40 research outputs found

    Auto Sizing Control Panel for Needle Bearing

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    In daily routine life the use of bearing is very essential, as we use many house hold devices like washing machines, water motors, bikes, cars and many moredevices. Without bearings there can be a friction between two surfaces which will reduce the life of any device. So to overcome all these problems there should be some way which will give us better efficiency with greater throughput. And it should also give us higher rate of efficiency. On the other hand the bearings are used for less clearance, which will enhance the life. The bearings which were initially designed expected to limit the rate of rotation and now developed to provide us higher rates with large range in limited rotations. These bearings are used by many houses for their devices as well as in machinery and those machineries are owed by the industries.By the use of bearings the friction between two surfaces is avoided or more over it is reduced which increases the life of the devices

    Exploration of multitrait antagonistic microbes against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici

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    Fusarium wilt is one of the major diseases of tomato causing extensive loss of production. Exploration of agriculturally important microbes (AIMs) for management of the tomato wilt is an ecofriendly and cost effective approach. In the present study, a total 30 Trichoderma and 30 bacterial isolates were screened in the laboratory for their biocontrol activity against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (FOL). Out of all the isolates tested, Trichoderma asperellum BHU P-1 and Ochrobactrum sp. BHU PB-1 were found to show maximum inhibition of FOL in dual culture assay. Both the microbes also exhibited plant growth promoting activities such as phosphate solubilisation, production of siderophore, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), indole acetic acid (IAA) and protease activity. These microbes could be evaluated further in greenhouse and field studies for their potential use in management of Fusarium wilt of tomato

    Wpływ badań oceniających bezpieczeństwo sercowo-naczyniowe na wybór preparatu insuliny w leczeniu cukrzycy typu 2: opinia ekspertów

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    Wstęp: Niniejszą opinię ekspertów opracowano w celu omówienia epidemiologii i patofizjologii chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego (CVD) u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 (T2DM), wyjaśnienia różnych zagadnień statystycznych i niuansów w interpretacji wyników badań oceniających bezpieczeństwo sercowo-naczyniowe (CVOT) ze szczególnym zaakcentowaniem badań typu CVOT dotyczących insulinoterapii i ich wpływu badań na wybór preparatów insuliny w codziennej praktyce klinicznej. Metody: Grupa ekspertów krytycznie przeanalizowała opublikowane dane z badań obserwacyjnych, badań klinicznych z randomizacją, metaanaliz i badań CVOT dotyczących bezpieczeństwa stosowania preparatów insuliny w odniesieniu do układu sercowo-naczyniowego i uzgodniła serię opinii popartych dostępnymi dowodami naukowymi i oceną kliniczną ekspertów. Wyniki: Wielu chorych na T2DM charakteryzuje się wysokim ryzykiem CVD i zgonu sercowo-naczyniowego, które częściowo wynika z czynników ryzyka związanychz insulinoopornością i hiperglikemią. W ciągu ostatniej dekady badania CVOT stały się integralną częścią procesu rejestracji leków przeciwcukrzycowych przez Amerykańską Agencję ds. Żywności i Leków (FDA). Większość obecnie stosowanych preparatów insulinowych, poza kilkoma opracowanymi w ostatnich latach insulinami, dopuszczono do obrotu długo przed wprowadzeniem tego wymogu rejestracyjnego, a zatem nie poddano ich rygorystycznym badaniom CVOT. Istnieje wiele danych obserwacyjnych dotyczących sercowo-naczyniowego bezpieczeństwa stosowania preparatów insuliny. Dane te są często niejednoznaczne, a czasami — sprzeczne. W tym kontekście należy zauważyć, że badania CVOT dwóch analogów insuliny bazowej — insuliny glargine ocenianej w badaniu Basal Insulin and Cardiovascular and Other Outcomes in Dysglycemia Trial (ORIGIN) i insuliny degludec ocenianej w badaniu Efficacy and Safety of Degludec versus Glargine in Type 2 Diabetes Trial (DEVOTE) — wykazały długoterminowe bezpieczeństwo sercowo-naczyniowe ich stosowania. Badanie DEVOTE dostarczyło dodatkowych danych o bezpieczeństwie, wskazujących, że stosowanie insuliny degludec wiązało się z mniejszą liczbą epizodów ciężkiej hipoglikemii niż stosowanie insuliny glargine. Wnioski: W niniejszej pracy dokonano krytycznej analizy dwóch badań CVOT oceniających analogi insuliny bazowej w połączeniu z ogólnym przeglądem meto-dologicznych i interpretacyjnych aspektów badań typu CVOT. Omówiono długoterminowe bezpieczeństwo sercowo-naczyniowe stosowania analogów insuliny bazowej. Za główną lukę badawczą w tej dziedzinie uznano brak badań CVOT z mieszankami insulin ludzkich i analogów insulinowych

    Fallopian tube as a cause of intestinal obstruction: a rare case report with review of literature

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    Adhesive Intestinal obstruction is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in post-operative period. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical examination, plain X-ray abdomen. Authors here report an interesting case of intestinal obstruction after surgery for chronic calcific pancreatitis with pancreatic duct stone with intractable pain. In post-operative period patient developed features of intestinal obstruction, patient was planned for re- exploration and it was found that band was formed by left fallopian tube with transition point at terminal ileum and treated successfully with left Salpingectomy. Very few cases of fallopian tube as cause of intestinal obstruction have been reported in literature and it should be considered as one of the cause of intestinal obstruction in females presenting with acute abdomen

    Creating Scientific Temperament through Children’s Science Congress in Uttarakhand, India

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    Science and Technology provide hands-on guidance in every field such as agriculture, medical sciences, health care, innovations, public utility services, internal and external security, education, entertainment; information and technology, etc. The awareness related to science through informing, educating, and sharing knowledge for promoting sustainable development is known as science communication. The basic aim of science popularization is to expose the society and upcoming generations to the virtues of scientific development and to help them understand the science in their daily life and surroundings as well. Motivating school children towards science is an important aim of science communication at the school level. The National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi has been organizing the “Children’s Science Congress (CSC)” as one of the mega flagship programmes at the block, district, state, and the national level throughout the country since the last 27 years. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to compile the experiences of three consecutive years (2017, 2018, and 2019) of Children’s Science Congress organized by the State Council for Science and Technology. It was categorized under seven themes in 2017, while two themes were merged in 2018 and 2019. A total of 11 districts of Uttarakhand participated in the 25th Children’s Science Congress during 2017, while in 2018 and 2019, all (thirteen) districts participated in the Children’s Science Congress. The total number of child scientists from different districts were found to be diverse – 107, 142, and 138 during the 25th, 26th and 27th Children’s Science Congress of Uttarakhand held in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. In the present paper an attempt has been made to understand the impact of Children’s Science Congress (CSC) for creating scientific temper among child scientists and mentors

    Creating Scientific Temperament through Children’s Science Congress in Uttarakhand, India

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    146-160Science and Technology provide hands-on guidance in every field such as agriculture, medical sciences, health care, innovations, public utility services, internal and external security, education, entertainment; information and technology, etc. The awareness related to science through informing, educating, and sharing knowledge for promoting sustainable development is known as science communication. The basic aim of science popularization is to expose the society and upcoming generations to the virtues of scientific development and to help them understand the science in their daily life and surroundings as well. Motivating school children towards science is an important aim of science communication at the school level.   The National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi has been organizing the “Children’s Science Congress (CSC)” as one of the mega flagship programmes at the block, district, state, and the national level throughout the country since the last 27 years. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to compile the experiences of three consecutive years (2017, 2018, and 2019) of Children’s Science Congress organized by the State Council for Science and Technology. It was categorized under seven themes in 2017, while two themes were merged in 2018 and 2019. A total of 11 districts of Uttarakhand participated in the 25th Children’s Science Congress during 2017, while in 2018 and 2019, all (thirteen) districts participated in the Children’s Science Congress. The total number of child scientists from different districts were found to be diverse – 107, 142, and 138 during the 25th, 26th and 27th Children’s Science Congress of Uttarakhand held in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively.   In the present paper an attempt has been made to understand the impact of Children’s Science Congress (CSC) for creating scientific temper among child scientists and mentors

    Randomized Clinical Trial of High-Dose Rifampicin With or Without Levofloxacin Versus Standard of Care for Pediatric Tuberculous Meningitis: The TBM-KIDS Trial

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    Background. Pediatric tuberculous meningitis (TBM) commonly causes death or disability. In adults, high-dose rifampicin may reduce mortality. The role of fluoroquinolones remains unclear. There have been no antimicrobial treatment trials for pediatric TBM. Methods. TBM-KIDS was a phase 2 open-label randomized trial among children with TBM in India and Malawi. Participants received isoniazid and pyrazinamide plus: (i) high-dose rifampicin (30 mg/kg) and ethambutol (R30HZE, arm 1); (ii) high-dose rifampicin and levofloxacin (R30HZL, arm 2); or (iii) standard-dose rifampicin and ethambutol (R15HZE, arm 3) for 8 weeks, followed by 10 months of standard treatment. Functional and neurocognitive outcomes were measured longitudinally using Modified Rankin Scale (MRS) and Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL). Results. Of 2487 children prescreened, 79 were screened and 37 enrolled. Median age was 72 months; 49%, 43%, and 8% had stage I, II, and III disease, respectively. Grade 3 or higher adverse events occurred in 58%, 55%, and 36% of children in arms 1, 2, and 3, with 1 death (arm 1) and 6 early treatment discontinuations (4 in arm 1, 1 each in arms 2 and 3). By week 8, all children recovered to MRS score of 0 or 1. Average MSEL scores were significantly better in arm 1 than arm 3 in fine motor, receptive language, and expressive language domains (P < .01). Conclusions. In a pediatric TBM trial, functional outcomes were excellent overall. The trend toward higher frequency of adverse events but better neurocognitive outcomes in children receiving high-dose rifampicin requires confirmation in a larger trial. Clinical Trials Registration. NCT02958709

    Enhanced electron acceleration by a chirped tightly focused laser in vacuum in the presence of axial magnetic field

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    The paper presents a scheme of vacuum electron acceleration due to tightly focused linearly polarized (LP) frequency chirped laser in the presence external magnetic field. The focused terawatt chirped laser pulse and the external axial magnetic field enable the electron of few MeV initial energy to attain high energy in GeV range, hence, explore the possibility of efficient electron acceleration. This can be achieved by optimizing the focused terawatt chirped laser and axial magnetic field parameters for resonance, which is realized between the electron and electric field of the tightly focused laser pulse. The frequency chirp plays a crucial role in enforcing resonance condition for longer duration and the applied magnetic field strongly enforces the electron to remain in the accelerating phase, thereby, both factors are equally imperative for accomplishing high electron energy gain in GeV. The presence of optimum axial magnetic field (~8.5 MG) along with optimum value of linear frequency chirp for laser intensity 1.38 × 1020 W/cm2 results in electron beam with energy ~5.78 GeV. During acceleration process, electron energy gain is highly sensitive to the initial phase of laser along with the frequency chirp and magnetic field. Electron trajectories in the influence of frequency chirp and magnetic field are also analyzed

    Efficient electron acceleration by radially polarized Hermite-Cosh-Gaussian laser beam in an ion channel

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    Radially polarized (RP) Hermite-Cosh-Gaussian (HChG) laser beam has been employed to study electron acceleration in an ion channel. As RP-HChG laser beam focus earlier, depending on this property electron acquires high order energy over short periods of time. The ion channel generates an electric field that prevents electrons from escaping from the interaction zone and maintains betatron resonance. Electron’s energy gain has been analyzed by varying different parameters like: intensity parameter (a0{\text{a}}_{0}), laser spot size (r0{\text{r}}_{0}), decentered parameter (b{\text{b}}), ion density (ni{\text{n}}_{{\text{i}}}). The combined effect of RP-HChG laser beam and ion channel causes an efficient energy enhancement of electron in the order of GeV. RP-HChG beam is a unique kind of laser beam, combining the characteristics of both Hermite Gaussian and hyperbolic cosine Gaussian modes. It can be tightly focused to produce a small spot with a high-intensity region at the focal point

    Bibliometric Study on Analysing Impact of newly launched products over existing ones through AI

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    Different analysis models like Conditional Mean Analysis, Trend Analysis, Correlation Analysis helps us to analyse the delicate equilibrium between businesses that gets impacted when a new product is launched in a cluster. This paper shows a statistical report of research done on the businesses in a cluster based on ongoing trends and current customer needs . There is surplus data present on various platforms related to every product following the ongoing trends in the form of customer reviews.The research mainly speculates mainly how the businesses get impacted with change in consumer needs, wants and demands. With the help of datasets that are available from online sources incorporating various machine learning techniques which would help us analyze the correlation of two businesses and by checking on various algorithms for analyzing the results obtained regarding the study made covering various aspects of businesses. On top of that, the precision largely depends on the evaluating parameters that are taken into consideration along with finding helpful patterns in those evaluating parameters to characterise the main problem. In this report, to perform bibliometric analysis Scopus Database is employed. This bibliometric analysis considers essential keywords, datasets, and significance of the selected research papers. Moreover it offers details regarding types, sources of publications, yearly publication trends, affiliations and so on from Scopus. Furthermore, it captures details concerning co-appearing keywords, authors, titles of sources through networked diagrams. From this research paper it is perceived that there is a lot of research for the considered research area. This kind of research will also be helpful for speculating how the new businesses impact the awareness of the customers on the existing ones