318 research outputs found

    Indirect effects of Daily Self-Control Demands on Subjective Vitality via Ego Depletion - How Daily Psychological Detachment Pays Off

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    The present study uses a within‐person approach to provide insights into day‐specific dynamics in the relation between self‐control demands at work and well‐being. Integrating arguments derived from the Limited Strength Model of Self‐Control and research on spillover processes, we develop and test a theoretical model of how the adverse effects of day‐specific self‐control demands at work may spill over to the home domain. Specifically, we propose ego depletion at home (an indicator of regulatory resource depletion) as a mediator linking self‐control demands on a given working day to reduced subjective vitality at home (an indicator of well‐being)

    Personal identity (de)formation among lifestyle travellers: A double-edged sword?

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    This article explores the personal identity work of lifestyle travellers – individuals for whom extended leisure travel is a preferred lifestyle that they return to repeatedly. Qualitative findings from in-depth semi-structured interviews with lifestyle travellers in northern India and southern Thailand are interpreted in light of theories on identity formation in late modernity that position identity as problematic. It is suggested that extended leisure travel can provide exposure to varied cultural praxes that may contribute to a sense of social saturation. Whilst a minority of the respondents embraced a saturation of personal identity in the subjective formation of a cosmopolitan cultural identity, several of the respondents were paradoxically left with more identity questions than answers as the result of their travels

    Freedom in Nature

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    The paper starts with the proposal that the cause of the apparent insolubility of the free-will problem are several popular but strongly metaphysical notions and hypotheses. To reduce the metaphysics, some ideas are borrowed from physics. A concept of event causality is discussed. The importance of Hume's Principle of Causality is stressed and his Principle of Causation is weakened. The key concept of the paper, the so-called relative freedom, is also suggested by physics. It is a kind of freedom that can be observed everywhere in nature. Turning to biology, incomplete knowledge is defined for all organisms. They cope with the problem by Popper's trial and error processes. One source of their success is the relative freedom of choice from the basic option ranges: mutations, motions and neural connections. Finally, the conjecture is adopted that communicability can be used as a criterion of consciousness and free will is defined as a conscious version of relative freedom. The resulting notion is logically self-consistent and it describes an observable phenomenon that agrees with our experience.Comment: Changes: Improved formulation, three references added; 22 pages, no figure. Comments are welcom

    The Ties that Double Bind Us: Career, Emotion and Narrative Coping in Difficult Working Relationships

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    This article examines through an autoethnographic account how career aspirations and constraints may lead individuals to endure emotionally aversive situations. It presents evidence that individuals in such situations engage in emotion‐focused coping through narrative, illustrated by the author’s autoethnographic narrative of a difficult working relationship which developed into a double bind situation. The paper suggests that narrative coping in response to a double bind can actually serve to reify and prolong such situations. The paper concludes that autoethnographic research does not lend itself to simple organisational solutions. Possible avenues for further research are outlined and discussed

    Reducing conflict-related employee strain: The benefits of an internal locus of control and a problem-solving conflict management strategy

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    Workplace conflict is a potent stressor, but most previous research has focused on its effect on productivity and performance rather than on individual well-being. This paper examines the moderating roles of an individual's internal locus of control and a problem-solving conflict management strategy. In the cross-sectional study, among 774 health care workers in the Netherlands, employees' internal locus of control did moderate the relationship between experienced conflict at work and psychological strain, which was measured using a 13-item Dutch adaptation of the Occupational Stress Indicator. In addition, this moderation was mediated by the active conflict management strategy of problem solving; people with a more internal locus of control use a problem-solving conflict management strategy more often and, as a result, experience less psychological strain in cases of workplace conflict. Implications for conflict theory, for future research, and for practice are discussed

    Self-regulation and self-control in exercise: The strength-energy model

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    Self-regulation is an important component of psychosocial theories of exercise behaviour and lack of self-regulatory skills are associated with low adherence to health-related exercise. This review presents a strength-energy model of self-control as an explanation of self-regulation in exercise contexts. The review will provide impetus for original research aimed at understanding exercise behaviour and help develop recommendations for exercise promotion. In the model, self-control is conceptualized as a global but limited resource. Engaging in actions requiring self-control depletes resources leading to self-regulatory failure. Self-control resource depletion is reduced through rest and frequent training on self-control. The expectation of the need to exert self-control in future leads to a conservation of self-control resources. Proposed mechanisms for self-control resource depletion include changes in physiological markers and blood glucose levels. Based on our review, we propose an integrated model of self-regulation incorporating hypotheses from the strength-energy model with those from traditional psychosocial models of exercise behaviour. Recommendations for future research include incorporating hypotheses from the strength-energy model into theories of self-presentation and interpersonal relations in exercise. Practical recommendations aimed at minimising self-control depletion in exercise include the provision of advice on nutrition and recovery, self-control training and motivational and implementation intention strategies
