28 research outputs found

    Potential to use Cyperus rotundus in areas of industrial waste disposal

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    A fitorremediação é um processo promissor de descontaminação de solos em que a planta é utilizada como um mecanismo de alocação do agente contaminante e indesejável ao sistema tratado. Plantas de Cyperus rotundus, colhidas em área onde ocorreram descartes de resíduos industriais, foram avaliadas utilizando microscopia óptica (MO) e plasma de argônio indutivamente acoplado (ICP-AES). O trabalho objetivou avaliar as alterações causadas pelos poluentes químicos na estrutura morfológica do corpo epígeo de plantas juvenis de C. rotundus e seu potencial fitorremediador em comparação a plantas colhidas em região não poluída do mesmo solo (testemunha). As alterações anatômicas estruturais identificadas demonstram o potencial efeito poluidor dos contaminantes e também sugerem o comportamento hiperacumulador da planta avaliada.Phytoremediation is a promising process of soil decontamination when the plant is used as a mechanism of allocation of the undesirable contaminant agent in the treated system. Samples of Cyperus rotundus collected in a contaminated area with industrial residues were evaluated through optical microscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP - AES). This work aimed to evaluate the phytoremediator potential and the morphological alterations in young epigeous body of C. rotundus caused by pollutant chemicals in comparison with plants collected in the same soil with no contamination (witness). The observed anatomic alterations compared with the witnesses demonstrated the potential polluting effect of contaminants and also indicated the hyperaccumulating behavior of the analyzed plants.FAPES

    Road exposure and the detectability of birds in field surveys

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    Road ecology, the study of the impacts of roads and their traffic on wildlife, including birds, is a rapidly growing field, with research showing effects on local avian population densities up to several kilometres from a road. However, in most studies, the effects of roads on the detectability of birds by surveyors are not accounted for. This could be a significant source of error in estimates of the impacts of roads on birds and could also affect other studies of bird populations. Using road density, traffic volume and bird count data from across Great Britain, we assess the relationships between roads and detectability of a range of bird species. Of 51 species analysed, the detectability of 36 was significantly associated with road exposure, in most cases inversely. Across the range of road exposure recorded for each species, the mean positive change in detectability was 52% and the mean negative change was 36%, with the strongest negative associations found in smaller-bodied species and those for which aural cues are more important in detection. These associations between road exposure and detectability could be caused by a reduction in surveyors’ abilities to hear birds or by changes in birds’ behaviour, making them harder or easier to detect. We suggest that future studies of the impacts of roads on populations of birds or other taxa, and other studies using survey data from road-exposed areas, should account for the potential impacts of roads on detectability.The BBS is jointly funded by the BTO, JNCC and RSPB. Stuart Newson is supported by the BTO’s Young Scientists’ Programme. Sophia C. Cooke is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council

    Modelling spectral and timing properties of accreting black holes: the hybrid hot flow paradigm

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    The general picture that emerged by the end of 1990s from a large set of optical and X-ray, spectral and timing data was that the X-rays are produced in the innermost hot part of the accretion flow, while the optical/infrared (OIR) emission is mainly produced by the irradiated outer thin accretion disc. Recent multiwavelength observations of Galactic black hole transients show that the situation is not so simple. Fast variability in the OIR band, OIR excesses above the thermal emission and a complicated interplay between the X-ray and the OIR light curves imply that the OIR emitting region is much more compact. One of the popular hypotheses is that the jet contributes to the OIR emission and even is responsible for the bulk of the X-rays. However, this scenario is largely ad hoc and is in contradiction with many previously established facts. Alternatively, the hot accretion flow, known to be consistent with the X-ray spectral and timing data, is also a viable candidate to produce the OIR radiation. The hot-flow scenario naturally explains the power-law like OIR spectra, fast OIR variability and its complex relation to the X-rays if the hot flow contains non-thermal electrons (even in energetically negligible quantities), which are required by the presence of the MeV tail in Cyg X-1. The presence of non-thermal electrons also lowers the equilibrium electron temperature in the hot flow model to <100 keV, making it more consistent with observations. Here we argue that any viable model should simultaneously explain a large set of spectral and timing data and show that the hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot flow model satisfies most of the constraints.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures. To be published in the Space Science Reviews and as hard cover in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI - The Physics of Accretion on to Black Holes (Springer Publisher

    Forest Biodiversity Assessment in Peruvian Andean Montane Cloud Forest

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    Cloud forests are unusual and fragile habitats, being one of the least studied and least understood ecosystems. The tropical Andean dominion is considered one of the most significant places in the world as rega rds biological diversity, with a very high level of endemism. The biodiversity was analysed in an isolated remnant area of a tropical montane cloud forest known as the ?Bosque de Neblina de Cuyas?, in the North of the Peruvian Andean range. Composition, structure and dead wood were measured or estimated. The values obtained were compared with other cloud forests. The study revealed a high level of forest biodiversity, although the level of biodiversity differs from one area to another: in the inner areas, where human pressure is almost inexistent, the biodiversity values increase. The high species richness and the low dominance among species bear testimony to this montane cloud forest as a real enclave of biodiversity

    Floristic composition and community structure of epiphytic angiosperms in a terra firme forest in central Amazonia

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    This survey aimed to describe the floristic composition and structure of the epiphytic community occurring in a terra firme forest in the city of Coari, Brazil, in the Amazon region. Data collection was performed with a 1.5 ha plot method, with which upland, slope and lowland habitats were sampled. All angiosperm epiphytes and their host plants (diameter at breast height > 10 cm) were sampled. We recorded 3.528 individuals in 13 families, 48 genera and 164 species. Araceae was the most prevalent family with regard to the importance value and stood out in all related parameters, followed by Bromeliaceae, Cyclanthaceae and Orchidaceae. The species with the highest epiphytic importance values were Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez. and Philodendron linnaei Kunth. The predominant life form was hemiepiphytic. Estimated floristic diversity was 3.2 (H'). The studied epiphytic community was distributed among 727 host plants belonging to 40 families, 123 genera and 324 species. One individual of Guarea convergens T.D. Penn. was the host with the highest richness and abundance of epiphytes. Stems/trunks of host plants were the most colonized segments, and the most favorable habitat for epiphytism was the lowlands, where 84.1% of species and 48.2% of epiphytic specimens were observed

    The Mycobacterium tuberculosis membrane protein Rv0180c: Evaluation of peptide sequences implicated in mycobacterial invasion of two human cell lines

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    The identification and characterization of hypothetical membrane proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis have led to a better understanding of the mechanisms used by this pathogen to invade and survive inside host cells. This study assessed the presence, transcription, localization and possible biological activity of the conserved hypothetical protein Rv0180c from M. tuberculosis. Bioinformatics analyses indicated that Rv0180c contains a signal peptide, six possible transmembrane helices and a Plasmodium Export Element (PEXEL)-like motif. PCR analyses showed the presence of the Rv0180c gene in strains from the M. tuberculosis complex; but transcription was not detected in Mycobacterium microti. Sera against synthetic peptides of Rv0180c recognized two protein bands in M. tuberculosis H37Rv sonicate: a ?48-kDa band close to the predicted molecular mass of Rv0180c (47.6 kDa), and a 63-kDa band probably caused by protein modifications. Moreover, the same sera located the protein on the surface of M. tuberculosis H37Rv bacilli by immunoelectron microscopy. Twenty-three synthetic peptides spanning the entire length of Rv0180c were tested for their ability to bind to U937 and A549 cells, finding nine high-activity binding peptides (HABPs) specific for both cell types, two HABPs specific for A549 cells (namely 31032 and 31044) and two HABPs specific for U937 cells (namely 31025 and 31041). HABPs inhibited invasion of M. tuberculosis H37Rv into A549 or U937 cells by significant percentages and facilitated internalization of latex beads in A549 cells. The Rv0180c HABPs herein reported could be preliminary candidates to be assessed as components of a multiepitope, chemically synthesized, subunit-based vaccine against tuberculosis. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    The Mycobacterium tuberculosis membrane protein Rv0180c: Evaluation of peptide sequences implicated in mycobacterial invasion of two human cell lines

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    The identification and characterization of hypothetical membrane proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis have led to a better understanding of the mechanisms used by this pathogen to invade and survive inside host cells. This study assessed the presence, transcription, localization and possible biological activity of the conserved hypothetical protein Rv0180c from M. tuberculosis. Bioinformatics analyses indicated that Rv0180c contains a signal peptide, six possible transmembrane helices and a Plasmodium Export Element (PEXEL)-like motif. PCR analyses showed the presence of the Rv0180c gene in strains from the M. tuberculosis complex; but transcription was not detected in Mycobacterium microti. Sera against synthetic peptides of Rv0180c recognized two protein bands in M. tuberculosis H37Rv sonicate: a ?48-kDa band close to the predicted molecular mass of Rv0180c (47.6 kDa), and a 63-kDa band probably caused by protein modifications. Moreover, the same sera located the protein on the surface of M. tuberculosis H37Rv bacilli by immunoelectron microscopy. Twenty-three synthetic peptides spanning the entire length of Rv0180c were tested for their ability to bind to U937 and A549 cells, finding nine high-activity binding peptides (HABPs) specific for both cell types, two HABPs specific for A549 cells (namely 31032 and 31044) and two HABPs specific for U937 cells (namely 31025 and 31041). HABPs inhibited invasion of M. tuberculosis H37Rv into A549 or U937 cells by significant percentages and facilitated internalization of latex beads in A549 cells. The Rv0180c HABPs herein reported could be preliminary candidates to be assessed as components of a multiepitope, chemically synthesized, subunit-based vaccine against tuberculosis. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved