849 research outputs found

    El pragmatismo: ¿un nombre antiguo para nuevas maneras de pensar?

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    This article provides an introductory overview and comparison of the pragmatism of Charles Peirce, the founder of the American movement, with aspects of the pragmatism of disciples such as William James, F.C.S. Schiller, and John Dewey, including Peirce’s reactions to these latter thinkers, and some observations on the place of pragmatism in the 21st century

    Projection of diversity in Higher Education. A study of an institutional communication media in a Spanish university

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    The way in which diversity is conveyed through the media can reflect the attitude of the communicators themselves and contribute to shaping society’s attitudes towards diversity. The aim of the study was to identify how diversity is conveyed by the University to the Society. A content analysis of diversity-related news items in the University’s Institutional Newspaper Journal of the Pablo de Olavide University (DUPO) (626 news items out of 3,186 published between 2016 and 2019, a full rector’s term) was conducted. Heterogeneity in diversity was identified: gender, functional, cultural, sexual, religious and age, with gender and functional or disability diversity being predominant. Dissemination of diversity was linked to the fields of social sciences, humanities and sport. Communicators were government teams, with a slightly larger role for women. In conclusion, the institutional communication of diversity carried out from the most common official communication channel of the university analysed is the majority compared to the actions of professors and researchers, and a heterogeneous conception of diversity was found, linking it to issues of gender, inequalities and violence

    La presunción en las causas matrimoniales.

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    Material incluido en el volumen especial de la revista del Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta, Universidad de Navarra : Ius Canonicum (1999), en honor de Javier Hervada

    El arreglo de controversias en las organizaciones de fines generales

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    Cultural values in American and Spanish TV advertising at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic

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    This article discusses the similarities and differences found in some Spanish and American television advertisements broadcast at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. To carry out this study, forty advertisements shown on television in the two countries during the months of March and April 2020 were analysed. Qualitative and quantitative analysis considered the cultural dimensions of identity, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity. In addition, the Chi-square formula was also applied in order to confirm that the differences found in both groups of adverts were not significantly important. The results show that a great deal of similar messages and even expressions was conveyed to both audiences in both countries, although some differences were also found. Besides, the main goal of these ads in both groups was to comfort the audience, and not to clearly promote or advertise the product. Thus, this study demonstrates once again that despite the differences that these two cultural groups display, and which are usually portrayed in intercultural literature, the context highly influences the values typically assigned to a linguistic community. That is reflected in the discourse of speakers, and it is the reason why we can find values opposite to those expected in a cultural group

    Merging business process models

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    This paper addresses the following problem: given two business process models, create a process model that is the union of the process models given as input. In other words, the behavior of the produced process model should encompass that of the input models. The paper describes an algorithm that produces a single configurable process model from a pair of process models. The algorithm works by extracting the common parts of the input process models, creating a single copy of them, and appending the differences as branches of configurable connectors. This way, the merged process model is kept as small as possible, while still capturing all the behavior of the input models. Moreover, analysts are able to trace back which model(s) a given element in the merged model originates from. The algorithm has been prototyped and tested against process models taken from several application domains

    Transient Ectopic Overexpression of Agouti-Signalling

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    While flatfish in the wild exhibit a pronounced countershading of the dorso-ventral pigment pattern, malpigmentation is commonly observed in reared animals. In fish, the dorso-ventral pigment polarity is achieved because a melanization inhibition factor (MIF) inhibits melanoblast differentiation and encourages iridophore proliferation in the ventrum. A previous work of our group suggested that asip1 is the uncharacterized MIF concerned. In order to further support this hypothesis, we have characterized asip1 mRNAs in both turbot and sole and used deduced peptide alignments to analyze the evolutionary history of the agouti-family of peptides. The putative asip precursors have the characteristics of a secreted protein, displaying a putative hydrophobic signal. Processing of the potential signal peptide produces mature proteins that include an N-terminal region, a basic central domain with a high proportion of lysine residues as well as a proline-rich region that immediately precedes the C-terminal poly-cysteine domain. The expression of asip1 mRNA in the ventral area was significantly higher than in the dorsal region. Similarly, the expression of asip1 within the unpigmented patches in the dorsal skin of pseudoalbino fish was higher than in the pigmented dorsal regions but similar to those levels observed in the ventral skin. In addition, the injection/electroporation of asip1 capped mRNA in both species induced long term dorsal skin paling, suggesting the inhibition of the melanogenic pathways. The data suggest that fish asip1 is involved in the dorsalventral pigment patterning in adult fish, where it induces the regulatory asymmetry involved in precursor differentiation into mature chromatophore. Adult dorsal pseudoalbinism seems to be the consequence of the expression of normal developmental pathways in an inaccurate position that results in unbalanced asip1 production levels. This, in turn, generates a ventral-like differentiation environment in dorsal regions.Publicado

    Tres opúsculos satíricos al servicio de los debates metodológicos para el aprendizaje del latín: Mallorca, 1802

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    This work, which contributes to the scientific building of a historiographic Catalan narrative, analyses three seriocomical pieces that satirize the Latin teacher and his method in the Mallorca of the early 19th Century, through a Social History of Language approach. In addition, it reflects literary disputes between two grammarians and their preferences for Catalan or Spanish. In Carta de un maestro a su discípulo (1802), the ignorance of the Semperist master, who used to lecture in Catalan, is lambasted and the case is made for imposing the Nebrija and the Torrella texts in Spanish. In two biting rebuttals, the Obreta petita and the Empatadera, the author of the Carta is attacked as a pedantic Latin pedagogue – a recognisable character within the sub-genre of satire about grammar. These works also advocate for Sempere and local culture and for the need to rise above such debates to make real educational gains in the teaching of Latin.Este trabajo, que contribuye a la construcción científica del relato historiográfico catalán, analiza desde la Historia Social de la Lengua tres piezas jocoserias que satirizan al maestro de latín y su método en la Mallorca de principios del siglo XIX, además de reflejar las disputas literarias entre dos gramáticos y sus preferencias por el catalán o el castellano. En Carta de un maestro a su discípulo (1802), se arremete contra la ignorancia del profesor semperista, que acostumbraba a dictar en catalán las lecciones, para imponer el Nebrija y el Torrella en castellano. En las contrarréplicas, la Obreta petita y la Empatadera, se ataca mordazmente al autor de la Carta por pedante preceptor de latín, personaje específico del subgénero de la sátira gramatical. Se aboga, además, por el Sempere, la cultura local y la superación de tales debates para avanzar pedagógicamente en la enseñanza de la latinidad
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