5 research outputs found

    Implementation Role of HR in Organizational Transformation as Agent of Change

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    An organizational transformation that results in "dramatic" events that must be addressed by all members of the organization. This study uses three basic theories from Kurt Lewin that explain the process of change in an organization, namely unfreezing, movement, and refreezing. The phenomenon that occurs at Tidar University as a new university is the optimization of human resources towards Indonesia 2045. Humans with self empowerment and flexibility as agents of change in developing management strategies for successful organizational performance towards equality with other PTN. This research was conducted to examine the implementation of the role of professional resources on organizational transformation as an agent of change. This research was conducted through a literature study that refers to research and critical review of previous theories. As for the relevance of our data, we distributed questionnaires to 25% of the total employees as baseline deep in interviews in group discussions to share professional experiences, understand our own assumptions and assumptions of others and to understand the profession. The analysis uses Lewin's three-step process approach to agents of change in change in organizations. In a critical review change management has a constructive framework for managing organizational change through the process phase. The results of this study provide theories and practical implications of a process of change by the "agent of change"

    Drying TIME Estimation of Carrageenan-egg White Mixture at Tray Dryer

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    The drying is the last step to find carrageenan product. Currently, the carrageenan drying still deals with too long drying time. This because, during the process carrageenan and water forms gel stucture in which hampers the water diffusion to the surface. Foaming agent introduction such as egg white can be considered to break the gel structure and make the drying process being smooth and fast. This paper discusses the effect of egg white as foaming agent on the drying time of carrageenan. In this study, the carrageenan was mixed with egg white to form foam that can break the gel and create the pore for improving the surface area. The carrageenan and egg white mixture was then dried at different air temperature and humidity. Results showed that the drying time was shortened with the presence of egg whiet as well as the increase of air temperature. For example, the drying time at air temperature 80oC with 20 % egg white was about 60 minutes shorter than that of without foam. In addition, the lowering air dehumidification affected the drying time positively

    Pembangunan kediaman dan fragmentasi kawasan tanah paya di Indonesia: Kajian kes di Surabaya dan sekitarnya

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tingkat fragmentasi spasial akibat perkembangan petempatan pada ekosistem tanah paya. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah: (1) mengevaluasi komposisi dan konfigurasi pemanfaatan tanah paya secara spasial berdasarkan data geospasial multi-temporal di Surabaya dan sekitarnya, (2) mengevaluasi fragmentasi spasial sebagai akibat dari bentuk, struktur dan pola pemanfaatan tanah paya di Surabaya dan sekitarnya, (3) menyusun konsep model data dan model visual fragmentasi spasial tanah paya di Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Kajian ini menggunakan metod eksploratif dengan menggunakan data geospasial dari pelbagai sumber, sama ada berwujud data analog mahupun digital secara multi-temporal dan multi-resolusi. Data geospasial yang tersedia dikelompokkan kepada 4 fasa: (a) sebelum 1965, (b) antara 1965-1985, (c) antara 1985-2005 dan (d) setelah 2005. Prinsip dasar dalam penerapan metod kajian eksploratif melalui “image mining” dengan teknik “morfo-spasio-kuantitatif” untuk memahami komposisi dan konfigurasi dari pola pertukaran pada ekosistem tanah paya. Kajian ini dilaksanakan pada ekosistem tanah paya seperti sawah dan tambak yang berada di tiga satuan bentuktanah: fluvial (F), fluvio-marin (FM) dan marin (M) dan tiga had pentadbiran yakni Gresik, Surabaya dan Sidoarjo. Dapatan kajian adalah menyatakan bahawa pertukaran tanah paya kepada petempatan di Surabaya dan sekitarnya telah mengakibatkan fragmentasi spasial. Keadaan ini menunjukkan implikasi bahawa pemanfaatan ruang seharusnya menggunakan prinsip-prinsip “design primordial” atau “geographic design”

    Prediction of solubility of biomolecules in supercritical solvents

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    The supercritical .uid extraction (SFE) is considered an appropriate alternative for separation of biomolecules from food and pharmaceutical products. A major di2culty in utilizing the SFE for biomolecules has been the di2culty in measurement and prediction of their solubilities in supercritical solvents at various pressures and temperatures for process optimization. Lack of data for intermolecular energy parameters and=or critical properties, acentric factors, and molar refractions limits us to the use of the simple equations of state for prediction of their solubilities in supercritical solvents. In this report, six di8erent cubic equations of state are used to predict the solubility of cholesterol and beta-carotene, as two representative biomolecules, in supercritical .uids. They are the van der Waals, Redlich–Kwong, Mohsen-Nia–Moddaress–Mansoori (MMM), Peng–Robinson (PR) and Patel–Teja and modi=ed PR equations. It is shown that the two-parameter MMM equation is more accurate than =ve of the other equations and comparable to the modi=ed PR equation in predicting the solubility of cholesterol and -carotene in supercritical .uids