7 research outputs found

    Waterproof Manado: Life must be safe and secure, not only today but also in the future!

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    Manado City is growing, its population is increasing. This demands the city to grow outside its borders and even into the sea by using land reclamation. Introducing new challenges or making challenges bigger, which are already present. Not only growth is present in the city, going forward and becoming better and better is an on-going fight for cities. The city came up with a vision “Manado, Model City of Eco Tourism” and a mission “Make Manado a City of Happiness” for their future. Introducing a study on this subject and to anticipate on the city’s goals, the research question is stated as; What are the options to supplement Manado’s vision and mission, making the city more safe and attractive for tourists and citizens? Within this research, two other challenges regarding Manado city will be investigated as well. In the year of 2003 a major flood occurred in the city, causing great damage to the city with many casualties. Nowadays, the risk of flooding is still present. Secondly, a challenge arises at the border of the city . The coastline of Manado suffers from erosion at specific locations, possibly caused by development of the reclaimed land in the past. Narrowing the research, an analysis will be made upon selected subjects. Analysing the coastal protection, river floods and the city’s Vision and Mission gives a clear view of the current state and what could be expected from the future. The goal is to come to a sound idea of the needs and possibilities related to coastal protection, Kota Manado and its Vision and Mission. Working towards advices, different time paths and desires are noticed. Besides recommendations, which can be adopted at any time, found solutions are divided in short, mid and long term time spans. On short term the rivers and garbage have to be handled and nuisance of either one increases day by day. At many places the river is blocked. Removing these blockages is a good start. In addition, the embankments and beds can be ‘smoothened’, to improve the river’s flow. Besides the river attention on the short term, garbage clogs up the city. Waste Management Control is already improving. Clean ups have to be supported by the government, giving a good example to its citizens. By these measures a start is made to work towards real solutions, coming to an Improved Garbage Service. As mentioned before, improving the Waste Management Control is a continuing process. Besides the short term, this solution has a mid-term basis too. By adaption of the 3R-principle, garbage will be even less. This principle represents the Reduction, Reuse and Recycle of materials. The amount of waste will reduce and the city will be cleaner, although it will take a while to adopt. Measurements need to be coordinated and monitored. Making so-called Pre-Project-Planning gives benefits to make them successful. This should not only be used in this case, but also for regular Civil Engineering projects. Erosion is another problem Manado City is facing nowadays. However, its effects evolve more slowly and are thereby less noticeable. The coastline of Manado can be divided in three sections. Section one consists of the Southern part of the coastline and the municipality is already undertaking action to stop the erosion. The adopted measures are well designed and thought through. Even on places where there’s little area to construct a protection, the chosen measure could also be used.Section two is located near the boulevard area. Large land reclamations are constructed along the shore. The reclaimed areas are well protected by big stones and do not suffer from any erosion. These large land reclamations, however, do have side effects. One of them is the change in the current, leading to a flow towards the ’Bunaken’ coral reef area. This flow transports a lot of sediment, dust and garbage and killing a lot of fish and coral. So, for future land reclamations, an investigation into these effects must be done if the city really cares about its environment and wants to prevent it from destroying. Section three is situated in the North of Manado. The protection of the northern coastline consists of vegetation and Mangroves. Due to certain changes in the past, among others construction of reclaimed areas, part of the northern shoreline started to erode. The continuing process of erosion can be resolved on a mid-term base. With solutions like, for instance Mangroves, it can stop the erosion and improve the environmental value of the coastline as well, leading to an eco-friendly solution. A sustainable future for the city of Manado is obtained by their vision “Manado Model City for Ecotourism” and mission “To Make Manado City a city of Happiness”. The government cannot do this on its own. Involving and, most important, convincing the local community of the vision and mission will speed up the progression. This combines the short and long term philosophy. On short notice the local community has to be convinced and at the same time, the long term vision and mission can be fulfilled too. Manado City has a great amount of opportunities to fulfil their mission and are they are well available. Even small improvements can make a change. A good example to use the opportunities and to anticipate on the mission and vision of the city is to construct several parks or a beach in the centre of town. A park or a beach can be created to attract not only tourists but also local citizens. For tourists, including divers, it will be a welcoming relaxing spot to comfort their stay in Manado. So in this way it will give the mission and vision of Manado a tremendous boost.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    The future of resilience-based management in coral reef ecosystems

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    Resilience underpins the sustainability of both ecological and social systems. Extensive loss of reef corals following recent mass bleaching events have challenged the notion that support of system resilience is a viable reef management strategy. While resilience-based management (RBM) cannot prevent the damaging effects of major disturbances, such as mass bleaching events, it can support natural processes that promote resistance and recovery. Here, we review the potential of RBM to help sustain coral reefs in the 21st century. We explore the scope for supporting resilience through existing management approaches and emerging technologies and discuss their opportunities and limitations in a changing climate. We argue that for RBM to be effective in a changing world, reef management strategies need to involve both existing and new interventions that together reduce stress, support the fitness of populations and species, and help people and economies to adapt to a highly altered ecosystem. © 2018 The Author

    Have fishes had their chips? The dilemma of threatened fishes

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    Substanzen mit dÀmpfender Wirkung auf das ZNS

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    The Components of Plant Tissue Culture Media I: Macro- and Micro-Nutrients

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