12 research outputs found


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    The main focus of our study was to investigate differences in ripening time, vegetative and generative potential (number of canes per meter of hedgerow, cane height and diameter, number of fruiting laterals per primocane, yield per primocane and per meter of hedgerow) as well as fruit quality traits (fruit weight, index of fruit shape, number of drupelets per fruit, soluble solids content, total acids, total and inverted sugars, and sucrose content) in four newly introduced primocane fruiting raspberry cultivars (‘Erika’, ‘Paris’, ‘Versailles’, ‘Satine’) that are internationally competitive to both growers and marketers in the fresh markets. Studies were conducted at a commercial raspberry plantation located near Kraljevo (Serbia), in the period of 2015-2016. Results from this study showed that the average earliest harvest time was observed in ‘Versailles’ (11th August),whereas ‘Paris’ was the latest cultivar (10th September). Significantly higher cane height was registered in cvs. ‘Erika’ and ‘Paris’ (213 and 204 cm, respectively) in comparison to the two other tested cultivars. ‘Erika’ expressed the lowest values of all generative characteristics, while ‘Paris’ yielded much higher per primocane (840 g), followed by ‘Versailles’ (805 g). The latter one is also characterized by the highest average fruit weight (4.93 g) and the lowest level of soluble solids, total and inverted sugars (10.9%, 8.18% and 6.94%, respectively), whereas ‘Satine’ had significantly higher total acids content of the fruit (2.18%) compared to the rest cultivars. In general, cvs. ‘Versailles’ and ‘Paris’ demonstrated the best productivity and outer or inner fruit quality


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    Plum is the most important fruit crop for cultivation in Serbia. However, a small amount of plum fruit is sold as fresh fruit due to its poor quality. In order to improve fruit quality and obtain regular and high yield chemical blossom thinning agents were applied. The experiment was conducted on seven-year-old plum trees of cultivar `Stanley` which were planted on distance 5x5 m. Ammonium thiosulphate and ethephon were applied in the next treatments: 1) ammonium thiosulphate 1.5% (ATS); 2) ethephon 0.015% (E); 3) ammonium thiosulphate 1.5% + ethephon 0.015% (ATS + E); 4) hand thinning (HT); 5) untreated control treatment (UTC). Chemical thinning treatments were performed once during the phase of full bloom, while hand thinning treatment was performed after the fall of unfertilized fruitlets at the end of May. Parameters analyzed were yield, fruit size, fruit weight, pit weight, fruit firmness, fruit shape index, soluble solids content, total acid content and the amount of harvested fruits per time unit. The obtained results have shown that ATS + E, ATS and HT treatments significantly reduced the number of fruits on the trees compared to the control treatment. However, yield per tree was reduced significantly only in the ATS + E treatment. Other treatments compensated for the smaller number of fruits per tree with a significantly larger fruit size. Since the fruit size was larger on treated trees, the amount of harvested fruits per time unit was significant compared to control treatment. There were no significant differences among the applied treatments in terms of fruit firmness, soluble solids and total acid content


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    Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than 5% moisture. The dry matter content is over 95% which is several times higher than other fruit species. The high content of dry matter and low moisture content in the fruits of hazelnut allows much longer storage of the fruits of other species, with no changes and harmful consequences for the quality. Sugar content ranges between 4.91% (‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe`) to 6.73% in (‘Roman hazelnut`). The protein content of examined cultivars is about 16%, and oil content as the majority of the organic matter in the fruits of the hazelnut was over 60%. Vegetable oils are mainly composed of unsaturated acids, oleic over 81% and 6% of linoleic and saturated, about 5% palmitic and stearic over 4%. Based on the above we can conclude that the fruits of hazelnut high-quality and essential in the diet, due to the significant roles they play in the human body. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical composition of fruits of three major economic and most widespread cultivars of hazelnut in Serbia: 'Istrian long`, ‘Roman hazelnut` and ‘Tonda Gentile Delle Langhe`.Â

    Comparison of field performance and fruit quality among newly released Italian June-bearing strawberry cultivars

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    The aim of this study was to compare newly released June-bearing strawberry cultivars (‘Quicky’, ‘Sandra’, ‘Lofty’, ‘Nadja’ and ‘Aprica’) in terms of their phenology, vegetative growth, productivity and fruit quality to identify their potential for wider cultivation. A field study was conducted in a strawberry plantation established in July 2020 in double rows on beds covered with black polyethylene foil (Šid, Serbia). The cultivars were evaluated in 2021–2022 for their flowering and ripening time, productivity, plant growth, biometrical and nutritional fruit traits (soluble solids content – SSC, total acids – TAs, vitamin C, total anthocyanins – TACY, total phenolics – TPC and total antioxidant capacity – TAC). The cultivar ‘Quicky’ started to ripen earliest, while ‘Aprica’ was the latest in both experimental years. The number of branch crowns per plant was significantly higher in ‘Sandra’ and ‘Lofty’, whereby ‘Sandra’ had also the highest number of leaves per rosette (41.5) in comparison with the other tested cultivars. The cultivar ‘Aprica’ was superior in terms of productivity (1061 g/plant and 4.67 kg/m2 ), fruit weight (29.9 g) and fruit shape index (1.15). Contrary to this, ‘Nadja’ was the least productive cultivar (608 g/plant and 2.68 kg/m2). The cultivars ‘Lofty’ and ‘Sandra’ showed the highest SSC values and were also characterized by a considerably high level of TPC (1.29 mg GAE eq g-1 FW) and TACY (24.4 mg pg-3-g eq 100 g-1 FW), respectively. Variability among the tested cultivars could serve as an important criterion for the selection of new high-performing cultivars for a given growing region

    Kvantitativni i kvalitativni pokazatelji efikasnosti dorade semena lucerke

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    This paper represents analysis of the impact of initial purity of naturalized alfalfa seed on the resulting amount of processed seed in the process of processing. In the processing of was determined amount of processed seed and waste. When processing alfalfa seed is very important that the difference between the amount of pure seed that laboratory assessment and the actual amount obtained seed at the facility for processing is lower. One of the big problems in the processing alfalfa seed is that it is being worked out seeds with a certain percentage of weeds which are difficult to separate during processing, especially quarantine weed dodder and curly dock. By law the processed alfalfa seed is not allowed to attend any grain dodder. Were processed three parties of natural alfalfa seed variety purity. Also, after each stage of treatment, were determined losses seed.U radu je obavljena analiza uticaja početne čistoće naturalnog semena lucerke na dobijenu količinu dorađenog semena pri procesu dorade. U procesu dorade semena određivana je količina dorađenog semena i otpada. Pri doradi semena lucerke veoma je važno da razlika između količine čistog semena koja se laboratorijski proceni i stvarne količine dobijenog semena u pogonu za doradu bude što manja. Jedan od velikih problema pri doradi semena lucerke je taj da se dorađuje seme sa određenim procentom korova koji se veoma teško odvajaju pri doradi, naročito karantinski korovi kao što su vilina kosica i štavelj. Po zakonu u dorađenom semenu lucerke nije dozvoljeno prisustvo ni jednog zrna viline kosice. Dorađivane su tri partija naturalnog semena lucerke različite čistoće. Posle svake etape procesa dorade određivani su gubici semena

    Primena različitih tehnoloških procesa u doradi semena crvene deteline

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    This paper presents the results of the processing of natural red clover seed on the processing equipment using different technological methods. Red clover seed, for the establishment and crop utilization, must be of high purity, germination, and high genetic values. These requirements are achieved by processing, or removing impurities and poor quality seeds. Red clover seed processing involves a number of operations, of which the most important are: cleaning, packaging, labeling and storage. In the processing of seeds of this forage plant, the amounts of processed seed directly depends on the content of impurities that may be organic or inorganic, as well as the amount and type of present weed seed. The task is to clean the natural seeds of red clover and thus remove all traces of impurities and extract the basic seed of pure culture. The importance of processed seed is reflected in the fact that the seed must be timely prepared for the favorable condition for quality sowing, germination and emergence. The aim of the study was to determine relevant parameters of the processing equipment in the red clover seed processing. Parameters were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seed of other crops (%), inert matter (%), the amount of processed seed (kg), seed processing time (h), losses of seeds (%), processing output (%) and the amount of materials consumed in the seed processing. Based on these results and their comparison, choice of appropriate technological processes for red clover seed can be made.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja pri doradi naturalnog semena crvene deteline na mašinama za doradu različitim tehnološkim postupcima. Seme za zasnivanje i korišćenje useva crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) mora biti visoke čistoće, klijavosti, kao i visoke genetske vrednosti. Ovi zahtevi se ostvaruje doradom, odnosno odstranjivanjem nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Dorada semena crvene deteline obuhvata veći broj operacija od kojih su najznačajnije: čišćenje, pakovanje u ambalažu, deklarisanje i skladištenje. U procesu dorade semena ove krmne biljke količina dorađenog semena direktno zavisi od sadržaja primesa koje mogu biti organskog i neorganskog porekla, a takođe i od količine i vrste korova u semenu koje se dorađuje. Zadatak čišćenja je da se iz naturalnog semena crvene deteline sa primesama uklone sva zrna stranih primesa i razne nečistoće i izdvoji čisto zrno osnovne kulture. Značaj dorađenog semena se ogleda u tome da se seme blagovremeno pripremi u što povoljnije stanje za sejalicu i kvalitetnu setvu, klijanje i nicanje. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena crvene deteline odrede relevantni parametri na mašinama za doradu, a to su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), vreme dorade semena (h), gubici semena (%), randman dorade (%), kao i količina potrošenog materijala u tehnološkom procesu dorade semena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i njihovim poređenjem moguće je izvršiti izbor odgovarajućeg tehnološkog procesa za doradu semena crvene deteline


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    A prototype atmospheric pressure non-thermal corona plasma reactor system is developed and tested for the removal of commercial textile reactive dye from water. The dye can be completely degraded in water by the presented reactor system in the initial concentration range of 10-100 mg dm-3. Dye degradation rate decreases with the increase of initial dye concentration and pulse frequency. The pH of treated solutions decreases with the increase of treatment time and with the decrease of the applied frequency. Solutions electrical conductivity increases with an increase of treatment time and with the decrease of the applied frequency. The decolorization reactions follow the pseudo-first kinetics order. The changes in the treated dye solutions compositions are the consequences of injection of plasma generated reactive species from gas into the liquid through the interfacial zone. HIGHLIGHTSAtmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma reactor is developed for organics degradation useTextile reactive dye was completely decolorized in the tested initial dye concentration rangeDegradation rate decreases with the increase of initial concentration and applied reactor frequencyDegradation kinetics follows the pseudo-first-order modelThe increase of reaction time and applied frequency cause the decrease of pH and increase of electrical conductivit

    Dizajn, klasifikacija, perspektiva i moguća aplikacija dronova u poljoprivredu Srbije

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    The paper analyzes the possibility and the needs for the use of specific types of robots (mini unmanned aircraft with different designs and the designation of UAVs) and the possibility of using in agriculture (agrodrone). The year 2015 was proclaimed (Fortune Magazine, 2016) as the year of increasing and widespread use of UAVs in various areas of human activity, especially in agriculture and forestry (75% of use). This is important for large farm areas, where UAV has many useful functions and a very cost-effective commercial application. Today, the needs for UAVs have increased sharply with various opportunities for both civilian and military needs. There is also a significant interest in the development of new drones that can autonomously fly in different environments and locations and can perform various missions and tasks. Over the past decade, a wide range of applications for drones has gained the significance that led to the discovery of various types of unmanned UAVs of different sizes and weights. In this review, the classification of UAVs ranging based on a detailed overview of the development of the drone industry in recent years, this paper demonstrates the evolution of drones and differents application technologies. Of course, this development is very advanced and revolutionary, as well as the development of mobile and smart phones and the Internet, which will open the way for many users to participate in defining the future of UAV implementation. LIVONA Company, Belgrade, Serbia (and Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, in tehnical cooperation) has a study and plans on the implementation of the model micro drone EBee SQ Livona RTK in the future general plans for inspection of protection Soils of territory Minicipality of Stara Pazova (351 km2), and agricultural company Napredak , and exspecially plans for soils of agriculture of R. Serbia. VEKOM GeoCompany from Belgrade, (in cooperation with Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade), has a study and plans on the implementation of the model of the drone Aibot KX6 model, in the future of application of agricultural soils of region Open pit Kolubara for area from app. 600 km2 and the other soils of Region). Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, in cooperation with Municipality of Ub, has a study and plans on the implementation of the model micro drone Hubsan H109S X4 PRO in the future plans general inspection of protection Soils and Waters of territory of Municipality Ub (456 km2).U radu su analizirane mogućnosti i potrebe upotrebe specifičnih vrsta robota (mini bespilotnih letelica sa različitim dizajnom, označane kao UAV) i način korištenja u poljoprivredi (agrodron). Časopis Fortune je 2015.godinu proglasio kao godinu sve većeg i široko rasprostranjene upotrbe UAV letelica, u različitim oblastima ljudske delatnosti, posebno u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu (75% upotrebe). Ovo je naročito važno za velike farme i oblasti pod šumama, gde UAV ima mnogo korisnih funkcija i veoma isplative komercijalne aplikacije. Danas, potrebe za UAV imaju nagli porast sa različitim mogućnostima kako za civilne tako i za vojne potrebe. Takođe postoji značajan interes za razvoj novih bespilotnih letelica koji mogu autonomno leteti u različitim okruženjima i lokacijama i obaviti različite misije i zadatke. Tokom protekle decenije XXI veka, širok spektar aplikacija za bespilotne letelice je dobio značaj koji je doveo do konstrukcija različitih tipova bespilotnih UAV, različitih veličina i težina i svakako namene. Naravno, tehnološki razvoj kod dron sistema je veoma tehničko-tehnološki napredan i revolucionaran, uz razvoj mobilnih i pametnih (android) telefona i interneta, brzo otvora puteve i mogućnosti za mnoge korisnike u definisanju nove budućnosti implementacije UAV u različitim oblastima primene . Kompanija Livona d.o.o., Beograd i Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Beogradu, u tehničkoj saradnji imaju planove o implementaciji modela mikro drona EBee SK Livona RTK u narednim generalnim planovima za inspekciju, zaštitu i korišćenje poljoprivrednih zemljišta Republike Srbije, i posebno teritorije Opštine Stara Pazova (351 km2), gde je posebno mesto poljoprivrednog preduzeća Napredak a.d. VekomGeo d.o.o, Beograd u saradnji sa Institutom za poljoprivrednu tehniku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu ima planove o budućoj upotrebi drona model Aibot X6, za nadzor na površinama od 600 km2 (i poljoprivredna zemljišta) otvorenog kopa R.B. Kolubara ili drugih objekata. Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Beogradu, ima planove o saradnji sa opštinom Ub, zbog upotrebe modela mikro drona Hubsan H109S Ks4 PRO u inspekciji oko zaštite i načina korišćenja zemljišta i voda na ovoj teritoriji (456 km2)

    The Use of Plant Bioregulators in Deciduous Fruit Trees

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    Intenzivna proizvodnja voća, pre svega jabučastog i koštičavog, bez primene biljnih bioregulatora, koji su moćan alat za regulisanje brojnih fizioloških procesa u voćkama bi bila veoma teška. Najznačajniji bioregulatori su: α-naftil sirćetna kiselina (NAA), 6-benziladenin (BA), giberelini (GAs), etefon, aminoetoksivinilglicin (AVG) i 1-metilciklopropen (1-MCP). Oni se uspešno koriste u proizvodnji sadnica za popravku njihovog kvaliteta. U rodnim zasadima se koriste za regulisanje bujnosti i rodnosti stabala voćaka, kao i za popravku kvaliteta plodova. Mogu se primeniti i na ubranim plodovima radi povećanja njihove skladišne sposobnosti i smanjenja pojave fizioloških bolesti tokom čuvanja.Intensive fruit production, primarily pome and stone fruits, without the use of plant bioregulators, which are a powerful tool for the regulation of many physiological processes in fruit trees, would be very difficult. The most important bioregulators are as follows: α-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 6-Benzyladenine (BA), Giberellins (GAs), Etefon, Amino ethoxy vinyl glycine (AVG) and 1- Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). They are successfully used in the production of nursery trees in order to improve their quality. These compounds are also used for regulation of fruit trees vigor and productivity as well as for improving fruit quality. In addition to this, bioregulators can be applied on harvested fruits to increase their storage ability and reduce the incidence of physiological diseases during storage

    Experimental investigations of time delay distributions inside a commercial gas tube

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