3,217 research outputs found

    Casting Light on Dark Matter

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    The prospects for detecting a candidate supersymmetric dark matter particle at the LHC are reviewed, and compared with the prospects for direct and indirect searches for astrophysical dark matter. The discussion is based on a frequentist analysis of the preferred regions of the Minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model with universal soft supersymmetry breaking (the CMSSM). LHC searches may have good chances to observe supersymmetry in the near future - and so may direct searches for astrophysical dark matter particles, whereas indirect searches may require greater sensitivity, at least within the CMSSM.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the LEAP 2011 Conferenc

    How willing are you to accept sexual requests from slightly unattractive to exceptionally attractive imagined requestors?

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below.In their classic study of differences in mating strategies (Clark & Hatfield, 1989), men and women demonstrated a striking difference in interest in casual sex. The current study examined the role of requestor physical attractiveness (slightly unattractive, moderately attractive and exceptionally attractive) on men's and women's willingness to accept three different requests (go out, come to apartment, go to bed) in a questionnaire study. We tested two hypotheses, using a sample of 427 men and 443 women from three countries. Hypothesis 1 states that men, relative to women, will demonstrate a greater willingness to accept the “come to apartment” and “go to bed” requests but not the “go out” request for all three levels of requestor attractiveness. This hypothesis reflects Clark and Hatfield's (1989) main findings. Hypothesis 2 states that the physical attractiveness of a potential partner will have a greater effect on women's than on men's willingness to accept all three requests, and particularly for the explicit request for casual sex. The results partially supported Hypothesis 1 and fully supported Hypothesis 2. The discussion highlights limitations of the current research and presents directions for future research

    The treatment of the infrared region in perturbative QCD

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    We discuss the contribution coming from the infrared region to NLO matrix elements and/or coefficient functions of hard QCD processes. Strictly speaking, this contribution is not known theoretically, since it is beyond perturbative QCD. For DGLAP evolution all the infrared contributions are collected in the phenomenological input parton distribution functions (PDFs), at some relatively low scale Q_0; functions which are obtained from a fit to the `global' data. However dimensional regularization sometimes produces a non-zero result coming from the infrared region. Instead of this conventional regularization treatment, we argue that the proper procedure is to first subtract from the NLO matrix element the contribution already generated at the same order in \alpha_s by the LO DGLAP splitting function convoluted with the LO matrix element. This prescription eliminates the logarithmic infrared divergence, giving a well-defined result which is consistent with the original idea that everything below Q_0 is collected in the PDF input. We quantify the difference between the proposed treatment and the conventional approach using low-mass Drell-Yan production and deep inelastic electron-proton scattering as examples; and discuss the potential impact on the `global' PDF analyses. We present arguments to show that the difference cannot be regarded as simply the use of an alternative factorization scheme.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, title changed, text considerably modified to improve presentation, and discussion section enlarge

    Neutralino versus axion/axino cold dark matter in the 19 parameter SUGRA model

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    We calculate the relic abundance of thermally produced neutralino cold dark matter in the general 19 parameter supergravity (SUGRA-19) model. A scan over GUT scale parameters reveals that models with a bino-like neutralino typically give rise to a dark matter density \Omega_{\tz_1}h^2\sim 1-1000, i.e. between 1 and 4 orders of magnitude higher than the measured value. Models with higgsino or wino cold dark matter can yield the correct relic density, but mainly for neutralino masses around 700-1300 GeV. Models with mixed bino-wino or bino-higgsino CDM, or models with dominant co-annihilation or A-resonance annihilation can yield the correct abundance, but such cases are extremely hard to generate using a general scan over GUT scale parameters; this is indicative of high fine-tuning of the relic abundance in these cases. Requiring that m_{\tz_1}\alt 500 GeV (as a rough naturalness requirement) gives rise to a minimal probably dip in parameter space at the measured CDM abundance. For comparison, we also scan over mSUGRA space with four free parameters. Finally, we investigate the Peccei-Quinn augmented MSSM with mixed axion/axino cold dark matter. In this case, the relic abundance agrees more naturally with the measured value. In light of our cumulative results, we conclude that future axion searches should probe much more broadly in axion mass, and deeper into the axion coupling.Comment: 23 pages including 17 .eps figure

    Electroweak Gauge-Boson Production at Small q_T: Infrared Safety from the Collinear Anomaly

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    Using methods from effective field theory, we develop a novel, systematic framework for the calculation of the cross sections for electroweak gauge-boson production at small and very small transverse momentum q_T, in which large logarithms of the scale ratio M_V/q_T are resummed to all orders. These cross sections receive logarithmically enhanced corrections from two sources: the running of the hard matching coefficient and the collinear factorization anomaly. The anomaly leads to the dynamical generation of a non-perturbative scale q_* ~ M_V e^{-const/\alpha_s(M_V)}, which protects the processes from receiving large long-distance hadronic contributions. Expanding the cross sections in either \alpha_s or q_T generates strongly divergent series, which must be resummed. As a by-product, we obtain an explicit non-perturbative expression for the intercept of the cross sections at q_T=0, including the normalization and first-order \alpha_s(q_*) correction. We perform a detailed numerical comparison of our predictions with the available data on the transverse-momentum distribution in Z-boson production at the Tevatron and LHC.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Probing Shadowed Nuclear Sea with Massive Gauge Bosons in the Future Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    The production of the massive bosons Z0Z^0 and W±W^{\pm} could provide an excellent tool to study cold nuclear matter effects and the modifications of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) relative to parton distribution functions (PDFs) of a free proton in high energy nuclear reactions at the LHC as well as in heavy-ion collisions (HIC) with much higher center-of mass energies available in the future colliders. In this paper we calculate the rapidity and transverse momentum distributions of the vector boson and their nuclear modification factors in p+Pb collisions at sNN=63\sqrt{s_{NN}}=63TeV and in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=39\sqrt{s_{NN}}=39TeV in the framework of perturbative QCD by utilizing three parametrization sets of nPDFs: EPS09, DSSZ and nCTEQ. It is found that in heavy-ion collisions at such high colliding energies, both the rapidity distribution and the transverse momentum spectrum of vector bosons are considerably suppressed in wide kinematic regions with respect to p+p reactions due to large nuclear shadowing effect. We demonstrate that in the massive vector boson productions processes with sea quarks in the initial-state may give more contributions than those with valence quarks in the initial-state, therefore in future heavy-ion collisions the isospin effect is less pronounced and the charge asymmetry of W boson will be reduced significantly as compared to that at the LHC. Large difference between results with nCTEQ and results with EPS09 and DSSZ is observed in nuclear modifications of both rapidity and pTp_T distributions of Z0Z^0 and WW in the future HIC.Comment: 13 pages, 21 figures, version accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Direct neutralino searches in the NMSSM with gravitino LSP in the degenerate scenario

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    In the present work a two-component dark matter model is studied adopting the degenerate scenario in the R-parity conserving NMSSM. The gravitino LSP and the neutralino NLSP are extremely degenerate in mass, avoiding the BBN bounds and obtaining a high reheating temperature for thermal leptogenesis. In this model both gravitino (absolutely stable) and neutralino (quasi-stable) contribute to dark matter, and direct detection searches for neutralino are discussed. Points that survive all the constraints correspond to a singlino-like neutralino

    b-Initiated processes at the LHC: a reappraisal

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    Several key processes at the LHC in the standard model and beyond that involve bb quarks, such as single-top, Higgs, and weak vector boson associated production, can be described in QCD either in a 4-flavor or 5-flavor scheme. In the former, bb quarks appear only in the final state and are typically considered massive. In 5-flavor schemes, calculations include bb quarks in the initial state, are simpler and allow the resummation of possibly large initial state logarithms of the type logQ2mb2\log \frac{{\cal Q}^2}{m_b^2} into the bb parton distribution function (PDF), Q{\cal Q} being the typical scale of the hard process. In this work we critically reconsider the rationale for using 5-flavor improved schemes at the LHC. Our motivation stems from the observation that the effects of initial state logs are rarely very large in hadron collisions: 4-flavor computations are pertubatively well behaved and a substantial agreement between predictions in the two schemes is found. We identify two distinct reasons that explain this behaviour, i.e., the resummation of the initial state logarithms into the bb-PDF is relevant only at large Bjorken xx and the possibly large ratios Q2/mb2{\cal Q}^2/m_b^2's are always accompanied by universal phase space suppression factors. Our study paves the way to using both schemes for the same process so to exploit their complementary advantages for different observables, such as employing a 5-flavor scheme to accurately predict the total cross section at NNLO and the corresponding 4-flavor computation at NLO for fully exclusive studies.Comment: Fixed typo in Eq. (A.10) and few typos in Eq. (C.2) and (C.3