92 research outputs found

    Materia y forma en Agudeza y arte de ingenio

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo se propone estudiar la importancia del esquema hilemórfico en la descripción del proceso de creación de las agudezas. Al acudir al marco teórico del compuesto de materia y de forma que domina la metafísica de Aristóteles, Gracián procura definir con la mayor precisión posible la génesis del sentido: cada concepto creado es un acto único que se apoya en un proceso de individuación. La forma confiere sabrosa y a veces lúdicamente a los objetos del lenguaje su unicidad. Sin embargo, la Agudeza, por la jerarquización de formas discursivas que presenta a su lector, impide toda lectura unívoca y reductora de la utilización de estos dos conceptos: cada forma creada parece someterse a otra forma más refinada y rebuscada aún, y la Agudeza se asemeja entonces a una constelación de formas ingeniosas. Así el tratado graciano deja transparentar un formalismo que no puede ser disociado en ningún caso de una antropología que afirma la perfectibilidad del hombre.[Sommaire] Ce travail se propose d’étudier l’importance du schème hylémorphique dans la description du processus de création des pointes. En recourant au cadre théorique du composé de matière et de forme qui domine la métaphysique aristotélicienne, Gracián tente de décrire au plus près la genèse du sens: chaque concepto créé est un acte unique qui relève d’un processus d’individuation. La forme confère savoureusement et parfois ludiquement aux objets du langage leur unicité. Cependant, la Agudeza, par la hiérarchisation de formes discursives qu’elle présente à son lecteur, interdit toute lecture univoque et réductrice de l’utilisation de ces deux concepts: chaque forme créée semble en effet se soumettre à une autre forme encore plus raffinée et recherchée, et la Agudeza s’apparente dès lors à une constellation de formes ingénieuses. Aussi le traité de Gracián laisse-t-il transparaître un formalisme qui ne peut en aucune façon être disjoint d’une anthropologie qui affirme la perfectibilité de l’homme.[Abstract] This work aims to study the importance of the hylemorphic scheme in the process of creating witticisms. Appealing to an Aristotelian frame – the idea of mixing matter and form to create a substance –, Gracián intends to describe the genesis of sense: each concepto is a singular creation that reveals a process of individuation. The form awards to each object of language its uniqueness. However, because the Agudeza tends to organize all the discursive forms into a clear hierarchy, this treaty prevents the reader from having a simplistic vision of these two concepts, matter and form: each form is subjected to another, and the Agudeza evokes a constellation of ingenuous forms. Thus, Gracián’s treaty reveals a formalism which cannot be separated from an anthropology based on human perfectibility

    A Robust Method for Drilling Monitoring using Acoustic Emission

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    Acoustic Emission (AE) is considered an efficient tool for monitoring of machining operations, for both tool condition and working piece integrity. However, the use of AE is more challenging in case of drilling, due to heavy dependence of AE signals to process parameters. Monitoring drilling using AE thus requires robust methods to extract useful information in signals. The paper describes such a method that adapts itself to AE signals obtained during drilling, allowing the automatic set-up of an adaptive threshold to perform AE count rate. Experiments have been conducted that show the robustness of the method and its usefulness in drilling monitoring.International audienceAcoustic Emission (AE) is considered an efficient tool for monitoring of machining operations, for both tool condition and working piece integrity. However, the use of AE is more challenging in case of drilling, due to heavy dependence of AE signals to process parameters. Monitoring drilling using AE thus requires robust methods to extract useful information in signals. The paper describes such a method that adapts itself to AE signals obtained during drilling, allowing the automatic set-up of an adaptive threshold to perform AE count rate. Experiments have been conducted that show the robustness of the method and its usefulness in drilling monitoring

    Machining Method and Device

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    To improve machining quality and performances by material removal, an active chip breaker is proposed, in order to fragment the chips while machining.To improve machining quality and performances by material removal, an active chip breaker is proposed, in order to fragment the chips while machining

    Drilling head with axial vibrations

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    The invention relates to a drilling head with an axial oscillation generator, based on the use of piezoelectric ceramic actuators.The invention relates to a drilling head with an axial oscillation generator, based on the use of piezoelectric ceramic actuators

    Multisensor data fusion and belief functions for robust singularity detection in signals

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    This paper addresses the problem of robust detection of signal singularity in hostile environments using multisensor data fusion. Measurement uncertainty is usually treated in a probabilistic way, assuming lack of knowledge is totally due to random effects. However, this approach fails when other effects, such as sensor failure, are involved. In order to improve the robustness of singularity detection, an evidence theory based approach is proposed for both modeling (data alignment) and merging (data fusion) information coming from multiple redundant sensors. Whereas the fusion step is done classically, the proposed method for data alignment has been designed to improve singularity detection performances in multisensor cases. Several case studies have been designed to suit real life situations. Results provided by both probabilistic and evidential approaches are compared. Evidential methods show better behavior facing sensors dysfunction and the proposed method takes fully advantage of component redundancy

    A Robust Method for Drilling Monitoring using Acoustic Emission

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    Acoustic Emission (AE) is considered an efficient tool for monitoring of machining operations, for both tool condition and working piece integrity. However, the use of AE is more challenging in case of drilling, due to heavy dependence of AE signals to process parameters. Monitoring drilling using AE thus requires robust methods to extract useful information in signals. The paper describes such a method that adapts itself to AE signals obtained during drilling, allowing the automatic set-up of an adaptive threshold to perform AE count rate. Experiments have been conducted that show the robustness of the method and its usefulness in drilling monitoring

    Feature Selection for Complex Systems Monitoring: an Application using Data Fusion

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    Emergence of automated and flexible production means leads to the need of robust monitoring systems. Such systems are aimed at the estimation of the production process state by deriving it as a function of critical variables, called features, that characterize the process condition. The problem of feature selection, which consists, given an original set of features, in finding a subset such the estimation accuracy of the monitoring system is the highest possible, is therefore of major importance for sensor-based monitoring applications. Considering real-world applications, feature selection can be tricky due to imperfection on available data collections: depending on the data acquisition conditions and the monitored process operating conditions, they can be heterogeneous, incomplete, imprecise, contradictory, or erroneous. Classical feature selection techniques lack of solutions to deal with uncertain data coming from different collections. Data fusion provides solutions to process these data collections altogether in order to achieve coherent feature selection, even in difficult cases involving imperfect data. In this work, condition monitoring of the tool in industrial drilling systems will serve as a basis to demonstrate how data fusion techniques can be used to perform feature selection in such difficult cases

    Management of Kaposi sarcoma after solid organ transplantation:A European retrospective study

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    Background: Systemic therapeutic management of post-transplant Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is mainly based on 3 axes: reduction of immunosuppression, conversion to mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors, chemotherapy, or a combination of these.Objective: To obtain an overview of clinical strategies about the current treatment of KS.Methods: We conducted a multicenter retrospective cohort study including 145 solid organ transplant recipients diagnosed with KS between 1985 and 2011 to collect data regarding first-line treatment and response at 6 months.Results: Overall, 95%, 28%, and 16% of patients had reduction of immunosuppression, conversion to mTOR inhibitor, and chemotherapy, respectively. Patients treated with chemotherapy or mTOR inhibitor conversion were more likely to have visceral KS. At 6 months, 83% of patients had response, including 40% complete responses.Limitations: The retrospective design of the study.Conclusion: Currently available therapeutic options seem to be effective to control KS in most patients. Tapering down the immunosuppressive regimen remains the cornerstone of KS management.Dermatology-oncolog

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    “Palabras saladas, dulces, agridulces”: Encuentro con el escritor haitiano Frankétienne: Traducciòn del francès: Celso Medina

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