93 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of a rare case of neonatal intestinal duplication cyst isolated from the gastrointestinal tract - Case report

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    Duplication cysts are congenital anomalies that typically have some connection to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, but in rare cases the cysts can be completed isolated from the GI tract. We present the case of an appropriate for gestational age male infant born at 40 weeks gestational age with neonatal intestinal duplication cyst isolated from the GI tract. Postnatal diagnostic methods included ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based on abnormal antenatal findings. The positive diagnosis was based on the imaging results. Duplication cysts may remain asymptomatic and that is the reason why antenatal and postnatal US screening plays an important key role in the diagnosis. Series of imaging may confirm the diagnosis, prevent future complication and help the clinician to determine the optimal operative moment


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    he global economic crisis had most negative effects on the entire economic sphere and especially in what the consuming industry is concerned, which may be considered “luxurious”, the way in which we may talk about the furniture industry. Along times of economic crisis at social level, a decrease in financial power at microeconomic, individual level is felt. Under conditions of social decrease in buying capacity, the request for commercial furniture is in rapid fall and thus the industry as such suffers serious structural mutations. Analyzing a series of macroeconomic indices from the European furniture industry led to the result that during the late years there has been a positive trend within the furniture industry in matters of production, however, with concern to trading, the situation is more complicated. There is a behaviour difference in the furniture industry between emergent countries and EU developed states and based on the performed analysis, a SWOT analysis at sectorial level crystallized, in which we propose ways of growth in the European furniture industry

    Profitability and Investment Risk in Beverages Retail

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    This paper addresses the issue of investment in beverages retail within the Romanian market, in the current economic climate. This paper contains a theoretical approach of what beverages retail means, presenting the particular aspects. Elements related to economic performance, profitability and the risk faced by the companies of this profile in the economic crisis are addressed too in the content. We presented in examples the financial impact of investments for a specialized company, by means of economic analysis, and we draw conclusions concerning the usefulness of economic analysis in making financial decisions

    Climate change opinions in online debate sites

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    Debate sites in social media provide a unified platform for citizens to discuss controversial questions and to put forward their ideas and arguments on the issues of common interest. Opinions of citizens may provide useful knowledge to stakeholders but manual analysis of arguments in debate sites is tedious, while computational support to this end has been rather scarce. We focus here on developing a technical instrumentation for making sense of a set of online arguments and aggregating them into usable results for policy making and climate science communication. Our objectives are: (i) to aggregate arguments posted for a certain debate topic, (ii) to consolidate opinions posted under several but related topics either in the same or different debate site, and (iii) to identify possible linguistic characteristics of the argumentative texts. For the first objective, we propose a voting method based on subjective logic [13]. For the second objective, we assess the semantic similarity between two debate topics based on textual entailment [28]. For the third objective, we employ various existing methods for lexical analysis such as frequency analysis or readability indexes. Although we focused here on the climate change, the method can be applied to any domain

    Diagnostic Approach and Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Anemia in Chronic Liver Disease—An Overview

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    Hematological abnormalities are frequently linked to chronic liver disease of any etiology. About 75% of patients with advanced chronic liver disease experience anemia. The causes of anemia are complex and multifactorial, particularly in cirrhotic patients. Acute and long-term blood loss from the upper gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition, an enlarged spleen brought on by portal hypertension, hemolysis, and coagulation issues are the main causes of anemia. Alcohol, a common cause of chronic liver disease, determines anemia through direct toxicity on the bone marrow, with the suppression of hematopoiesis, through vitamin B6, B12, and folate deficiency due to low intake and malabsorption. In patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection, antiviral drugs such as pegylated interferon and ribavirin can also cause significant anemia. The use of interferon has been linked to bone marrow toxicity, and hemolytic anemia brought on by ribavirin is a well-known dose-dependent side effect. Within six months of the infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and Epstein–Barr viruses, aplastic anemia associated with hepatitis is seen. This anemia is characterized by pancytopenia brought on by hypocellular bone marrow. Esophageal varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy, and gastric antral vascular ectasia can all cause acute and chronic blood loss. These conditions can progress to iron deficiency anemia, microcytic anemia, and hypochromic anemia. Another common hematologic abnormality in liver cirrhosis is macrocytosis, with multifactorial causes. Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency are frequent in liver cirrhosis, especially of alcoholic etiology, due to increased intestinal permeability, dysbiosis, and malnutrition. Many chronic liver diseases, like viral and autoimmune hepatitis, have a chronic inflammatory substrate. Proinflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 1, 6, and 10, are the main factors that diminish iron availability in progenitor erythrocytes and subsequent erythropoiesis, leading to the development of chronic inflammatory, normochromic, normocytic anemia

    Challenges in the Differential Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Pictorial Review

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    COVID-19 pneumonia represents a maximum medical challenge due to the virus’s high contagiousness, morbidity, and mortality and the still limited possibilities of the health systems. The literature has primarily focused on the diagnosis, clinical-radiological aspects of COVID-19 pneumonia, and the most common possible differential diagnoses. Still, few studies have investigated the rare differential diagnoses of COVID-19 pneumonia or its overlap with other pre-existing lung pathologies. This article presents the main radiological features of COVID-19 pneumonia and the most common alternative diagnoses to establish the vital radiological criteria for a differential diagnosis between COVID-19 pneumonia and other lung pathologies with similar imaging appearance. The differential diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia is challenging because there may be standard radiologic features such as ground-glass opacities, crazy paving patterns, and consolidations. A multidisciplinary approach is crucial to define a correct final diagnosis, as an overlap of COVID-19 pneumonia with pre-existing lung diseases is often possible and suggests possible differential diagnoses. An optimal evaluation of HRTC can help limit the clinical evolution of the disease, promote therapy for patients and ensure an efficient allocation of human and economic resources