12 research outputs found


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    International audienceThe Dual Auroral Radar Network (DARN) is a global-scale network of I-IF and VHF radars capable of sensing backscatter from ionospheric irregularities in the E and F-regions of the high-latitude ionosphere. Currently, the network consists of the STARE VHF radar system in northern Scandinavia, a northern-hemisphere, longitudinal chain of HF radars that is funded to extend from Saskatoon, Canada to central Finland, and a southern-hemisphere chain that is funded to include Halley Station, SANAE and Syowa Station in Antarctica. When all of the HF radars have been completed they will operate in pairs with common viewing areas so that the Doppler information contained in the backscattered signals may be combined to yield maps of high-latitude plasma convection and the convection electric field. In this paper, the evolution of DARN and particularly the development of its SuperDARN HF radar element is discussed. The DARN/SuperDARN network is particularly suited to studies of large-scale dynamical processes in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system, such as the evolution of the global configuration of the convection electric field under changing IMF conditions and the development and global extent of large-scale Mi-ID waves in the magnetosphere-ionosphere cavity. A description of the HF radars within SuperDARN is given along with an overview of their existing and intended locations, intended start of operations, Principal Investigators, and sponsoring agencies. Finally, the operation of the DARN experiment within ISTP/GGS, the availability of data, and the form and availability of the Key Parameter files is discussed

    Atmospheric signal propagation

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    GNSS satellites emit signals which propagate as electromagnetic waves through space to the receivers which are located on or near the Earth’s surface or on other satellites. Thereby, electromagnetic waves travel through the ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere (troposphere) which causes signals to be delayed, damped and refracted as the refractivity index of the propagation media is not equal to one. In this chapter, the nature and effects of GNSS signal propagation in both the troposphere and the ionosphere, is examined. After a brief review of the fundamentals of electromagnetic waves their propagation in refractive media, the effects of the neutral atmosphere are discussed. In addition empirical correction models as well as state-of- the-art atmosphere delay estimation approaches are presented. Effects related to signal propagtion through the ionosphere are dealt in a dedicated section by describing the error contribution of first up to third order terms in the refractive index and ray path bending. After discussing diffraction and scattering phenomena due to ionospheric irregularities, mitigation techniques for different types of applications are presented