11 research outputs found

    Un algorithme Quasi-Newton dans le domaine fréquentiel pour l'égalisation de transmission en salves

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    Dans ce papier, nous proposons un nouveau type d'égaliseur qui appartient à la famille des algorithmes Quasi-Newton (QN).Nous présentons un Egaliseur Linéaire Transverse et un Egaliseur à Retour de Décisions. Dans le premier cas, le Hessien est approché par un développement en série de matrices de Toeplitz. Cette formulation nous permet de développer un algorithme performant dans le domaine fréquentiel (DF). Cette même approche est utilisée pour l'algorithme d'adaptation du filtre direct de l'ERD. L'algorithme obtenu ainsi offre à la fois les avantages de vitesse de convergence des algorithmes QN et de moindre complexité due à la formulation dans le DF

    Interoperability Challenges in the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Ecosystem

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    Threat intelligence helps businesses and organisations make the right decisions in their fight against cyber threats, and strategically design their digital defences for an optimised and up-to-date security situation. Combined with advanced security analysis, threat intelligence helps reduce the time between the detection of an attack and its containment. This is achieved by continuously providing information, accompanied by data, on existing and emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities affecting corporate networks. This paper addresses challenges that organisations are bound to face when they decide to invest in effective and interoperable cybersecurity information sharing and categorises them in a layered model. Based on this, it provides an evaluation of existing sources that share cybersecurity information. The aim of this research is to help organisations improve their cyber threat information exchange capabilities, to enhance their security posture and be more prepared against emerging threats

    A step-by-step quasi-newton algorithm in the frequency domain and its application to adaptative channel equalization

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    International audienc

    Policy-Based Access Control for Body Sensor Networks

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    Part 5: Short PapersInternational audienceSensor nodes and actuators are becoming ubiquitous and research efforts focus on addressing the various issues stemming from resources constraints and other intrinsic characteristics typically associated with such devices and their applications. In the case of wearable nodes, and especially in the context of e-Health applications, the security issues are exacerbated by the direct interaction with the human body and the associated safety and privacy concerns. This work presents a policy-based, unified, cross-platform and flexible access control framework. It adopts a web services-compliant approach to enable secure and authorized fine-grained access control to body sensor network resources and services. The proposed scheme specifically considers the very limited resources of so-called nano nodes that are anticipated to be used in such an environment. A proof-of-concept implementation is developed and a preliminary performance evaluation is presented

    DEFeND DSM: a data scope management service for model-based privacy by design GDPR compliance.

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    The introduction of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has brought significant benefits to citizens, but it has also created challenges for organisations, which are facing with difficulties interpreting it and properly applying it. An important challenge is compliance with the Privacy by Design and by default (PbD) principles, which require that data protection is integrated into processing activities and business practices from the design stage. Recently, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) released an official document with PbD guidelines, and there are various efforts to provide approaches to support these. However, organizations are still facing difficulties in identifying a flow for executing, in a coherent, linear and effective way, these activities, and a complete toolkit for supporting this. In this paper, we: (i) identify the most important PbD activities and strategies, (ii) design a coherent, linear and effective flow for them, and (iii) describe our comprehensive supporting toolkit, as part of the DEFeND EU Project platform. Specifically, within DEFeND, we identified candidate tools, fulfilling specific GDPR aspects, and integrated them in a comprehensive toolkit: the DEFeND Data Scope Management service (DSM). The aim of DSM is to support organizations for continuous GDPR compliance through Model-Based Privacy by Design analysis. Here, we present important PbD activities and strategies individuated, then describe DSM, its design, flow, and a preliminary case study and evaluation performed with pilots from the healthcare, banking, public administration and energy sectors

    Nuclear pores dilate and constrict in cellulo

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    In eukaryotic cells, nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) fuse the inner and outer nuclear membranes and mediate nucleocytoplasmic exchange. They are made of 30 different nucleoporins and form a cylindrical architecture around an aqueous central channel. This architecture is highly dynamic in space and time. Variations in NPC diameter have been reported, but the physiological circumstances and the molecular details remain unknown. Here we combined cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) with integrative structural modeling to capture a molecular movie of the respective large-scale conformational changes in cellulo. While NPCs of exponentially growing cells adopted a dilated conformation, they reversibly constricted upon cellular energy depletion or conditions of hypertonic osmotic stress. Our data point to a model where the nuclear envelope membrane tension is linked to the conformation of the NPC