218 research outputs found

    Novel Approach for Control Data Theft Attack in Cloud Computing

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    Information security is a major problem faced by cloud computing around the world. Because of their adverse effects on organizational information systems, viruses, hackers, and attackers insiders can jeopardize organizations capabilities to pursue their undertaken effectively. Although technology based solutions help to mitigate some of the many problems of information security, even the preeminent technology can’t work successfully unless effective human computer communication occurs.IT experts, users and administrators all play crucial role to determine the behavior that occurs as people interact with information technology will support the maintenance of effective security or threaten it. In the present paper we try to apply behavioral science concepts and techniques to understanding problems of information security in organizations

    EPMA, OPTICAL, EPR and IR Spectral Studies of Prehnite Mineral

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    Performance Evaluation of Gene Based Ontology Using Attribute Selection Methods

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    With the mounting quantity of ageing-related data on model organisms obtainable on the web, in specific linked to the heredities of ageing, it is opportune to smear data mining methods to that data, in instruction to attempt to determine novel patterns that may backing ageing research. The foremost new facet of the proposed feature selection methods is that they adventure hierarchical relationships in the set of features Gene Ontology terms in order to progress the prognostic exactness of the Naive Bayes and 1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN) classifiers, which are castoff to pigeonhole model organisms’ genes into pro-longevity or anti-longevity genes. The marks show that our hierarchical feature selection methods, when used organized with Naive Bayes and 1-NN classifiers, get advanced prognostic correctness than the normal deprived of feature selection

    Kinetics of Co-oxidation of Ethylene Glycol & Propan-2-ol by Acid Bromate

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    Objective: In the current investigation,nanosponges were set up by emulsion solvent diffusion technique utilizing ethyl cellulose and β-cyclodextrin as polymers. Methods: Diltiazem hydrochloride is taken as model medication for considering different nanosponge formulations. The similarity of different formulation segments was set up by Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy. Molecular size, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency and drug content of nanosponges were analyzed. Shape and surface morphology of the nanosponges were inspected utilizing scanning electron microscopy. Results: Molecule size of formulated nanosponges was seen in the scope of 186 to 476 nm. Scanning electron microscopy uncovered the permeable, round nature of the nanosponges. The drug content of nanosponges for ethyl cellulose containing formulations was seen as in the scope of 62.25 to 85.11% and for the β-cyclodextrin containing details were seen as in the scope of 65.18-89.67%. The percentage entrapment effectiveness of nanosponges for ethyl cellulose containing formulations were seen as in the scope of 54.18 to 79.49% and for the β-cyclodextrin containing details were seen as in the scope of 58.21-83.45%. In vitro drugreleasefindings demonstrated that at 12 h ethyl cellulose containing formulations discharged the drug in the scope of 57.27-89.09% and for the β-cyclodextrin containing formulations discharged in the scope of 73.94-93.26%. Conclusion: Sustained drugreleasefrom formulations is supported if there is an occurrence of ethyl cellulose in the formulations rather with plans containing β-cyclodextrin

    In vitro cytotoxicity, in vivo pharmacokinetic studies and tissue distribution studies of multifunctional citric acid dendrimers using the drug Cytarabine

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    Dendrimers are considered the emerging polymeric architectures, known for their well defined molecular-weight, polydispersity, uniformity and high-surface functionality. These nano-architectures are capable of encapsulating low-high molecular-weight drug moieties in their interior or exterior through covalent bonding and host-guest interactions. Further, large surface volume made researchers to implicate dendrimers in biomedical and therapeutic applications. Regardless of the massive applications, sometimes its use is limited because of the cytotoxicity produced.  Considering this, the present research is focused on the synthesis and PEGylation of citric acid dendrimers. PEGylation is an act of conjugating polyethylene glycol to dendrimers that completely eliminates the toxicity issues associated with dendrimers and render them biocompatible. Cytarabine was loaded in the dendritic architecture to target specifically the tumor cells. Dendrimers are made tumor specific by incorporating certain agents that get cleaved in tumor environment. Synthesized dendrimers were studied for its effect on acute cytotoxicity, tissue-distributions and pharmacokinetic parameters

    Effect of silver nanoparticles incorporation on microhardness of Heat-cure denture base resins

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    Background: Poly (Methyl methacrylic acid) based materials are widely used for the fabrication of removable complete and partial denture prosthesis. Regular cleansing of these dentures may abrade the surface due to an inherent lack of adequate surface hardness. This roughness may adhere food to the denture surface, making it dirty and further cause stomatitis. Recently, antimicrobial activity of denture base materials incorporated with silver nanoparticles was studied, that may logically prevent microbial growth on the denture. However, the effect of these nanoparticles on the mechanical properties, which provide longevity to the prosthesis, was not substantiated.  Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of incorporating various concentrations of silver nanoparticles into heat-cure denture base resin materials, on their surface hardness.  Materials and methods: Silver nanoparticles were incorporated at various concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 wt%) into three different heat-cure denture base materials. A total of 150 rectangular-shaped specimens (62 x 10 x 2.5), which comprises 50 samples from each of the three heat-cure acrylic resins were made using the compression moulding technique. Ten specimens (n=10) were allocated for each concentration such as control, 0.5wt%, 1.0wt%, 2.0wt% and 5.0wt% concentrations of silver nanoparticles. The microhardness was evaluated using the Vickers micro-hardness tester. The data were subjected to One way ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests for statistical analyses. Results: Significant differences (p=0.000) were observed between the unmodified and modified denture base materials.  Conclusion: Silver nanoparticles can be considered as the favourable additives to increase the surface hardness of denture base materials

    Effect of silver nanoparticles incorporation on impact strength of Heat-cure denture base resins

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    Background: Poly (Methyl methacrylic acid) based materials are widely used for the fabrication of removable complete and partial denture prostheses. these materials are prone to fractures when subjected to impact forces. While recent studies have explored the antimicrobial potential of denture base materials incorporating silver nanoparticles, their impact on the mechanical properties crucial for the prosthesis\u27s durability has not been adequately established. Aim: To evaluate the impact strength of the heat-cure denture base materials incorporated with various concentrations of silver nanoparticles.  Materials and Methods: Silver nanoparticles were incorporated at various concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 wt%) into three different heat-cure denture base materials. A total of 150 rectangular-shaped specimens (50 x 6 x 4), which comprises 50 samples from each of the three heat-cure acrylic resins were made using the compression molding technique. Ten specimens (n=10) were allocated for each concentration such as control, 0.5wt%, 1.0wt%, 2.0wt% and 5.0wt% concentrations of silver nanoparticles. A “V” notch was made exactly at the centre of each specimen to prevent the ductile fracture. The impact strength was evaluated using the Izod impact tester. The data were subjected to One-way ANOVA and Post hoc tests for statistical analyses. Results: A decrease in the impact strength was observed in the modified groups compared to the control groups. One-way ANOVA showed significant differences (p=0.000) among the different concentrations of all three denture base materials. Conclusion: Silver nanoparticles incorporation reduced the impact strength of the denture base materials

    Silicon cycle in Indian estuaries and its control by biogeochemical and anthropogenic processes

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    We study the silicon biogeochemical cycle and its associated parameters in 24 and 18 Indian estuaries during dry and wet periods respectively. We focus more specifically on dissolved Si (DSi), amorphous Si (ASi,) lithogenic Si (LSi), Particulate Organic Carbon (POC), Total Suspended Material (TSM), Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN), salinity and fucoxanthin, a marker pigment for diatoms. Overall, we show that the estuaries have strong inter and intra variability of their biogeochemical parameters both seasonally and along salinity gradients. Based on Principal Component Analysis and clustering of categorised (upper and lower) estuaries, we discuss the four major processes controlling the Si variability of Indian estuaries: 1) lithogenic supply, 2) diatom uptake, 3) mixing of sea water and, 4) land use. The influence of lithogenic control is significantly higher during the wet period than during the dry period, due to a higher particle supply through monsoonal discharge. A significant diatom uptake is only identified in the estuaries during dry period. By taking into account the non-conservative nature of Si and by extrapolating our results, we estimate the fluxes from the Indian subcontinent of DSi, ASi, LSi to the Bay of Bengal (211 ± 32, 10 ± 4.7, 2028 ± 317 Gmol) and Arabian Sea (80 ± 15, 7 ± 1.1, 1717 ± 932 Gmol). We show the impact of land use in watersheds with higher levels of agricultural activity amplifies the supply of Si to the coastal Bay of Bengal during the wet season. In contrast, forest cover and steep slopes cause less Si supply to the Arabian Sea by restricting erosion when entering the estuary. Finally, Si:N ratios show that nitrogen is always in deficit relative to silicon for diatom growth, these high Si:N ratios likely contribute to the prevention of eutrophication in the Indian estuaries and coastal sea