135 research outputs found

    Design and Simulated Performance of Calorimetry Systems for the ECCE Detector at the Electron Ion Collider

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    We describe the design and performance the calorimeter systems used in the ECCE detector design to achieve the overall performance specifications cost-effectively with careful consideration of appropriate technical and schedule risks. The calorimeter systems consist of three electromagnetic calorimeters, covering the combined pseudorapdity range from -3.7 to 3.8 and two hadronic calorimeters. Key calorimeter performances which include energy and position resolutions, reconstruction efficiency, and particle identification will be presented.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figures, 5 table

    AI-assisted Optimization of the ECCE Tracking System at the Electron Ion Collider

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    The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is a cutting-edge accelerator facility that will study the nature of the "glue" that binds the building blocks of the visible matter in the universe. The proposed experiment will be realized at Brookhaven National Laboratory in approximately 10 years from now, with detector design and R&D currently ongoing. Notably, EIC is one of the first large-scale facilities to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) already starting from the design and R&D phases. The EIC Comprehensive Chromodynamics Experiment (ECCE) is a consortium that proposed a detector design based on a 1.5T solenoid. The EIC detector proposal review concluded that the ECCE design will serve as the reference design for an EIC detector. Herein we describe a comprehensive optimization of the ECCE tracker using AI. The work required a complex parametrization of the simulated detector system. Our approach dealt with an optimization problem in a multidimensional design space driven by multiple objectives that encode the detector performance, while satisfying several mechanical constraints. We describe our strategy and show results obtained for the ECCE tracking system. The AI-assisted design is agnostic to the simulation framework and can be extended to other sub-detectors or to a system of sub-detectors to further optimize the performance of the EIC detector.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, 2 appendices, 3 table

    ECCE Sensitivity Studies for Single Hadron Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry Measurements

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    We performed feasibility studies for various single transverse spin measurements that are related to the Sivers effect, transversity and the tensor charge, and the Collins fragmentation function. The processes studied include semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) where single hadrons (pions and kaons) were detected in addition to the scattered DIS lepton. The data were obtained in {\sc pythia}6 and {\sc geant}4 simulated e+p collisions at 18 GeV on 275 GeV, 18 on 100, 10 on 100, and 5 on 41 that use the ECCE detector configuration. Typical DIS kinematics were selected, most notably Q2>1Q^2 > 1 GeV2^2, and cover the xx range from 10410^{-4} to 11. The single spin asymmetries were extracted as a function of xx and Q2Q^2, as well as the semi-inclusive variables zz, and PTP_T. They are obtained in azimuthal moments in combinations of the azimuthal angles of the hadron transverse momentum and transverse spin of the nucleon relative to the lepton scattering plane. The initially unpolarized MonteCarlo was re-weighted in the true kinematic variables, hadron types and parton flavors based on global fits of fixed target SIDIS experiments and e+ee^+e^- annihilation data. The expected statistical precision of such measurements is extrapolated to 10 fb1^{-1} and potential systematic uncertainties are approximated given the deviations between true and reconstructed yields. The impact on the knowledge of the Sivers functions, transversity and tensor charges, and the Collins function has then been evaluated in the same phenomenological extractions as in the Yellow Report. The impact is found to be comparable to that obtained with the parameterized Yellow Report detector and shows that the ECCE detector configuration can fulfill the physics goals on these quantities.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures, to be submitted to joint ECCE proposal NIM-A volum

    Open Heavy Flavor Studies for the ECCE Detector at the Electron Ion Collider

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    The ECCE detector has been recommended as the selected reference detector for the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). A series of simulation studies have been carried out to validate the physics feasibility of the ECCE detector. In this paper, detailed studies of heavy flavor hadron and jet reconstruction and physics projections with the ECCE detector performance and different magnet options will be presented. The ECCE detector has enabled precise EIC heavy flavor hadron and jet measurements with a broad kinematic coverage. These proposed heavy flavor measurements will help systematically study the hadronization process in vacuum and nuclear medium especially in the underexplored kinematic region.Comment: Open heavy flavor studies with the EIC reference detector design by the ECCE consortium. 11 pages, 11 figures, to be submitted to the Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    ECCE unpolarized TMD measurements

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    We performed feasibility studies for various measurements that are related to unpolarized TMD distribution and fragmentation functions. The processes studied include semi-inclusive Deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) where single hadrons (pions and kaons) were detected in addition to the scattered DIS lepton. The single hadron cross sections and multiplicities were extracted as a function of the DIS variables xx and Q2Q^2, as well as the semi-inclusive variables zz, which corresponds to the momentum fraction the detected hadron carries relative to the struck parton and PTP_T, which corresponds to the transverse momentum of the detected hadron relative to the virtual photon. The expected statistical precision of such measurements is extrapolated to accumulated luminosities of 10 fb1^{-1} and potential systematic uncertainties are approximated given the deviations between true and reconstructed yields.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, to be submitted in joint ECCE proposal NIM-A volum