8 research outputs found

    Sponge spicule and phytolith evidence for Late Quaternary environmental changes in the tropical Pantanal wetlands of western Brazil.

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    The environmental history of the central Pantanal wetlands of western Brazil is inferred for the last 19 kyrs based on a multi-indicator paleolimnological analysis of a sediment core from Lake Negra. The core, dated by 14C and OSL, shows variations in the abundance, diversity, and preservation of sponge spicules and phytoliths through time, consistent with changing aquatic environments. In the late Pleistocene, Lake Negra was influenced by a strong monsoon and fluvial depositional processes, whereas in the Holocene, there was a drier interval where the lake was more isolated on the floodplain. Hiatuses in the stratigraphy resulted from both wet and dry conditions, through fluvial channel scour or subaerial exposure of the lake floor, respectively. Data suggest that floodplain lakes in the Pantanal wetlands and similar riverine wetlands respond in a complex and, at times, indirect manner to climate change, and the dynamics of the adjacent fluvial system must be accounted for when interpreting paleohydrology and vegetation patterns

    A morphological guide of neotropical freshwater sponge spicules for paleolimnological studies

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    Freshwater sponges (Porifera: Spongillida) are sessile invertebrates with skeletons composed of siliceous elements termed spicules. Sponge spicules (megascleres, microscleres, and gemmuloscleres) are characterized by widely varying sizes and shapes. These spicules are well-preserved in lacustrine, wetland, and riverine sediments and hold significant ecological and limnological information that can be applied as diagnostic tools in reconstructions of Quaternary environments. However, problems with taxonomy and the absence of systematic guidelines and standards of identification represent major challenges to utilizing freshwater sponges as a paleo-proxy. Here, we present a well-illustrated extraction protocol and morphological guide to the Neotropical freshwater sponge fauna. This guide is intended to introduce researchers and students to the study of freshwater sponges and their use as a diagnostic tool in paleoecology and paleolimnology

    Estudos paleoambientais interdisciplinares: dinâmica da vegetação, do ambiente marinho e inferências climáticas milenares a atuais na Costa Norte do Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    Estudos paleoambientais desde ~50.000 anos na costa do Brasil e, em particular, no litoral do Espírito Santo, são ainda insuficientes para servir de base a reconstituições da dinâmica da vegetação, de oscilações do nível relativo do mar e de flutuações climáticas e respectivas influências sobre a ação humana milenar. Para obter essas informações, uma equipe interdisciplinar, financiada por projetos temáticos FAPESP e CNPq, desenvolveu pesquisas correlatas na Reserva Natural Vale (RNV) e região. Para a caracterização da dinâmica da vegetação e marinha, com inferências climáticas, em locais de floresta de tabuleiros e campos naturais da RNV e região desde ~16.000 anos, utilizaram-se isótopos do C (12C, 13C e 14C) da matéria orgânica do solo e sedimentar, além de palinologia em sedimentos lacustres e terrestres. No estudo da dinâmica do ecótono floresta – campo, apresentam-se inferências preliminares sobre a evolução pedogenética dos Espodossolos associados ao campo, com ênfase às suas características físico-químicas, e também dos Argissolos, encontrados sob floresta. Finaliza-se com o estágio inicial de uma coleção de referência de fitólitos, bioindicador de vegetação utilizado em estudos paleoambientais, extraídos de plantas da floresta de tabuleiros da RNV.A equipe agradece todo o empenho dos funcionários e apoio logístico da Reserva Natural Vale, Linhares, Espírito Santo; à FAPESP através do projeto Temático 2011/00995-7 (ProjES); e ao CNPq – Universal 2012-5/470210, pelo aporte financeiro e a colaboração dos técnicos do Laboratório 14C, Liz Mary Bueno de Moraes e Thiago Casemiro Barrios de Campos, na preparação de amostras gasosas para a datação 14C.Peer Reviewe

    Effect of Dam Emplacement and Water Level Changes on Sublacustrine Geomorphology and Recent Sedimentation in Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming, United States)

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    Dam installation on a deep hydrologically open lake provides the experimental framework necessary to study the influence of outlet engineering and changing base levels on limnogeological processes. Here, high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, sediment cores, and historical water level elevation datasets were employed to assess the recent depositional history of Jackson Lake, a dammed glacial lake located adjacent to the Teton fault in western Wyoming (USA). Prograding clinoforms imaged in the shallow stratigraphy indicate a recent lake-wide episode of delta abandonment. Submerged ∼11–12 m below the lake surface, these Gilbert-type paleo-deltas represent extensive submerged coarse-grained deposits along the axial and lateral margins of Jackson Lake that resulted from shoreline transgression following dam construction in the early 20th century. Other paleo-lake margin environments, including delta plain, shoreline, and glacial (drumlins, moraines) landforms were likewise inundated following dam installation, and now form prominent features on the lake floor. In deepwater, a detailed chronology was established using 137Cs, 210Pb, and reservoir-corrected 14C for a sediment core that spans ∼1654–2019 Common Era (CE). Dam emplacement (1908–1916 CE) correlates with a nearly five-fold acceleration in accumulation rates and a depositional shift towards carbonaceous sediments. Interbedded organic-rich black diatomaceous oozes and tan silts track changes in reservoir water level elevation, which oscillated in response to regional climate and downstream water needs between 1908 and 2019 CE. Chemostratigraphic patterns of carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur are consistent with a change in nutrient status and productivity, controlled initially by transgression-driven flooding of supralittoral soils and vegetation, and subsequently with water level changes. A thin gravity flow deposit punctuates the deepwater strata and provides a benchmark for turbidite characterization driven by hydroclimate change. Because the Teton fault is a major seismic hazard, end-member characterization of turbidites is a critical first step for accurate discrimination of mass transport deposits controlled by earthquakes in more ancient Jackson Lake strata. Results from this study illustrate the influence of dam installation on sublacustrine geomorphology and sedimentation, which has implications for lake management and ecosystem services. Further, this study demonstrates that Jackson Lake contains an expanded, untapped sedimentary archive recording environmental changes in the American West

    Sponge spicule and phytolith evidence for Late Quaternary environmental changes in the tropical Pantanal wetlands of western Brazil.

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    The environmental history of the central Pantanal wetlands of western Brazil is inferred for the last 19 kyrs based on a multi-indicator paleolimnological analysis of a sediment core from Lake Negra. The core, dated by 14C and OSL, shows variations in the abundance, diversity, and preservation of sponge spicules and phytoliths through time, consistent with changing aquatic environments. In the late Pleistocene, Lake Negra was influenced by a strong monsoon and fluvial depositional processes, whereas in the Holocene, there was a drier interval where the lake was more isolated on the floodplain. Hiatuses in the stratigraphy resulted from both wet and dry conditions, through fluvial channel scour or subaerial exposure of the lake floor, respectively. Data suggest that floodplain lakes in the Pantanal wetlands and similar riverine wetlands respond in a complex and, at times, indirect manner to climate change, and the dynamics of the adjacent fluvial system must be accounted for when interpreting paleohydrology and vegetation patterns.Made available in DSpace on 2019-09-26T00:41:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Spongespiculeandphytolith2019.pdf: 4067671 bytes, checksum: 5caced2646298e03d3b5b5e1a77f9810 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019bitstream/item/202331/1/Sponge-spicule-and-phytolith-2019.pd

    Table_1_A morphological guide of neotropical freshwater sponge spicules for paleolimnological studies.DOCX

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    Freshwater sponges (Porifera: Spongillida) are sessile invertebrates with skeletons composed of siliceous elements termed spicules. Sponge spicules (megascleres, microscleres, and gemmuloscleres) are characterized by widely varying sizes and shapes. These spicules are well-preserved in lacustrine, wetland, and riverine sediments and hold significant ecological and limnological information that can be applied as diagnostic tools in reconstructions of Quaternary environments. However, problems with taxonomy and the absence of systematic guidelines and standards of identification represent major challenges to utilizing freshwater sponges as a paleo-proxy. Here, we present a well-illustrated extraction protocol and morphological guide to the Neotropical freshwater sponge fauna. This guide is intended to introduce researchers and students to the study of freshwater sponges and their use as a diagnostic tool in paleoecology and paleolimnology.</p