800 research outputs found

    Investigation of diode-pumped 2.8-µm laser performance in Er:BaY2F8

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    Laser operation at 2.8 mm in BaY2F8 with erbium concentrations of 7.5% and 20% is investigated under laser-diode pumping at 967 nm. Output powers as high as 250 mW and slope efficiencies as high as 24% are obtained. Results are comparable with those of Er3+:LiYF4 under the same pump conditions. Slope efficiencies above 30% are predicted for optimized erbium concentrations

    Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relation and Bell Inequalities in High Energy Physics

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    An effective formalism is developed to handle decaying two-state systems. Herewith, observables of such systems can be described by a single operator in the Heisenberg picture. This allows for using the usual framework in quantum information theory and, hence, to enlighten the quantum feature of such systems compared to non-decaying systems. We apply it to systems in high energy physics, i.e. to oscillating meson-antimeson systems. In particular, we discuss the entropic Heisenberg uncertainty relation for observables measured at different times at accelerator facilities including the effect of CP violation, i.e. the imbalance of matter and antimatter. An operator-form of Bell inequalities for systems in high energy physics is presented, i.e. a Bell-witness operator, which allows for simple analysis of unstable systems.Comment: 17 page

    Steiner t-designs for large t

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    One of the most central and long-standing open questions in combinatorial design theory concerns the existence of Steiner t-designs for large values of t. Although in his classical 1987 paper, L. Teirlinck has shown that non-trivial t-designs exist for all values of t, no non-trivial Steiner t-design with t > 5 has been constructed until now. Understandingly, the case t = 6 has received considerable attention. There has been recent progress concerning the existence of highly symmetric Steiner 6-designs: It is shown in [M. Huber, J. Algebr. Comb. 26 (2007), pp. 453-476] that no non-trivial flag-transitive Steiner 6-design can exist. In this paper, we announce that essentially also no block-transitive Steiner 6-design can exist.Comment: 9 pages; to appear in: Mathematical Methods in Computer Science 2008, ed. by J.Calmet, W.Geiselmann, J.Mueller-Quade, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Scienc

    Revealing Bell's Nonlocality for Unstable Systems in High Energy Physics

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    Entanglement and its consequences - in particular the violation of Bell inequalities, which defies our concepts of realism and locality - have been proven to play key roles in Nature by many experiments for various quantum systems. Entanglement can also be found in systems not consisting of ordinary matter and light, i.e. in massive meson--antimeson systems. Bell inequalities have been discussed for these systems, but up to date no direct experimental test to conclusively exclude local realism was found. This mainly stems from the fact that one only has access to a restricted class of observables and that these systems are also decaying. In this Letter we put forward a Bell inequality for unstable systems which can be tested at accelerator facilities with current technology. Herewith, the long awaited proof that such systems at different energy scales can reveal the sophisticated "dynamical" nonlocal feature of Nature in a direct experiment gets feasible. Moreover, the role of entanglement and CP violation, an asymmetry between matter and antimatter, is explored, a special feature offered only by these meson-antimeson systems.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlocal calculation for nonstrange dibaryons and tribaryons

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    We study the possible existence of nonstrange dibaryons and tribaryons by solving the bound-state problem of the two- and three-body systems composed of nucleons and deltas. The two-body systems are NNNN, NΔN\Delta, and ΔΔ\Delta\Delta, while the three-body systems are NNNNNN, NNΔNN\Delta, NΔΔN\Delta\Delta, and ΔΔΔ\Delta\Delta\Delta. We use as input the nonlocal NNNN, NΔN\Delta, and ΔΔ\Delta\Delta potentials derived from the chiral quark cluster model by means of the resonating group method. We compare with previous results obtained from the local version based on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.Comment: 19 pages. To be published in Physical Review

    Distribution of Eigenvalues for the Modular Group

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    The two-point correlation function of energy levels for free motion on the modular domain, both with periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditions, are explicitly computed using a generalization of the Hardy-Littlewood method. It is shown that ion the limit of small separations they show an uncorrelated behaviour and agree with the Poisson distribution but they have prominent number-theoretical oscillations at larger scale. The results agree well with numerical simulations.Comment: 72 pages, Latex, the fiogures mentioned in the text are not vital, but can be obtained upon request from the first Autho

    Correlation effects in ionic crystals: I. The cohesive energy of MgO

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    High-level quantum-chemical calculations, using the coupled-cluster approach and extended one-particle basis sets, have been performed for (Mg2+)n (O2-)m clusters embedded in a Madelung potential. The results of these calculations are used for setting up an incremental expansion for the correlation energy of bulk MgO. This way, 96% of the experimental cohesive energy of the MgO crystal is recovered. It is shown that only 60% of the correlation contribution to the cohesive energy is of intra-ionic origin, the remaining part being caused by van der Waals-like inter-ionic excitations.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, no figure
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