio do herbicida. Aplicou-se o Glifosato em 75 g de cada amostra de solo (três repetições) na dosagem recomendada para condição de campo (2,16 kg i.a./ha). A biodegradação foi avaliada monitorando-se a liberação do CO2 pelos microrganismos no período de 32 dias. Durante esse período foram quantificados os resíduos de Glifosato e seu principal metabólito por meio de extração, seguida de análise por Cromatografia a Líquido de Alta Eficiência. Os resultados mostraram que o Glifosato foi degradado pelos microrganismos do solo, com formação de seu metabólito ácido aminometilfosfônico (AMPA). A degradação mostrouse ligeiramente superior em Argissolo que em Latossolo. BIODEGRADATION OF GLYPHOSATE IN TWO BRAZILIAN SOILS Abstract It was evaluated the Glyphosate biodegradation in two Brazilian soil samples, both with and without report of previous herbicide application. Samples of 75 g of each soil type (3 replicates) were used and Glyphosate was applied in the recommended dose for field condition (2.16 kg a.i./ha). The assessment of biodegradation was done using the CO2 evolution during a 32 days period. During this period the Glyphosate residues, and its main metabolite were quantified, after extraction and analysis by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that Glyphosate was degraded by the soil microorganisms, with formation of its metabolite, the aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). The degradation was faster in the Hapludult than in Hapludox soil

    Optimization of lipids production by Cryptococcus laurentii 11 using cheese whey with molasses

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    This study aimed the optimization of culture condition and composition for production of Cryptococcus laurentii 11 biomass and lipids in cheese whey medium supplemented with sugarcane molasses. The optimization of pH, fermentation time, and molasses concentration according to a full factorial statistical experimental design was followed by a Plackett-Burman experimental design, which was used to determine whether the supplementation of the culture medium by yeast extract and inorganic salts could provide a further enhancement of lipids production. The following conditions and composition of the culture medium were found to optimize biomass and lipids production: 360 h fermentation, 6.5 pH and supplementation of (g L-1): 50 molasses, 0.5 yeast extract, 4 KH2PO4, 1 Na2HPO4, 0.75 MgSO4•7H2O and 0.002 ZnSO4•H2O. Additional supplementation with inorganic salts and yeast extract was essential to optimize the production, in terms of product concentration and productivity, of neutral lipids by C. laurentii 11. Under this optimized condition, the production of total lipids increased by 133% in relation to control experiment (from 1.27 to 2.96 g L-1). The total lipids indicated a predominant (86%) presence of neutral lipids with high content of 16- and 18- carbon-chain saturated and monosaturated fatty acids. This class of lipids is considered especially suitable for the production of biodiesel