7 research outputs found

    Effect of α-bisabolol and its β-cyclodextrin complex as TetK and NorA efflux pump inhibitors in Staphylococcus aureus strains

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    Efflux pumps are proteins present in the plasma membrane of bacteria, which transport antibiotics and other compounds into the extracellular medium, conferring resistance. The discovery of natural efflux pump inhibitors is a promising alternative. \u3b1-Bisabolol is a sesquiterpene isolated from several plants such as Matricaria chamomilla L. and has important properties such as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Currently, the formation of inclusion complexes with \u3b2-Cyclodextrin has been used for improving the physicochemical characteristics of the host molecule. This study evaluated the effect of \u3b1-Bisabolol, in isolation and in complexation with \u3b2-Cyclodextrin, as TetK and NorA efflux pump inhibitors in Staphylococcus aureus strains. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined. Subsequently, inhibitory activity over the pumps was observed by an MIC reduction for the antibiotics, by using subinhibitory concentrations (MIC/8) in combination with tetracycline and norfloxacin. The MIC of the compounds was 651024 \u3bcg/mL. \u3b1-Bisabolol potentiated the action of tetracycline and reduced the MIC of norfloxacin to a clinically relevant concentration. The complexed substance showed synergism however, the effect of the isolated \u3b1-Bisabolol was superior to the complex. These results indicate \u3b1-Bisabolol is a potential substance to be used as an efflux pump inhibitor

    Enraizamento de estacas, crescimento e respostas anatômicas de mudas clonais de cacaueiro ao ácido indol-3-butírico Stem cutting rooting, growth and anatomical responses of cacao tree clonal changes to the indole-3-butyric acid

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos do ácido indol-3-butírico (AIB) no crescimento e na morfologia interna de quatro clones de Theobroma cacao (CCN-10, CP-53, PS-1319 e CA-1.4). O AIB foi aplicado na base da estaca de caule, em talco inerte, nas concentrações de 2; 4; 6 e 8 g kg-1, juntamente com o controle (sem AIB). A avaliação do crescimento de raízes, caule e folhas dos quatro clones foi realizada aos 160 dias após o estaqueamento (DAE) para todas as concentrações de AIB, período também em que se realizou a coleta de material para os estudos anatômicos dos diversos órgãos, mas somente para a concentração de 4g kg-1 AIB e o controle. O clone CA-1.4 apresentou incremento na biomassa seca de raiz (BSR) com o aumento das concentrações de AIB, ao passo que, nos demais clones, houve diminuições de BSR a partir dos 4 g kg-1 AIB. O mesmo fato foi observado para a biomassa seca de caule (BSC) e de folha (BSF), exceto para a BSC do CCN-10 que não respondeu ao incremento das concentrações de AIB. Houve aumento de área foliar total para os clones CP-53 e PS-1319 com o incremento de AIB até 4 g kg-1, enquanto o aumento do número de folhas ocorreu somente para os clones CA-1.4 e CP-53 até as concentrações 8 e 4 g kg-1 AIB, respectivamente. Houve diminuição do número de estacas mortas para os clones CA-1.4 e CCN-10 até 8 g kg-1 de AIB e para o CP-53 até 4 g kg-1 de AIB. As melhores concentrações de AIB para o enraizamento de estacas de ramos dos clones de cacaueiros CP-53, PS-1319 e CCN-10 foram de 4, 4 e 6 g kg-1 AIB, respectivamente, enquanto para o clone CA-1.4 foi de 8 g kg-1 AIB; o aumento da concentração de AIB promoveu mudanças anatômicas nos órgãos vegetativos de todos os clones, influenciando na atividade do câmbio vascular e induzindo a formação de um maior número de raízes adventícias nas estacas.<br>The effects of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on growth and internal morphology of four clones of Theobroma cacao (CCN-10, CP-53, PS-1319 and CA-1.4) were evaluated. The IBA was applied in the base of stem cuttings, as an inert talc, in mixture concentrations of 2, 4, 6 and 8 g kg-1 together with the control, without IBA. The evaluation of the growth of roots, stem and leaves of the four clones were accomplished by 160 days after the cutting (DAC) for all the IBA concentrations. However, the anatomical studies of the several plant organs were also made to the 160 DAC, but only for the concentration of 4g kg-1 IBA and the control. The clone CA-1.4 presented increment in the root dry biomass (RDB) with the increase of the IBA concentrations, while for the other clones there were decreases of RDB starting from the 4 g kg-1 IBA. The same fact was observed for the stem and leaf dry biomass, except for CCN-10 that did not answer to the increment of the concentrations of IBA. There was an increase of the total leaf area for the clones CP-53 e PS-1319 with the increment of the IBA (concentration up to 4 g kg-1), while the leaves number only increased for the clones CA-1.4 and CP-53, concentrations up to 8 and 4 g kg-1 IBA, respectively. There was a decrease in the number of dead cuttings for the clones CA-1.4 and CCN-10 (up 8 g kg-1) of IBA and for the CP-53 (up to 4 g kg-1 of IBA). The best IBA concentrations for the branch cutting rooting of the cacao clones CP-53, PS-1319 and CCN-10 were of 4, 4 and 6 g kg-1 respectively, while for the clone CA-1.4 was the one of 8 g kg-1; the increase of the IBA concentration promoted anatomical changes in the plant organs of all the clones, influencing the activity of the vascular cambium in the stem and inducing the formation of a larger number of adventitious roots in the stem cuttings