34 research outputs found

    Birthweight, Maternal Weight Trajectories and Global DNA Methylation of LINE-1 Repetitive Elements

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    Low birthweight, premature birth, intrauterine growth retardation, and maternal malnutrition have been related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, and neuropsychiatric disorders later in life. Conversely, high birthweight has been linked to future risk of cancer. Global DNA methylation estimated by the methylation of repetitive sequences in the genome is an indicator of susceptibility to chronic diseases. We used data and biospecimens from an epigenetic birth cohort to explore the association between trajectories of fetal and maternal weight and LINE-1 methylation in 319 mother-child dyads. Newborns with low or high birthweight had significantly lower LINE-1 methylation levels in their cord blood compared to normal weight infants after adjusting for gestational age, sex of the child, maternal age at delivery, and maternal smoking during pregnancy (p = 0.007 and p = 0.036, respectively), but the magnitude of the difference was small. Infants born prematurely also had lower LINE-1 methylation levels in cord blood compared to term infants, and this difference, though small, was statistically significant (p = 0.004). We did not find important associations between maternal prepregnancy BMI or gestational weight gain and global methylation of the cord blood or fetal placental tissue. In conclusion, we found significant differences in cord blood LINE-1 methylation among newborns with low and high birthweight as well as among prematurely born infants. Future studies may elucidate whether chromosomal instabilities or other functional consequences of these changes contribute to the increased risk of chronic diseases among individuals with these characteristics

    A Genetic Basis of Susceptibility to Acute Pyelonephritis

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    For unknown reasons, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are clustered in certain individuals. Here we propose a novel, genetically determined cause of susceptibility to acute pyelonephritis, which is the most severe form of UTI. The IL-8 receptor, CXCR1, was identified as a candidate gene when mIL-8Rh mutant mice developed acute pyelonephritis (APN) with severe tissue damage.We have obtained CXCR1 sequences from two, highly selected APN prone patient groups, and detected three unique mutations and two known polymorphisms with a genotype frequency of 23% and 25% compared to 7% in controls (p<0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively). When reflux was excluded, 54% of the patients had CXCR1 sequence variants. The UTI prone children expressed less CXCR1 protein than the pediatric controls (p<0.0001) and two sequence variants were shown to impair transcription.The results identify a genetic innate immune deficiency, with a strong link to APN and renal scarring

    The Human Proteins MBD5 and MBD6 Associate with Heterochromatin but They Do Not Bind Methylated DNA

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    BACKGROUND: MBD5 and MBD6 are two uncharacterized mammalian proteins that contain a putative Methyl-Binding Domain (MBD). In the proteins MBD1, MBD2, MBD4, and MeCP2, this domain allows the specific recognition of DNA containing methylated cytosine; as a consequence, the proteins serve as interpreters of DNA methylation, an essential epigenetic mark. It is unknown whether MBD5 or MBD6 also bind methylated DNA; this question has interest for basic research, but also practical consequences for human health, as MBD5 deletions are the likely cause of certain cases of mental retardation. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we report the first functional characterization of MBD5 and MBD6. We have observed that the proteins colocalize with heterochromatin in cultured cells, and that this localization requires the integrity of their MBD. However, heterochromatic localization is maintained in cells with severely decreased levels of DNA methylation. In vitro, neither MBD5 nor MBD6 binds any of the methylated sequences DNA that were tested. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that MBD5 and MBD6 are unlikely to be methyl-binding proteins, yet they may contribute to the formation or function of heterochromatin. One isoform of MBD5 is highly expressed in oocytes, which suggests a possible role in epigenetic reprogramming after fertilization

    The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

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    We report the sequence and analysis of the 814-megabase genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, a model for developmental and systems biology. The sequencing strategy combined whole-genome shotgun and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequences. This use of BAC clones, aided by a pooling strategy, overcame difficulties associated with high heterozygosity of the genome. The genome encodes about 23,300 genes, including many previously thought to be vertebrate innovations or known only outside the deuterostomes. This echinoderm genome provides an evolutionary outgroup for the chordates and yields insights into the evolution of deuterostomes

    Chlamydia trachomatis Co-opts GBF1 and CERT to Acquire Host Sphingomyelin for Distinct Roles during Intracellular Development

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    The obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis replicates within a membrane-bound inclusion that acquires host sphingomyelin (SM), a process that is essential for replication as well as inclusion biogenesis. Previous studies demonstrate that SM is acquired by a Brefeldin A (BFA)-sensitive vesicular trafficking pathway, although paradoxically, this pathway is dispensable for bacterial replication. This finding suggests that other lipid transport mechanisms are involved in the acquisition of host SM. In this work, we interrogated the role of specific components of BFA-sensitive and BFA-insensitive lipid trafficking pathways to define their contribution in SM acquisition during infection. We found that C. trachomatis hijacks components of both vesicular and non-vesicular lipid trafficking pathways for SM acquisition but that the SM obtained from these separate pathways is being utilized by the pathogen in different ways. We show that C. trachomatis selectively co-opts only one of the three known BFA targets, GBF1, a regulator of Arf1-dependent vesicular trafficking within the early secretory pathway for vesicle-mediated SM acquisition. The Arf1/GBF1-dependent pathway of SM acquisition is essential for inclusion membrane growth and stability but is not required for bacterial replication. In contrast, we show that C. trachomatis co-opts CERT, a lipid transfer protein that is a key component in non-vesicular ER to trans-Golgi trafficking of ceramide (the precursor for SM), for C. trachomatis replication. We demonstrate that C. trachomatis recruits CERT, its ER binding partner, VAP-A, and SM synthases, SMS1 and SMS2, to the inclusion and propose that these proteins establish an on-site SM biosynthetic factory at or near the inclusion. We hypothesize that SM acquired by CERT-dependent transport of ceramide and subsequent conversion to SM is necessary for C. trachomatis replication whereas SM acquired by the GBF1-dependent pathway is essential for inclusion growth and stability. Our results reveal a novel mechanism by which an intracellular pathogen redirects SM biosynthesis to its replicative niche

    Etoposide Induces ATM-Dependent Mitochondrial Biogenesis through AMPK Activation

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    DNA damage such as double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) has been reported to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis. However, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. The major player in response to DSBs is ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated). Upon sensing DSBs, ATM is activated through autophosphorylation and phosphorylates a number of substrates for DNA repair, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. ATM has been reported to phosphorylate the alpha subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which senses AMP/ATP ratio in cells, and can be activated by upstream kinases. Here we provide evidence for a novel role of ATM in mitochondrial biogenesis through AMPK activation in response to etoposide-induced DNA damage.Three pairs of human ATM+ and ATM- cells were employed. Cells treated with etoposide exhibited an ATM-dependent increase in mitochondrial mass as measured by 10-N-Nonyl-Acridine Orange and MitoTracker Green FM staining, as well as an increase in mitochondrial DNA content. In addition, the expression of several known mitochondrial biogenesis regulators such as the major mitochondrial transcription factor NRF-1, PGC-1alpha and TFAM was also elevated in response to etoposide treatment as monitored by RT-PCR. Three pieces of evidence suggest that etoposide-induced mitochondrial biogenesis is due to ATM-dependent activation of AMPK. First, etoposide induced ATM-dependent phosphorylation of AMPK alpha subunit at Thr172, indicative of AMPK activation. Second, inhibition of AMPK blocked etoposide-induced mitochondrial biogenesis. Third, activation of AMPK by AICAR (an AMP analogue) stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis in an ATM-dependent manner, suggesting that ATM may be an upstream kinase of AMPK in the mitochondrial biogenesis pathway.These results suggest that activation of ATM by etoposide can lead to mitochondrial biogenesis through AMPK activation. We propose that ATM-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis may play a role in DNA damage response and ROS regulation, and that defect in ATM-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis could contribute to the manifestations of A-T disease

    The Photosynthetic Apparatus and Its Regulation in the Aerobic Gammaproteobacterium Congregibacter litoralis gen. nov., sp. nov

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    BACKGROUND: There is accumulating evidence that in some marine environments aerobic bacteriochlorophyll a-producing bacteria represent a significant part of the microbial population. The interaction of photosynthesis and carbon metabolism in these interesting bacteria is still largely unknown and requires further investigation in order to estimate their contribution to the marine carbon cycle. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we analyzed the structure, composition and regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus in the obligately aerobic marine gammaproteobacterium KT71(T). Photoheterotrophically grown cells were characterized by a poorly developed lamellar intracytoplasmic membrane system, a type 1 light-harvesting antenna complex and a photosynthetic reaction center associated with a tetraheme cytochrome c. The only photosynthetic pigments produced were bacteriochlorophyll a and spirilloxanthin. Under semiaerobic conditions KT71(T) cells expressing a photosynthetic apparatus showed a light-dependent increase of growth yield in the range of 1.3-2.5 fold. The expression level of the photosynthetic apparatus depended largely on the utilized substrate, the intermediary carbon metabolism and oxygen tension. In addition, pigment synthesis was strongly influenced by light, with blue light exerting the most significant effect, implicating that proteins containing a BLUF domain may be involved in regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus. Several phenotypic traits in KT71(T) could be identified that correlated with the assumed redox state of growing cells and thus could be used to monitor the cellular redox state under various incubation conditions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In a hypothetical model that explains the regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus in strain KT71(T) we propose that the expression of photosynthesis genes depends on the cellular redox state and is maximal under conditions that allow a balanced membrane redox state. So far, bacteria capable of an obligately aerobic, photosynthetic metabolism constitute a unique phenotype within the class Gammaproteobacteria, so that it is justified to propose a new genus and species, Congregibacter litoralis gen. nov, sp. nov., represented by the type strain KT71(T) ( = DSM 17192(T) = NBRC 104960(T))

    Using Shifts in Amino Acid Frequency and Substitution Rate to Identify Latent Structural Characters in Base-Excision Repair Enzymes

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    Protein evolution includes the birth and death of structural motifs. For example, a zinc finger or a salt bridge may be present in some, but not all, members of a protein family. We propose that such transitions are manifest in sequence phylogenies as concerted shifts in substitution rates of amino acids that are neighbors in a representative structure. First, we identified rate shifts in a quartet from the Fpg/Nei family of base excision repair enzymes using a method developed by Xun Gu and coworkers. We found the shifts to be spatially correlated, more precisely, associated with a flexible loop involved in bacterial Fpg substrate specificity. Consistent with our result, sequences and structures provide convincing evidence that this loop plays a very different role in other family members. Second, then, we developed a method for identifying latent protein structural characters (LSC) given a set of homologous sequences based on Gu's method and proximity in a high-resolution structure. Third, we identified LSC and assigned states of LSC to clades within the Fpg/Nei family of base excision repair enzymes. We describe seven LSC; an accompanying Proteopedia page (http://proteopedia.org/wiki/index.php/Fpg_Nei_Protein_Family) describes these in greater detail and facilitates 3D viewing. The LSC we found provided a surprisingly complete picture of the interaction of the protein with the DNA capturing familiar examples, such as a Zn finger, as well as more subtle interactions. Their preponderance is consistent with an important role as phylogenetic characters. Phylogenetic inference based on LSC provided convincing evidence of independent losses of Zn fingers. Structural motifs may serve as important phylogenetic characters and modeling transitions involving structural motifs may provide a much deeper understanding of protein evolution

    Caratterizzazione di alcuni siti della rete accelerometrica nazionale al fine di individuare la risposta sismica locale

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    Le indagini geotecniche finalizzate alla stima della risposta sismica locale si limitano molto spesso ai primi 30 m di profondità, valore che è diventato uno standard per la classificazione delle caratteristiche di un sito. Negli anni ’90 Borcherdt (1994) e Martin e Dobry (1994) suggerirono 30 m come la profondità standard di indagine per la verifica delle strutture. Boore et al. (1993, 1994, 1997) e Boore e Joyner (1997) basarono le regressioni per il calcolo delle leggi predittive del moto del suolo sullo stesso parametro. Nel 1997 negli Stati Uniti il National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) nella stesura delle norme tecniche per le costruzioni in zona sismica (FEMA, 1997) utilizza per la prima volta il parametro Vs30 come indice per la classificazione dei suoli, con lo scopo di definirne l’amplificazione. Le norme tecniche per le costruzioni in zona sismica della comunità Europea, EC8 (ENV, 1998) ente da dati provenienti dagli Stati Uniti occidentali e, utilizzando dati provenienti dalla stessa regione, Wald & Mori (2000) segnalano che le VS,30 non sono molto ben correlate con l’entità dell’amplificazione, in quanto esiste una forte dispersione dei dati. La figura 1.1 mostra il rapporto tra le amplificazioni, mediate sull’intervallo di frequenza compreso tra 3-5 Hz. raccomandano lo stesso parametro per suddividere i terreni, anche se le classi differiscono in parte dalla classificazione NEHRP. Infine, anche in Italia, le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (Normative Tecniche per le Costruzioni, Gazzetta Ufficiale del 14/01/2008) adottano la stessa suddivisione dei terreni adottata dall’EC8.L’attendibilità della velocità delle onde di taglio nei primi 30 m (VS,30) come estimatore della risposta sismica di un sito, in termini di frequenza e amplificazione, è tuttavia molto discussa.Innanzitutto il parametro è stato ricavato unicamente da dati provenienti dagli Stati Uniti occidentali e, utilizzando dati provenienti dalla stessa regione, Wald & Mori (2000) segnalano che le Vs30 non sono molto ben correlate con l’entità dell’amplificazione, in quanto esiste una forte dispersione dei dati. La figura 1.1 mostra il rapporto tra le amplificazioni, mediate sull’intervallo di frequenza compreso tra 3-5 Hz. I valori risultano effettivamente molto dispersi, ma questo risultato può essere spiegato col fatto che non tutte le classi di sito hanno frequenza di risonanza compreso in questo intervallo di frequenza. Perciò per alcuni siti la media è stata calcolata nell’intorno della frequenza di risonanza (sulle amplificazioni massime), mentre per altri è stata calcolata sulle armoniche superiori, che hanno ampiezze minori. Lavori eseguiti con dati provenienti da altre regioni sottolineano come le Vs30 non siano buoni estimatori per la predizione di amplificazioni in bacini profondi (Park & Hashash, 2004), per la stima delle amplificazioni in altre regioni (Stewart et al., 2003) o in presenza di inversioni di velocità (Di Giacomo et al., 2005). Uno studio recente, eseguito su dati giapponesi (Zhao et al., 2006) si è evitato l’uso della Vs30 perché strati spessi di terreno rigido posti sopra il substrato roccioso amplificano il moto di lungo periodo, mentre gli strati sottili e soffici tendono ad amplificare il moto di corto periodo: ciò significa che la VS,30 non può rappresentare il periodo predominante del sito, dato che si basa solo sugli strati superficiali. Secondo Mucciarelli e Gallipoli (2006) il confronto tra l’amplificazione sismica al sito e la Vs30 mostra che quest’ultimo parametro non è adeguato per spiegare gli effetti di sito osservati in Italia a causa delle situazioni geologiche particolari che sono diffuse nel nostro paese. La figura 1.2 mostra la distribuzione dell’ampiezza rispetto alla classe di sito, in cui si vede che le classi sono mal discriminate e le mediane delle classi A e B (indicate dalla linea nera) sono uguali. È però necessario notare che questo grafico è stato costruito utilizzando le ampiezze ricavate col metodo dei rapporti spettrali H/V, ma in letteratura (Bard, 1999) è dimostrato che tali rapporti spettrali permettono di stimare la frequenza di risonanza, ma falliscono nella stima del valore di amplificazione. In particolare la Vs30 sottostima gli effetti locali ai siti con inversione di velocità e li sovrastima in siti con bacini profondi. La Vs30 sembra fornire dei buoni risultati solo in siti che abbiano un profilo di velocità monotono, crescente con la profondità e un forte contrasto di impedenza nella prima decina di metri. Questo studio si propone di verificare l’attendibilità della velocità delle onde di taglio valutate nei primi 30 m come estimatore della risposta sismica di un sito. Per questo scopo sono state selezionate 45 stazioni della Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale, di cui si conoscono i profili stratigrafici e i profili di velocità delle onde di taglio e di compressione. Inoltre sono state raccolte le registrazioni strong motion relative ai terremoti registrati da queste stazioni. Gli effetti di sito sono stati valutati in due modi: · Le registrazioni sono state utilizzate per calcolare i rapporti spettrali H/V per ricavare la frequenza fondamentale propria di ciascun sito (f0) e il relativo valore di amplificazione; · I profili di velocità delle onde di taglio sono serviti per ricavare il modello teorico monodimensionale per il calcolo della funzione di trasferimento del sito, eseguito per mezzo del modello proposto da Haskell e Thomson (Haskell, 1953, Thomson 1950), da cui ricavare la f0 e l’amplificazione. I valori ottenuti con i due metodi sono stati poi confrontati per verificare la congruenza dei risultati. I profili di velocità hanno permesso di classificare le stazioni utilizzando la velocità media delle onde di taglio nei primi 30 m (Vs30), secondo la normativa italiana. I risultati ottenuti dalla valutazione della risposta di ciascun sito, espressi in termini di frequenza fondamentale e amplificazione, sono stati correlati con la rispettiva classe di sito per verificare l’attendibilità del parametro delle Vs30 come estimatore degli effetti di sito