26 research outputs found

    Effect of spatial bias on the nonequilibrium phase transition in a system of coagulating and fragmenting particles

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    We examine the effect of spatial bias on a nonequilibrium system in which masses on a lattice evolve through the elementary moves of diffusion, coagulation and fragmentation. When there is no preferred directionality in the motion of the masses, the model is known to exhibit a nonequilibrium phase transition between two different types of steady states, in all dimensions. We show analytically that introducing a preferred direction in the motion of the masses inhibits the occurrence of the phase transition in one dimension, in the thermodynamic limit. A finite size system, however, continues to show a signature of the original transition, and we characterize the finite size scaling implications of this. Our analysis is supported by numerical simulations. In two dimensions, bias is shown to be irrelevant.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, revte

    Phase transition and selection in a four-species cyclic Lotka-Volterra model

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    We study a four species ecological system with cyclic dominance whose individuals are distributed on a square lattice. Randomly chosen individuals migrate to one of the neighboring sites if it is empty or invade this site if occupied by their prey. The cyclic dominance maintains the coexistence of all the four species if the concentration of vacant sites is lower than a threshold value. Above the treshold, a symmetry breaking ordering occurs via growing domains containing only two neutral species inside. These two neutral species can protect each other from the external invaders (predators) and extend their common territory. According to our Monte Carlo simulations the observed phase transition is equivalent to those found in spreading models with two equivalent absorbing states although the present model has continuous sets of absorbing states with different portions of the two neutral species. The selection mechanism yielding symmetric phases is related to the domain growth process whith wide boundaries where the four species coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling behavior of the directed percolation universality class

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    In this work we consider five different lattice models which exhibit continuous phase transitions into absorbing states. By measuring certain universal functions, which characterize the steady state as well as the dynamical scaling behavior, we present clear numerical evidence that all models belong to the universality class of directed percolation. Since the considered models are characterized by different interaction details the obtained universal scaling plots are an impressive manifestation of the universality of directed percolation.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Quantum Dimensional Zeeman Effect in the Magneto-optical Absorption Spectrum for Quantum Dot - Impurity Center Systems

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    Magneto-optical properties of the quantum dot - impurity center (QD-IC) systems synthesized in a transparent dielectric matrix are considered. For the QD one-electron state description the parabolic model of the confinement potential is used. Within the framework of zero-range potential model and the effective mass approach, the light impurity absorption coefficient for the case of transversal polarization with respect to the applied magnetic field direction, with consideration of the QD size dispersion, has been analytically calculated. It is shown that for the case of transversal polarization the light impurity absorption spectrum is characterized by the quantum dimensional Zeeman effect.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, PDF fil

    A characterization of the essential pseudospectra on a Banach space

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