9 research outputs found

    Imagens Da Prostituicão Na Belle Epoque Paulistana

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    AbstractNew content and cultural significance were attached to the practices of prostitution in Brazil, during the transition of the tradicional slave society to one of free-labor. The construction of prostitution as a “social evil” by medical and criminological discourses aimed at defining moral codes of social and sexual behavior that guided girls’ inscription in the public sphere. In a moment of massive industrialization, we register a growing participation of girls working in factories and other urban activities. On the other hand, like the immigrant worker, the prostitute was invested with images of positivity: both represented the civilizing ideal of the country’s entry into modernity. If prostitution could mean the threat of rich and poor girls’ corruption, it also signified the new conquests and the introduction of new habits and customs from modern societies to a Brazil recently emerged from slavery. The construction of girls’ identity mobilized new representations of female body - from the ideal of pureness to the prostitute’s perverse sexuality. In the same way, it was associated with the political metaphor of the youth of the nation where everyting was to be constructed0131-44Gêner

    Sem fe, sem lei, sem rei : liberalismo e experiencia anarquista na Republica

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    Orientador: Edgar Salvadori de DeccaDissertação (mestrado)-Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informedMestradoMestre em Históri

    A possible trilogy: between the invisible threads and the necropolitic game

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    Trata-se da apreciação da hipótese de se poder reconhecer, enquanto uma trilogia, os longas-metragens O som ao redor (2012), Aquarius (2016) e Bacurau (2019), dirigidos pelo cineasta pernambucano Kleber Mendonça Filho. O fio discursivo que sustenta esta expectativa é sustentado em duas hipóteses: (1) a de que o governo contemporâneo, governamentalidade neoliberal, se apoia no exercício de uma modalidade de governo antiga, o poder pastoral; (2) o de pensar que existem e convivem, no humano, dois tipos específicos de memória: a que dá sustentação ao presente e ao futuro na forma da projeção e a que demarca uma possibilidade narrativa do passado, enquanto ser ontológico; isso nas ações da escolha, do corte e do encobrimento, próprias a cada sistema de governo político-econômico-social. Com esta perspectiva de leitura, se fará o comentário dos três filmes, cotejando algumas cenas que contribuem para o argumento principal do artigo14262652We intend to consider the hypothesis that O som ao redor (2012), Aquarius (2016) and Bacurau (2019), all of them directed by the Brazilian movie director Kleber Mendonça Filho, compose a trilogy. The narrative thread that sustains this idea is based on two hypothesis: (1) that the contemporary neoliberal government is based on the exercise of an ancient form of government, the pastoral power; (2) and that there are two specific forms of memory coexisting side by side in the human: one which supports the present and the future in the form of projection, and another one which delineates the possibility of narrating the past as an ontological being; that happens in the actions of choosing, of cutting and encumbering, which all belong to each political-economic-social government systems. With those perspectives in mind we shall provide a commentary to those three films by referring to some scattered scenes that contribute to sustain the text’s main argumen

    Traduzindo o debate: o uso da categoria gênero na pesquisa histórica Translating the debate: the usage of gender category in the historical research

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    Neste artigo, estão sendo historicizadas categorias de análise como: "mulher", "mulheres", "gênero" e "sexo", através de um diálogo com a história dos movimentos sociais de mulheres, de feministas, de gays e de lésbicas. Embora sejam categorias usadas de forma interdisciplinar, neste artigo focaliza-se principalmente o uso destas por historiadoras e historiadores, fazendo uma revisão do que se tem publicado no Brasil sobre o assunto. Dialoga-se com as teorias e busca-se, de forma didática, apresentar para estudantes e pesquisadoras/es um panorama de como estas categorias de análise têm sido constituídas e questionadas.<br>In the present article categories of analysis such as "woman", "women", "gender" and "sex" are historicized through a dialogue with the history of the women, feminists, gays and lesbians social movements. Although they are categories used in an interdisciplinary mode, we chiefly focus on their employment by historians through a review of what has been published on the matter. The theories are discussed and an overview on how such categories of analysis have been constituted and questioned is presented, in an instructive way, to students and researchers