16,507 research outputs found

    Clusters, human capital and economic development in Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire

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    Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire are two of the most high tech economies in the UK (see for example DTI, 2002 and Garnsey and Lawton Smith, 1998). They are home to world class research universities and public and private research laboratories as well as a full range of business and professional services which support the development of their clusters. Building on previous work (Lawton Smith and Waters, 2011) this paper draws on national datasets to review the continued development of these economies. The paper considers issues such as new firm formation, sectoral composition and gross value added and relates them to social inclusion and worklessness. The paper draws on literature which emphasises the endogeneity of processes within regions, but also on studies which show that there are different kinds of high tech regions with varying industrial structures. Conclusions are drawn on the extent to which the presence of successful clusters (Spencer et al, 2010) influences outcomes for the local economy more generally, and how Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire have performed over the last ten years

    A new photoelectric filter spectroradiometer and its use in spectral solar irradiance measurements at Table Mountain

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    Solar ultraviolet spectroradiometer using high transmission narrow band interference filter

    Optical absorption and fluorescence in fused silica during TRIGA pulse irradiation

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    Spectral transmission measurements on fused silica during and after exposure to pulsed neutron irradiatio

    Entrepreneurship, innovation and the triple helix model: evidence from Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire

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    This paper focuses on how regions become entrepreneurial and the extent to which the actors in the triple helix model are dominant at particular stages in development. It uses the case studies of Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire in the UK to explore this theme. Both can now be described as ‘regional triple helix spaces’ (Etzkowitz 2008), and form two points of the Golden Triangle of Oxford, Cambridge and London universities. As entrepreneurial regions, however, they differ in a number of respects. This is not surprising given their differing geo-historical contexts. However, by comparing the two similar counties but which have their own distinctive features we are able to explore different dynamics which lead to the inception, implementation, consolidation and renewal (Etzkowitz and Klofsten 2005) of regions characterised by very high levels of technology-based entrepreneurship

    Invariant manifolds and orbit control in the solar sail three-body problem

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    In this paper we consider issues regarding the control and orbit transfer of solar sails in the circular restricted Earth-Sun system. Fixed points for solar sails in this system have the linear dynamical properties of saddles crossed with centers; thus the fixed points are dynamically unstable and control is required. A natural mechanism of control presents itself: variations in the sail's orientation. We describe an optimal controller to control the sail onto fixed points and periodic orbits about fixed points. We find this controller to be very robust, and define sets of initial data using spherical coordinates to get a sense of the domain of controllability; we also perform a series of tests for control onto periodic orbits. We then present some mission strategies involving transfer form the Earth to fixed points and onto periodic orbits, and controlled heteroclinic transfers between fixed points on opposite sides of the Earth. Finally we present some novel methods to finding periodic orbits in circumstances where traditional methods break down, based on considerations of the Center Manifold theorem

    Experimental versus theoretical log D<sub>7.4</sub>, pK<sub>a</sub> and plasma protein binding values for benzodiazepines appearing as new psychoactive substances

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    The misuse of benzodiazepines as new psychoactive substances is an increasing problem around the world. Basic physicochemical and pharmacokinetic data is required on these substances in order to interpret and predict their effects upon humans. Experimental log D7.4, pKa and plasma protein binding values were determined for 11 benzodiazepines that have recently appeared as new psychoactive substances (3‐hydroxyphenazepam, 4’‐chlorodiazepam, desalkylflurazepam, deschloroetizolam, diclazepam, etizolam, flubromazepam, flubromazolam, meclonazepam, phenazepam and pyrazolam) and compared with values generated by various software packages (ACD/I‐lab, MarvinSketch, ADMET Predictor and PreADMET). ACD/I‐LAB returned the most accurate values for log D7.4 and plasma protein binding while ADMET Predictor returned the most accurate values for pKa. Large variations in predictive errors were observed between compounds. Experimental values are currently preferable and desirable as they may aid with the future ‘training’ of predictive models for these new psychoactive substances

    Description of economic data collected with a random sample of commercial reef fish boats in the Florida Keys

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    This study summarizes the results of a survey designed to provide economic information about the financial status of commercial reef fish boats with homeports in the Florida Keys. A survey questionnaire was administered in the summer and fall of 1994 by interviewers in face-to-face meetings with owners or operators of randomly selected boats. Fishermen were asked for background information about themselves and their boats, their capital investments in boats and equipment, and about their average catches, revenues, and costs per trip for their two most important kinds of fishing trips during 1993 for species in the reef fish fishery. Respondents were characterized with regard to their dependence on the reef fish fishery as a source of household income. Boats were described in terms of their physical and financial characteristics. Different kinds of fishing trips were identified by the species that generated the greatest revenue. Trips were grouped into the following categories: yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus); mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis), black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci), or red grouper (Epinephelus morio); gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus); deeper water groupers and tilefishes; greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili); spiny lobster (Panulirus argus); king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla); and dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus). Average catches, revenues, routine trip costs, and net operating revenues per boat per trip and per boat per year were estimated for each category of fishing trips. In addition to its descriptive value, data collected during this study will aid in future examinations of the economic effects of various regulations on commercial reef fish fishermen.(PDF file contains 48 pages.

    Control of solar sail periodic orbits in the elliptic three-body problem

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    A solar sail essentially consists of a large mirror that uses the momentum change due to photons reflecting off the sail for its impulse. Solar sails are therefore unique spacecraft, as they do not require fuel for propulsion [1]. In this Note we consider using the solar sail to continuously maintain a periodic orbit above the ecliptic plane using variations in the sail's orientation. Positioning a spacecraft continuously above the ecliptic would allow continuous observation and communication with the poles

    High strength alloy for immediate temperature, 24 24 to 704 C (75 to 1300 F), applications

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    Application of prealloyed powder technology to the NASA-TRW-VI-A alloy shows the potential of highly alloyed normally cast superalloys for achieving superior properties at intermediate temperatures

    Method of forming articles of manufacture from superalloy powders

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    A highly alloyed superalloy material is obtained using prealloyed powders. The material is easily shaped at high temperatures when it becomes superplastic because of its particular microstructure
