26 research outputs found

    Exploring perceptions of advertising ethics: an informant-derived approach

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    Whilst considerable research exists on determining consumer responses to pre-determined statements within numerous ad ethics contexts, our understanding of consumer thoughts regarding ad ethics in general remains lacking. The purpose of our study therefore is to provide a first illustration of an emic and informant-based derivation of perceived ad ethics. The authors use multi-dimensional scaling as an approach enabling the emic, or locally derived deconstruction of perceived ad ethics. Given recent calls to develop our understanding of ad ethics in different cultural contexts, and in particular within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, we use Lebanon—the most ethically charged advertising environment within MENA—as an illustrative context for our study. Results confirm the multi-faceted and pluralistic nature of ad ethics as comprising a number of dimensional themes already salient in the existing literature but in addition, we also find evidence for a bipolar relationship between individual themes. The specific pattern of inductively derived relationships is culturally bound. Implications of the findings are discussed, followed by limitations of the study and recommendations for further research

    Paniculite mesentérica (PM) e fibromatose mesentérica (FM): relato de casos Mesenteric panniculitis (MP) and mesenteric fibromatosis (MF): report of cases

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    A paniculite mesentérica (PM) e a fibromatose mesentérica (FM) são doenças fibróticas de etiologia incerta. São mais frequentes no mesentério do intestino delgado, no grande omento e nos mesocólons. Clinicamente a FM pode apresentar-se de forma aguda na qual uma complicação da doença é sua primeira expressão. Na forma crônica é caracterizada por sintomas abdominais vagos e/ou massa abdominal palpável. A comprovação diagnóstica, assim como na PM, é feita através de laparotomia exploradora ou videolaparoscopia diagnóstica e biopsia. Os autores relatam dois casos sendo um de PM e outro de FM, apresentam um paralelo dos aspectos clínicos, tomográficos, diagnóstico, histopatológico e terapêutico destacando as semelhanças e as diferenças entre essas duas patologias.<br>Mesenteric panniculitis (MP) and mesenteric fibromatosis (MF) are fibrotic diseases of uncertain aetiology. Both occur most frequently in the mesentery of the small intestine, the greater omentum and the mesocolons. In its acute form, the first clinical symptoms of MF are complications of the disease. Chronic MF is characterized by vague abdominal symptoms and/or a palpable abdominal mass. Like mesenteric panniculitis, mesenteric fibromatosis can be diagnostically verified by exploratory laparotomy, or diagnostic video-laparoscopy and biopsy. Here, we present two cases, one of MP and the other of MF, with resembling clinical and tomographic aspects, as well as similarities in diagnosis, histopathology and therapy. With our case report, we want to emphasise both similarities and differences between these two pathologies