347 research outputs found

    Violencia escolar: abordaje preventivo e intervención holística

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    En una coyuntura como la actual, impregnada por una ingente cantidad de imágenes sobre las que no hay tiempo para recapacitar, los niños y adolescentes presencian, vulnerables, la aceptación de una violencia edulcorada, de la que subyace la aprobación de comportamientos agresivos como medio más eficaz para lograr un fin. Ante tal escenario, se hace ineludible una intervención proactiva, a fin de evitar posibles brotes de violencia escolar. Si bien la actuación preventiva constituye el abordaje idóneo de la citada problemática, será inevitable hacer frente a situaciones en las que, desafortunadamente, la agresividad en la escuela esté patente. Un adecuado abordaje de la violencia escolar ha de ser tratado desde una perspectiva ecológica y holística, atendiendo a todos los ámbitos en los que el alumno se desenvuelve (educativo, familiar, social), así como a la totalidad de los implicados (no únicamente agresor y víctima, sino al grupo clase, docentes, padres de bullies y estudiantes damnificados).Nowadays, our society is pervaded in a huge number of images and there is no time to reflect. Children and adolescents are vulnerable witness, accepting a sweetened violence, which underlies the adoption of aggressive behavior as the most effectively way to get an end. In such a scenario, it is unavoidable proactive intervention in order to prevent possible outbreaks of bullying. In spite de fact that preventive action is the most appropriate to face up to the problem, it is inevitable to deal with situations in which, unfortunately, aggression at school is patent. An appropriate management of bullying have to be treated from an ecological and holistic approach, covering all the areas in which the student is developed (educational, familial, social) and to all those involved (not only aggressor and victim, also the group class, teachers, parents and students victims of bullying)

    Una imagen distorsionada de los alumnos de altas habilidades

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    En el presente artículo pretendemos divulgar los diferentes mitos que existen sobre este colectivo, agrupados en cuatro bloques: competencia socioafectiva, competencia escolar, intervención educati va y características personales, haciendo hincapié en la importancia de mitigar y así conseguir una identificación e intervención educativa eficaz con este colectivo. Especialmente nos centraremos en los mitos y creencias erróneas sobre la competencia socioafectiva de este alumnado, defendiendo que no existe relación entre altas habilidades y problemas emocionales y sociales. Para ello, nos apoyaremos en diferentes estudios que evidencian la no presencia de estos problemas, algunos de ellos sobre la percepción que tienen docentes e iguales sobre este colectivo, y otros realizados con los propios alumnos de altas habilidades, a través de la revisión y análisis documental de diferentes estudios e investigaciones que versan sobre esta línea. Palabras clave: Altas habilidades, Mitos, Inteligencia emocional

    Una imagen distorsionada de los alumnos de altas habilidades

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    En el presente artículo pretendemos divulgar los diferentes mitos que existen sobre este colectivo, agrupados en cuatro bloques: competencia socioafectiva, competencia escolar, intervención educati va y características personales, haciendo hincapié en la importancia de mitigar y así conseguir una identificación e intervención educativa eficaz con este colectivo. Especialmente nos centraremos en los mitos y creencias erróneas sobre la competencia socioafectiva de este alumnado, defendiendo que no existe relación entre altas habilidades y problemas emocionales y sociales. Para ello, nos apoyaremos en diferentes estudios que evidencian la no presencia de estos problemas, algunos de ellos sobre la percepción que tienen docentes e iguales sobre este colectivo, y otros realizados con los propios alumnos de altas habilidades, a través de la revisión y análisis documental de diferentes estudios e investigaciones que versan sobre esta línea. Palabras clave: Altas habilidades, Mitos, Inteligencia emocional

    “Érase una vez…un cuento curativo” Atención educativa en población infantil hospitalizada a través de la literatura

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    The sudden appearance of illness in children involves a breakage of the balance they had been enjoying up to that moment. The effects that the loss of health has on children are so big that they go beyond health problems and must also be understood in terms of the personal and social consequences that getting ill has for children. This so important that the current education legislative framework (LOE, 2006) establishes specific support measures to be enforced in the event of illness and foresees schooling options different from the traditional ones (hospital schools). Suitable attention for an ill child involves the bringing together of Hospital Pedagogy and Therapeutic Pedagogy. Like this, especial and assistential education should work hand in hand for the purpose of providing a personalized and interdisciplinary response. Literature contributes to the emotional wellbeing of the child in hospital. In this study literature is seen as a therapeutic instrument. Literature reveals itself not only as a source of pleasure or entertainment for the child but also a means of evasion to face the difficult situation he / she is going through. Storytelling,if used as a therapeutic tool, allows for the pediatric patient’s personal enhancement since it tackles the psychological problems involved in hospital treatment. Likewise, self-identification with fictive characters allows these children to understand the hard reality they are going through, overcoming their fears and even modifying preconceived attitudes or beliefs about hospitals and the professionals working there.La abrupta aparición de la enfermedad, genera en la población infantil una ruptura del equilibrio del que hasta el momento había gozado. Tales son las reminiscencias que la pérdida de salud acarrea en el niño que, no únicamente nos hallaríamos ante un problema de salud, sino que, así mismo, habrían de tenerse presentes las consecuencias personales y sociales que esta población adolece al enfermar. Tanto es así, que desde el actual texto legislativo con competencia en educación (LOE, 2006) se aluden a las necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo que acompañan a la enfermedad y se prevén modalidades de escolarización diferentes a las ordinarias (aulas hospitalarias). Una atención adecuada al niño enfermo, pasa para la asociación de la Pedagogía Hospitalaria y la Pedagogía Terapéutica, aunándose necesidades educativas especiales y asistenciales, a fin de ofrecer una respuesta personalizada e interdisciplinar. Una herramienta que contribuye al bienestar emocional del niño hospitalizado es la literatura. En el trabajo que nos ocupa, recurrimos a la literatura infantil como un instrumento terapéutico. A lo largo del mismo, ahondamos en la utilización de ésta, no únicamente como una fuente de placer o diversión para el niño, sino como un medio de evasión, ante la traumática situación que le ha tocado afrontar. El cuento, empleado con fines terapéuticos, posibilita el desarrollo personal del paciente pediátrico, al afrontar los problemas psicológicos derivados de la hospitalización. Así mismo, el identificarse con los personajes ficticios le ayuda a comprender la ardua realidad a la que se enfrenta, superando miedos e, incluso, modificando actitudes o creencias preconcebidas acerca del hospital y los profesionales que lo asisten


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    As a result of the current prevailing informative turmoil through which Knowledge Society opens its way leaving behind the traditional Industrial Society, Europe and its universities have been facing an important challenge, which is crossed unavoidably by a pedagogic renewal. In this innovation process, the professor becomes a major player. Thus, the role he plays is fundamental. So, he will leave the role played up to know to adopt the professional profile based on competences promoted in Europe.Resultado de la vorágine informativa reinante en nuestros días, según la cual la Sociedad del Conocimiento (SC) se abre camino, dejando atrás la tradicional Sociedad Industrial, Europa y sus universidades vienen enfrentándose en los últimos años a un importante desafío que pasa, irremediablemente, por una renovación pedagógica. En este proceso de innovación, el profesor universitario se convierte en uno de los actores principales. De este modo, el rol que juega el docente se torna fundamental. Así, habrá de abandonar el papel que ha venido asumiendo, y adoptar el perfil profesional basado en competencias que desde Europa se propugna

    Sources of conflict and prevention proposals in user violence toward primary care staff: a qualitative study of the perception of professionals

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    BACKGROUND: Some studies indicate that at least one in four cases of workplace violence occurs in the health sector, with a higher incidence in Emergency Departments, Mental Health Services or Primary Care. Unlike other professional groups, healthcare workers perceive this type of behavior mainly from users or patients. This is the reason why both the detection of conflict between users and professionals and the ways to face and reduce these conflicts has been and is one of the main fields of study in this population. The aim of this study was to delve into the sources of conflict between users and professionals in Primary Care from the perspective of the professionals themselves. In addition, the aim was to explore the proposals for intervention/prevention of this conflict that the professionals perceived as necessary to improve the work environment. METHODS: This study uses qualitative methodology conducting 8 focus groups with professionals related to Primary Health Care. The final sample was composed of 44 workers who were part of the regional management, labor unions, area coordinators, center coordinators and representatives of the professional groups of these centers (medicine, nursing and administration). Thematic analysis was used to extract topics and subtopics. RESULTS: The results are divided into areas of conflict and intervention proposals. The professionals detect a lack of training or education in themselves, absence of functional multidisciplinary teams or competencies to improve the patient-professional relationship, among others. To address these shortcomings, they propose the creation of protocols for action in the face of aggression, the formation of spaces and channels of communication both among the center's own workers and between them and other organizations (e.g., hospitals), fostering a positive relationship with the user community and ongoing training in various topics such as self-safety, management of emotions, empathy or interpersonal communication. CONCLUSIONS: This study allows to highlight specific areas of user-professional conflict in Primary Care. Furthermore, the inclusion of intervention proposals by the professionals allows to propose starting points for the development of complete plans

    Sources of conflict and prevention proposals in user violence toward primary care staff: a qualitative study of the perception of professionals

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    Some studies indicate that at least one in four cases of workplace violence occurs in the health sector, with a higher incidence in Emergency Departments, Mental Health Services or Primary Care. Unlike other professional groups, healthcare workers perceive this type of behavior mainly from users or patients. This is the reason why both the detection of conflict between users and professionals and the ways to face and reduce these conflicts has been and is one of the main fields of study in this population. The aim of this study was to delve into the sources of conflict between users and professionals in Primary Care from the perspective of the professionals themselves. In addition, the aim was to explore the proposals for intervention/prevention of this conflict that the professionals perceived as necessary to improve the work environment. MethodsThis study uses qualitative methodology conducting 8 focus groups with professionals related to Primary Health Care. The final sample was composed of 44 workers who were part of the regional management, labor unions, area coordinators, center coordinators and representatives of the professional groups of these centers (medicine, nursing and administration). Thematic analysis was used to extract topics and subtopics. ResultsThe results are divided into areas of conflict and intervention proposals. The professionals detect a lack of training or education in themselves, absence of functional multidisciplinary teams or competencies to improve the patient-professional relationship, among others. To address these shortcomings, they propose the creation of protocols for action in the face of aggression, the formation of spaces and channels of communication both among the center''s own workers and between them and other organizations (e.g., hospitals), fostering a positive relationship with the user community and ongoing training in various topics such as self-safety, management of emotions, empathy or interpersonal communication. ConclusionsThis study allows to highlight specific areas of user-professional conflict in Primary Care. Furthermore, the inclusion of intervention proposals by the professionals allows to propose starting points for the development of complete plans

    Validación de un registro observacional para la detección del Síndrome del Emperador en el aula.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://www.ijpsy.com/normas.htmlEducating children becomes difcult because of social changes. However it is more difcult with those who consider themselves as supreme heroes at home and ill-treat to their parents. These children and teenagers are considered part of “Emperor’s syndrome” which has worryingly increasing, justifying the need to promote an early detection of these behaviour disorders at schools. At this point, the aim is to present an observational scale directed to primary and secondary teachers and its validation process through inter-judges. The results shows a high reliability index of the tool as useful to detect this syndrome in classrooms in order to refer students to specialists


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    Los trastornos del comportamiento por su preocupante latencia, complejidad y consecuencias negativas en la esfera familiar, académica y social, requieren de una intervención temprana de alta relevancia en los destinatarios formando parte del ámbito de actuación de profesionales del Magisterio, Equipos de Orientación (Pedagogos, Psicopedagogos), Pediatras y Salud Mental. En este sentido, es notable la urgencia de que los profesionales de Educación Primaria y Secundaria den una respuesta acorde a las necesidades del alumnado que presenta tales desórdenes de conducta dentro del aula. En el presente trabajo, se realiza una concisa revisión teórica de la problemática de los principales trastornos del comportamiento en menores y adolescentes, incluyendo la epidemiología, clínica y factores desencadenantes de los mismos. Tras ello y dando respuesta a la necesidad del profesorado de realizar un acercamiento diagnóstico previo de menores con posibles desórdenes conductuales, presentamos un registro observacional en aras de facilitar esta tarea de detección conducente a una posterior intervención directa con los destinatarios. Por último, se incluyen una serie de pautas educativas recomendables a desarrollar para los tres tipos de trastornos de conducta más comunes tales como el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad, Trastorno Negativista Desafiante y Trastorno Disocial.ABSTRACTBehaviour disorders are a highly relevant area in the treatment and intervention to Teachers, Counselling Teams, Paediatrics and Mental Health Professionals. It is based on the increasing prevalence, complex management and negative consequences in personal, familiar, academic and social fields. For that, it is necessary that teachers in primary and secondary education give an answer in agreement with students’ needs who show behaviour disorders inside the classroom. In this paper, we account for a brief epidemiological and clinical revision of behaviour disorders and their factors in children and teenagers. Because of teachers’ need to approach to behaviour disorders, we present an observational tool to make easier the detection of these disorders inside the classroom, which allow them to perform directly with students. Finally, a series of specific educative proposals are included for the three basic behaviour disorders, namely Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Antisocial Behaviour

    Una intervención de sentido espacial con Tinkercad en futuros maestros

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    A five-session classroom intervention is presented for the teaching and application of Tinkercad 3D design software with second-year students of the Primary Education Degree. These students do not know the tool or any similar one, and they have not worked on Geometry content since their compulsory education. To find out the impact of this proposal, a pre-test and a post-test are carried out on the participants through the Spatial Aptitude tests of the EFAI and BAT7 Intelligence Tests, as well as an initial survey to find out their satisfaction with the intervention and proposals for improvement. The results in spatial aptitude have improved, reducing the percentage of students with low enneatype and increasing that of high enneatype, slightly decreasing that of medium enneatype, and 22.5 % of the participants remain in the same enneatype, 60 % go up and 17.5 % drop. Satisfaction and improvement surveys suggest new ways of working for the future and reaffirm the interest and possibilities of using this resource.Se presenta una intervención de aula de cinco sesiones para la enseñanza y aplicación del software de diseño 3D Tinkercad con alumnos de segundo curso del Grado de Educación Primaria. Estos alumnos no conocen la herramienta, ni ninguna similar, y no han trabajado contenidos de Geometría desde su formación obligatoria. Para conocer el impacto de esta propuesta se realiza a los participantes un pretest y un postest mediante las pruebas de Aptitud Espacial de los Test de Inteligencia EFAI y BAT7, así como una encuesta inicial para conocer su satisfacción de la intervención y propuestas de mejora. Los resultados en aptitud espacial han mejorado, reduciéndose el porcentaje de alumnos de eneatipo bajo y aumentando el de eneatipo alto, disminuyendo ligeramente el de eneatipo medio, y se mantienen en el mismo eneatipo el 22,5 % de los participantes, el 60 % suben y el 17,5 % bajan. Las encuestas de satisfacción y mejora plantean nuevas vías de trabajo para el futuro y reafirman en el interés y las posibilidades de uso de este recurso