692 research outputs found

    Demonstration of fundamental mode only propagation in highly multimode fibre for high power EDFAs

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    The use of short lengths of large core phosphate glass fibre, doped with high concentrations of Er or Er:Yb represents an attractive route to achieving high power erbium doped fibre amplifiers (EDFAs) and lasers (EDFLs). With the aim of investigating the potential of achieving diffraction limited output from such large core fibres, we present experimental results of fundamental mode propagation through a 20 cm length of passive 300 micrometer core multimode fibre when the input is a well-aligned Gaussian beam. Through careful control of fibre geometry, input beam parameters and alignment, we measured an output M squared of 1.1 + - 0.05. The fibre had a numerical aperture of 0.389, implying a V number of 236.8. To our knowledge, this is the largest core fibre through which diffraction limited fundamental mode propagation has been demonstrated. Although the results presented here relate to undoped fibre, they do provide the practical basis for a new generation of EDFAs and EDFLs.Comment: 5 figure

    Study of the dependence of 198Au half-life on source geometry

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    We report the results of an experiment to determine whether the half-life of \Au{198} depends on the shape of the source. This study was motivated by recent suggestions that nuclear decay rates may be affected by solar activity, perhaps arising from solar neutrinos. If this were the case then the ÎČ\beta-decay rates, or half-lives, of a thin foil sample and a spherical sample of gold of the same mass and activity could be different. We find for \Au{198}, (T1/2)foil/(T1/2)sphere=0.999±0.002(T_{1/2})_{\rm foil}/(T_{1/2})_{\rm sphere} = 0.999 \pm 0.002, where T1/2T_{1/2} is the mean half-life. The maximum neutrino flux at the sample in our experiments was several times greater than the flux of solar neutrinos at the surface of the Earth. We show that this increase in flux leads to a significant improvement in the limits that can be inferred on a possible solar contribution to nuclear decays.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamics and stress in gravity driven granular flow

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    We study, using simulations, the steady-state flow of dry sand driven by gravity in two-dimensions. An investigation of the microscopic grain dynamics reveals that grains remain separated but with a power-law distribution of distances and times between collisions. While there are large random grain velocities, many of these fluctuations are correlated across the system and local rearrangements are very slow. Stresses in the system are almost entirely transfered by collisions and the structure of the stress tensor comes almost entirely from a bias in the directions in which collisions occur.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, RevTe

    The Off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman Relation and Its Discrepancy

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    We study the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation (ODGTR) and its discrepancy (ODGTD) in the N, Delta, pi sector through O(p^2) using heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. To this order, the ODGTD and axial vector N to Delta transition radius are determined solely by low energy constants. Loop corrections appear at O(p^4). For low-energy constants of natural size, the ODGTD would represent a ~ 2% correction to the ODGTR. We discuss the implications of the ODGTR and ODGTD for lattice and quark model calculations of the transition form factors and for parity-violating electroexcitation of the Delta.Comment: 11 pages, 1 eps figur

    1/Nc1/N_c Expansion for Excited Baryons

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    We derive consistency conditions which constrain the possible form of the strong couplings of the excited baryons to the pions. The consistency conditions follow from requiring the pion-excited baryon scattering amplitudes to satisfy the large-N_c Witten counting rules and are analogous to consistency conditions used by Dashen, Jenkins and Manohar and others for s-wave baryons. The consistency conditions are explicitly solved, giving the most general allowed form of the strong vertices for excited baryons in the large-N_c limit. We show that the solutions to the large-N_c consistency conditions coincide with the predictions of the nonrelativistic quark model for these states, extending the results previously obtained for the s-wave baryons. The 1/N_c corrections to these predictions are studied in the quark model with arbitrary number of colors N_c.Comment: 56 pages, REVTeX; one new Appendix added containing a discussion of the results in the language of quark operator

    Nonleptonic Weak Decays of Bottom Baryons

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    Cabibbo-allowed two-body hadronic weak decays of bottom baryons are analyzed. Contrary to the charmed baryon sector, many channels of bottom baryon decays proceed only through the external or internal W-emission diagrams. Moreover, W-exchange is likely to be suppressed in the bottom baryon sector. Consequently, the factorization approach suffices to describe most of the Cabibbo-allowed bottom baryon decays. We use the nonrelativistic quark model to evaluate heavy-to-heavy and heavy-to-light baryon form factors at zero recoil. When applied to the heavy quark limit, the quark model results do satisfy all the constraints imposed by heavy quark symmetry. The decay rates and up-down asymmetries for bottom baryons decaying into (1/2)++P(V)(1/2)^++P(V) and (3/2)++P(V)(3/2)^++P(V) are calculated. It is found that the up-down asymmetry is negative except for Ωb→(1/2)++P(V)\Omega_b \to (1/2)^++P(V) decay and for decay modes with ψâ€Č\psi' in the final state. The prediction B(Λb→J/ψΛ)=1.6×10−4B(\Lambda_b \to J/\psi\Lambda)=1.6 \times 10^{-4} for ∣Vcb∣=0.038|V_{cb}|=0.038 is consistent with the recent CDF measurement. We also present estimates for Ωc→(3/2)++P(V)\Omega_c \to (3/2)^++P(V) decays and compare with various model calculations.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. Uncertainties with form factor q^2 dependence are discusse

    Four-fermion heavy quark operators and light current amplitudes in heavy flavor hadrons

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    We introduce and study the properties of the "color-straight" four-quark operators containing heavy and light quark fields. They are of the form (\bar b\Gamma_b b)(\bar q\Gamma_q q) where both brackets are color singlets. Their expectation values include the bulk of the nonfactorizable contributions to the nonleptonic decay widths of heavy hadrons. The expectation values of the color-straight operators in the heavy hadrons are related to the momentum integrals of the elastic light-quark formfactors of the respective heavy hadron. We calculate the asymptotic behavior of the light-current formfactors of heavy hadrons and show that the actual decrease is 1/(q^2)^3/2 rather than 1/q^4. The two-loop hybrid anomalous dimensions of the four-quark operators and their mixing (absent in the first loop) are obtained. Using plausible models for the elastic formfactors, we estimate the expectation values of the color-straight operators in the heavy mesons and baryons. Improved estimates will be possible in the future with new data on the radiative decays of heavy hadrons. We give the Wilson coefficients of the four-fermion operators in the 1/m_b expansion of the inclusive widths and discuss the numerical predictions. Estimates of the nonfactorizable expectation values are given.Comment: 51 pages. The case of flavor-singlet operators is added for the two-loop anomalous dimension

    A Phenomenological Analysis of Heavy Hadron Lifetimes

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    A phenomenological analysis of lifetimes of bottom and charmed hadrons within the framework of the heavy quark expansion is performed. The baryon matrix element is evaluated using the bag model and the nonrelativistic quark model. We find that bottom-baryon lifetimes follow the pattern τ(Ωb)≃τ(Ξb−)>τ(Λb)≃τ(Ξb0)\tau(\Omega_b)\simeq\tau(\Xi_b^-)>\tau(\Lambda_b)\simeq\tau(\Xi_b^0). However, neither the lifetime ratio τ(Λb)/τ(Bd)\tau(\Lambda_b)/\tau( B_d) nor the absolute decay rates of the Λb\Lambda_b baryon and BB mesons can be explained. One way of solving both difficulties is to allow the presence of linear 1/mQ1/m_Q corrections by scaling the inclusive nonleptonic width with the fifth power of the hadron mass mHQm_{H_Q} rather than the heavy quark mass mQm_Q. The hierarchy of bottom baryon lifetimes is dramatically modified to τ(Λb)>τ(Ξb−)>τ(Ξb0)>τ(Ωb)\tau(\Lambda_b)>\tau(\Xi_b^-)>\tau(\Xi_b^0)>\tau( \Omega_b): The longest-lived Ωb\Omega_b among bottom baryons in the OPE prescription now becomes shortest-lived. The replacement of mQm_Q by mHQm_{H_Q} in nonleptonic widths is natural and justified in the PQCD-based factorization approach formulated in terms of hadron-level kinematics. For inclusive charmed baryon decays, we argue that since the heavy quark expansion does not converge, local duality cannot be tested in this case. We show that while the ansatz of substituting the heavy quark mass by the hadron mass provides a much better description of the charmed-baryon lifetime {\it ratios}, it appears unnatural and unpredictive for describing the {\it absolute} inclusive decay rates of charmed baryons, contrary to the bottom case.Comment: 35 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. The CDF result on the lifetime ratio of Lambda_b and B_d is discusse

    NN,N\Delta Couplings and the Quark Model

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    We examine mass-corrected SU(6) symmetry predictions in the quark model relating vector, axial-vector and strong NN and N\Delta couplings, and demonstrate that the experimental N\Delta value is significantly higher than predicted in each case. Nevertheless the Goldberger-Treiman relation is satisfied in both sectors. Possible origins of the discrepancy of the quark model predictions with experiment are discussed.Comment: 22 pg. Latex file, figures available by reques
