9 research outputs found

    Modèle multi-agents pour la simulation de la dynamique de carbone à l'échelle du terroir villageois

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    Un système multi-agents (SMA) a été conçu et mis en oeuvre en vue d'étudier la dynamique des ressources organiques et azotée d'un terroir africain. Les simulations réalisées ont permis de mesurer l'impact des modes de gestion sur les ressources dans le long terme. Trois types d'enquêtes ont été nécessaires pour collecter les données nécessaires. Un premier modèle à l'échelle de la parcelle a permis de simuler le stockage du carbone et de l'azote dans les sols et dans la biomasse végétale. Ensuite la définition des règles individuelles et collectives de décision et de gestion des exploitations agricoles et du terroir ont nécessité des enquêtes approfondies avec les principaux groupes utilisant le terroir. . Pour la conception informatique du modèle, le formalisme UML a été utilisé. La représentation statique et dynamique du modèle a été formalisée sur la plate forme de modélisation CORMAS. . La méthode développée est appelée MIROT Modélisation Intégrée de la dynamique des Ressources Organiques et analyse de viabilité de Terroirs agro-sylvo-pastoraux des savanes ouest africaines). Le modèle MIROT utilise un fond de carte du terroir avec des contraintes spatiales pour simuler le fonctionnement de celui-ci

    CaTMAS : A multi-agent model for simulating the dynamics of carbon resources of West African villages

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    Carbon is an important determinant of the sustainability of West African farming systems and of the atmospheric greenhouse effect. Given the complexity of C dynamics, various simulation models have been developed. Few include socioeconomic factors or handle system heterogeneity. This study proposes a generic, multi-agent model for the analysis of C dynamics at village level. It assumes that a better analysis of carbon dynamics at village level requires account to be taken of social, economic, physical and biological factors as well as of the actions of individuals and their interdependence. The Carbon of Territory Multi-Agent Simulator (CaTMAS) model is based on the Organization-Role-Entity-Aspect (OREA) meta-model and the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) approach. OREA enables C dynamics to be studied from various points of view through the roles played by entities within organizations and also allows various entities to play the same role in various ways through the notion of aspects. The model was coupled with the Century model and a geographical information system to provide a realistic representation of C dynamics. CaTMAS provides not only a framework for the explicit description of the carbon dynamics of farming systems but can also be used to assess the viability of farming systems using various socioeconomic and biophysical scenarios. The model includes interactions between human activities and the environment. Simple simulations involving two cropping systems and focusing on the impact of population growth and different climate regimes on the C dynamics indicate that CaTMAS accounts realistically for the relationships between population, agriculture, climate and SOC dynamics. In simulation, population growth, which drives food demand, leads to agricultural expansion, land scarcity and decrease in fallow duration. These effects are accentuated by increasing temperature and decreasing rainfall which affect the SOC dynamics controlling soil fertility and thus crop production. Improvements to the model should make it possible to extend the scale of the simulation of C dynamics and include refinements such as the inclusion of the trading of carbon credits

    Biodiversity, carbon stocks and sequestration potential in aboveground biomass in smallholder farming systems of western Kenya

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    While Carbon (C) sequestration on farmlands may contribute to mitigate CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, greater agro-biodiversity may ensure longer term stability of C storage in fluctuating environments. This study was conducted in the highlands of western Kenya, a region with high potential for agroforestry, with the objectives of assessing current biodiversity and aboveground C stocks in perennial vegetation growing on farmland, and estimating C sequestration potential in aboveground C pools. Allometric models were developed to estimate aboveground biomass of trees and hedgerows, and an inventory of perennial vegetation was conducted in 35 farms in Vihiga and Siaya districts. Values of the Shannon index (H), used to evaluate biodiversity, ranged from 0.01 in woodlots through 0.4¿0.6 in food crop plots, to 1.3¿1.6 in homegardens. Eucalyptus saligna was the most frequent tree species found as individual trees (20%), in windrows (47%), and in woodlots (99%) in Vihiga and the most frequent in woodlots (96%) in Siaya. Trees represented the most important C pool in aboveground biomass of perennial plants growing on-farm, contributing to 81 and 55% of total aboveground farm C in Vihiga and Siaya, respectively, followed by hedgerows (13 and 39%, respectively) and permanent crop stands (5 and 6%, respectively). Most of the tree C was located in woodlots in Vihiga (61%) and in individual trees growing in or around food crop plots in Siaya (57%). The homegardens represented the second C pool in importance, with 25 and 33% of C stocks in Vihiga and Siaya, respectively. Considering the mean total aboveground C stocks observed, and taking the average farm sizes of Vihiga (0.6 ha) and Siaya (1.4 ha), an average farm would store 6.5 ± 0.1 Mg C farm¿1 in Vihiga and 12.4 ± 0.1 Mg C farm¿1 in Siaya. At both sites, the C sequestration potential in perennial aboveground biomass was estimated at ca. 16 Mg C ha¿1. With the current market price for carbon, the implementation of Clean Development Mechanism Afforestation/Reforestation (CDM A/R) projects seems unfeasible, due to the large number of small farms (between 140 and 300) necessary to achieve a critical land area able to compensate the concomitant minimum transaction costs. Higher financial compensation for C sequestration projects that encourage biodiversity would allow clearer win¿win scenarios for smallholder farmers. Thus, a better valuation of ecosystem services should encourage C sequestration together with on-farm biodiversity when promoting CDM A/R projects

    Variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo húmico cultivado com café Spatial variability of chemical attributes of an Oxisol under coffee cultivation

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo húmico. O estudo foi realizado em uma área cultivada com Coffea arabica L. variedade Catuaí. As amostras de solo foram coletadas na profundidade de 0-20 cm, distribuídas em uma malha amostral, com 50 pontos. Os atributos químicos estudados foram: P, Na e S disponíveis, Ca, Mg e Al trocáveis, pH, H + Al, SB, t, T, V, m, MO, ISNa, P-remanescente e micronutrientes (Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu e B). Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise da estatística descritiva, seguida de uma análise de componentes principais com posterior análise de agrupamento. A geoestatística foi utilizada para verificar a existência e quantificar o grau de dependência espacial dos componentes principais. O método de análise multivariada com base nos componentes principais forneceu componentes interpretáveis, sendo o primeiro relacionado com a acidez e o segundo com o teor de matéria orgânica do solo. As técnicas de análise multivariada, em associação com a geoestatística, facilitaram a avaliação da variabilidade do solo; os componentes principais 1 e 2 apresentaram dependência espacial moderada, com maior continuidade espacial observada para o componente 1, o que permitiu melhor caracterização da acidez do solo. O solo em estudo apresentou, ao longo da encosta, disponibilidade reduzida de nutrientes, considerável acidez, menores teores de matéria orgânica na porção central da área e valores elevados de Al trocável na porção superior desta.<br>The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial variability of chemical attributes of an Oxisol. The experiment was conducted with Coffea arabica L., variety Catuai, at a depth of 0-0.2 m in a grid area totaling 50 points. The studied chemical attributes were: P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, Al, pH, H + Al, SB, t, T, V, m, MO, ISNa, equilibrium P and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, and B). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, followed by principal component with subsequent cluster analysis. The existence of spatial dependence was verified and the degree quantified using the principal components and geostatistics. The method of multivariate analysis based on principal components provided interpretable components; the first were correlated with acidity and the second with soil organic matter. Techniques of multivariate analysis, in combination with geostatistics, facilitated the evaluation of soil variability. The principal components 1 and 2 indicated moderate spatial dependence, with greater spatial continuity in component 1, which allowed a better characterization of soil acidity. Reduced availability of soil nutrients and considerable acidity were observed along the slope, lower levels of organic matter in the center of the area and high Al contents in the upper part

    Relações entre atributos do solo e atividade de formigas em restingas Relationship among soil attributes and ant activity in restinga soils

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    Em solos de restinga de constituição areno-quartzosa aumenta a influência da fração orgânica e da atividade biológica em funções-chave dos solos, como a capacidade de reciclar e armazenar nutrientes. A análise de atributos do solo e da fauna edáfica em sítios sob diferentes coberturas vegetais é importante para entender o comportamento desses ambientes. Neste estudo, avaliaram-se atributos químicos, físicos e microbiológicos do solo e suas relações com a população de formigas de sítios de restinga sob diferentes coberturas vegetais no Estado de Sergipe. Foram coletadas amostras em seis coberturas vegetais (três sítios por cobertura), sendo quatro na área Caju (mata, capim-gengibre, coqueiral e capoeira) e duas na área Pirambu (mata de topo de duna e mata de sopé de duna). As análises químicas foram feitas em amostras coletadas nas camadas de 0-5 e 5-20 cm, e a atividade microbiana, avaliada por meio da hidrólise do diacetato de fluoresceína, foi determinada em amostras coletadas a 0-10 cm. A massa de fragmentos orgânicos foi avaliada em diferentes profundidades. Na avaliação das comunidades de formigas foram consideradas aquelas com atividade na superfície do solo. Na comparação entre os sítios foi utilizada a análise de componentes principais. Os atributos de compartimentos orgânicos (C orgânico, C orgânico dissolvido e fragmentos orgânicos) foram muito sensíveis à modificação da cobertura vegetal nos sítios do Caju, isolando os sítios sob mata dos alterados e os sítios sob capim-gengibre daqueles sob capoeira e coqueiral. Atributos da solução do solo influenciáveis pelo spray marinho (condutividade elétrica e concentração de K, Na e Mg) isolaram os sítios de Pirambu dos sítios do Caju. Os grupos de formiga mostraram elevado nível de especialização. A análise de correspondência canônica apontou baixa percentagem da variância da distribuição desses grupos e isolou os sítios de mata dos outros usos, indicando que existem outros atributos a serem considerados na distribuição.<br>In restinga soils with sand-quartzous constitution the influence of the organic fraction and biological activity on soil key functions is increased, e.g., the capacity of recycling and storing nutrients. The analysis of soil attributes and edaphic fauna at sites under different vegetation cover types is important to understand the behavior of these environments. In this study, chemical, physical and microbiological soil attributes of restinga sites and their relationships with ant populations under different vegetation types in the state of Sergipe were evaluated. Samples of six vegetation types (three sites per cover) were collected, four of which in the area of Caju (forest, ginger-grass, coconut palm plantation and brushwood) and two in the area of Pirambu (dune plateau forest and dune footslope forest). Chemical attributes were analyzed in samples collected from the layers 0-5 and 5-20 cm and the microbial activity evaluated by hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate, in samples collected from the 0-10 cm layer. The organic fragment mass was evaluated at different depths. Ant communities with activity on the soil surface were considered for evaluation. The principal component analysis was used to compare the sites. The organic compartment attributes (organic C, dissolved organic C and organic fragments) were very sensitive to modifications in the vegetation cover at Caju sites, isolating the native forest sites from the disturbed ones and the ginger-grass site from the coconut palm and brushwood sites. Soil solution attributes influenced by sea-salt spray (electric conductivity, K, Na and Mg) distinguished the Pirambu from the Caju sites. The ant groups had a high level of specialization. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated a low percentage of variance of distribution of these groups and isolated the forest sites from other uses, indicating the existence of other attributes to be considered for distribution

    Nutrient Cycling Budgets in Managed Pastures

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