39 research outputs found
Using a cognitive architecture to examine what develops
Different theories of development propose alternative mechanisms by which development occurs. Cognitive architectures can be used to examine the influence of each proposed mechanism of development while keeping all other mechanisms constant. An ACT-R computational model that matched adult behavior in solving a 21-block pyramid puzzle was created. The model was modified in three ways that corresponded to mechanisms of development proposed by developmental theories. The results showed that all the modifications (two of capacity and one of strategy choice) could approximate the behavior of 7-year-old children on the task. The strategy-choice modification provided the closest match on the two central measures of task behavior (time taken per layer, r = .99, and construction attempts per layer, r = .73). Modifying cognitive architectures is a fruitful way to compare and test potential developmental mechanisms, and can therefore help in specifying “what develops.
Akutni pankreatitis je nagla upala gušterače koja se može javiti u blagom ili teškom obliku. Ova nagla upala se u gotovo 80% prijema u bolnicu pripisuje postojanju žučnih kamenaca ili konzumaciji alkohola. Žučni kamenci kao uzrok budu 1,5 puta češći kod žena, dok se alkohol kao uzrok u muškaraca pojavljuje šest puta više nego kod žena. Žučni kamenci najčešće začepe otvor pankreatičnog voda ili se na neko vrijeme zaustave u Oddijevu sfinkteru uzrokujući time upalu dok svakodnevna konzumacija alkohola također može dovesti do začepljenja malih vodova. Jaki bolovi se javljaju najčešće naglo nakon konzumacije prekomjerne količine obroka ili alkohola u gornjem srednjem dijelu abdomena. Osim što je bol nagla, pacijenti je opisuju kao probadajuću bol koja se širi u leđa. Može se javiti mučnina kao i nagon na povraćanje, u većini slučajeva popratnu uz temperaturu. Bolesnik se javlja u hitni trakt radi jakih bolova koji se ne smanjuju te se podvrgava daljnjoj dijagnostici. Laboratorijskim pretragama ne može se potvrditi dijagnoza akutnog pankreatitisa ali povišenom razinom enzima gušterače tu dijagnozu možemo potkrijepiti. Daljnjim radiološkim pretragama (rendgen abdomena, kompjutorizirana tomografija) dokazuje se mogućnost postojanja žučnih kamenaca kao i promjene u veličini i strukturi gušterače. Sa utvrđenom dijagnozom akutnog pankreatitisa, osoba se zaprima na odjel gdje se prekida daljnji unos hrane i pića kako bi se smanjila daljnja proizvodnja enzima u gušterači. Svu potrebnu tekućinu i ostale hranjive tvari nadoknađuju se intravenskim putem. U cijelom procesu liječenja ključna je i medicinska sestra koja najprije može uočiti eventualne promjene koje se mogu javiti kod pacijenta, kao što su primjerice smanjeno mokrenje, otežano disanje te stagniranje ili pogoršavanje intenziteta boli unatoč primijenjenoj analgetskoj terapiji.Acute pancreatitis is a sudden pancreatic inflammation occurring in mild or severe form. This sudden inflammation in almost 80% of admission to the hospital is attributed to the existence of gallstones or drinking alcohol. The gallstones as a cause of Acute pancreatitis are 1.5 times more common in women, while alcohol as a cause is present men appears six times more than in women. Gallstones usually close the pancreatic opening or stop for a while in Oddies sphincter causing it to inflate ,while daily alcohol consumption also leads to clogging of small lines. Strong pain usually are occurring suddnely after eating excessive meals or presence of alcohol in the upper mid-section of the abdomen. Apart pain is acute, patients are describeing as a stabbing kind of pain that is spreading in their back. There can be nausea and vomiting, in most cases accompanied by temperature. The patient is coming to an emergency with severe pain that does not diminish and undergoes further diagnosis. Laboratory examinations can not confirm the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis but elevated pancreatic enzyme levels can be supported by this diagnosis. Further radiological examinations (X-ray abdomena, computerized tomography) are proveing the possibility of gallstones as well as changes in the size and structure of the pancreas. With established diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, a person is hospitalized in intensice care where further food and drink intake is discontinued in order to reduce further enzyme production in the pancreas. All the necessary fluid and other nutrients are compensated by the intravenous. Throughout the process of treatment, role of nurse is also crucial to notice possible changes that may occur in the patient, such as decreased urination, difficulty breathing and stagnation or aggravation of pain intensity despite analgesic therapy
Fabrication of Metallic Far-Infrared Filters
A far-infrared filter is fabricated by creating metallic squares on a dielectric substrate. This capacitive metallic filter is fabricated using direct write laser ablation consisting of a femtosecond laser in combination with a high numerical aperture objective. A representative capacitive filter is fabricated on soda-lime glass substrate with a period of 100 µm and separation width of 30 µm. A capacitive filter was also fabricated on a thin film polypropylene substrate with similar dimensions. The filter was tested and the frequency response is discussed