The Use of Plant Bioregulators in Deciduous Fruit Trees


Intenzivna proizvodnja voća, pre svega jabučastog i koštičavog, bez primene biljnih bioregulatora, koji su moćan alat za regulisanje brojnih fizioloških procesa u voćkama bi bila veoma teška. Najznačajniji bioregulatori su: α-naftil sirćetna kiselina (NAA), 6-benziladenin (BA), giberelini (GAs), etefon, aminoetoksivinilglicin (AVG) i 1-metilciklopropen (1-MCP). Oni se uspešno koriste u proizvodnji sadnica za popravku njihovog kvaliteta. U rodnim zasadima se koriste za regulisanje bujnosti i rodnosti stabala voćaka, kao i za popravku kvaliteta plodova. Mogu se primeniti i na ubranim plodovima radi povećanja njihove skladišne sposobnosti i smanjenja pojave fizioloških bolesti tokom čuvanja.Intensive fruit production, primarily pome and stone fruits, without the use of plant bioregulators, which are a powerful tool for the regulation of many physiological processes in fruit trees, would be very difficult. The most important bioregulators are as follows: α-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 6-Benzyladenine (BA), Giberellins (GAs), Etefon, Amino ethoxy vinyl glycine (AVG) and 1- Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). They are successfully used in the production of nursery trees in order to improve their quality. These compounds are also used for regulation of fruit trees vigor and productivity as well as for improving fruit quality. In addition to this, bioregulators can be applied on harvested fruits to increase their storage ability and reduce the incidence of physiological diseases during storage

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