53 research outputs found
Inversion produces opposite size illusions for faces and bodies
Faces are complex, multidimensional, and meaningful visual stimuli. Recently, Araragi and colleagues (Araragi, Aotani, & Kitaoka, 2012) demonstrated an intriguing face size illusion whereby an inverted face is perceived as larger than a physically identical upright face. Like the face, the human body is a highly familiar and important stimulus in our lives. Here, we investigated the specificity of the size underestimation of upright faces illusion, testing whether similar effects also hold for bodies, hands, and everyday objects. Experiments 1a and 1b replicated the face-size illusion. No size illusion was observed for hands or objects. Unexpectedly, a reverse size illusion was observed for bodies, so that upright bodies were perceived as larger than their inverted counterparts. Experiment 2 showed that the face and reverse body size illusions were maintained even when the photographic contrast polarity of the stimuli was reversed, indicating that the visual system driving the illusions relies on geometric featural information rather than image contrast. Our findings show that size illusions caused by inversion show a high level of category specificity, with opposite illusions for faces and bodies
HiSTOReLo ofrece en este número una serie de artículos que podemos categorizar en Estados, Regiones y Ciudades. En el primer segmento se presentan cinco artículos con los que Monsalvo Mendoza, Camargo Rodríguez y Dotor Robayo manifiestan su comprensión sobre dos aspectos: la experiencia electoral y su regulación legislativa en la Nueva Granada durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX, y las experiencias militares y su conformación durante el proyecto federal radical a partir de los casos del Estado Soberano del Magdalena y el Estado Soberano de Boyacá en la segunda mitad del mismo siglo. Militares y élites políticas son también de interés para Rojas Galván, durante la conformación regional de la Nueva Galicia en Nueva España en el periodo colonial mexicano. En el mismo caso, pero retomando el marco decimonónico, González Villalobos ofrece su comprensión acerca de las experiencias educacionales con la implementación de las escuelas de artes y oficios en el caso jalisciense.
Comentarios críticos sobre la fundación de Pereira. La historia local a debate
En los últimos años la historia sobre los orígenes de Pereira ha promovido un debate que deja en cuestión los acontecimientos de este acto fundacional. El presente artículo hará un recuento de los principales temas y problemas de investigación que hoy suscitan la discusión académica. Tres son los hilos conductores: presentación del debate, argumentaciones historiográficas y posición crítica sobre el mismo. ¿Acaso la historia de Pereira comienza en 1863 cuando se ofició la primera misa de este acto fundacional o en 1540 cuando se fundó la antigua ciudad de Cartago en el mismo sitio donde poco más de tres siglos después se creó la ciudad de Pereira? Más allá de establecer una fecha fundacional sobre la ciudad de Pereira, la polémica dejar ver una historia de representaciones y poderes en tensión tanto por los actores de la época como por las nuevas interpretaciones sobre los orígenes de la ciudad
Sample based data set for Head Fixed experimen
Sample based data set for Face Discrimination experimen
Sample based data set for Scaled experimen
Data from: An extensive dataset of eye movements during viewing of complex images
We present a dataset of free-viewing eye-movement recordings that contains more than 2.7 million fixation locations from 949 observers on more than 1000 images from different categories. This dataset aggregates and harmonizes data from 23 different studies conducted at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University and the University Medical Center in Hamburg-Eppendorf. Trained personnel recorded all studies under standard conditions with homogeneous equipment and parameter settings. All studies allowed for free eye-movements, and differed in the age range of participants (~7-80 years), stimulus sizes, stimulus modifications (phase scrambled, spatial filtering, mirrored), and stimuli categories (natural and urban scenes, web sites, fractal, pink-noise, and ambiguous artistic figures). The size and variability of viewing behavior within this dataset presents a strong opportunity for evaluating and comparing computational models of overt attention, and furthermore, for thoroughly quantifying strategies of viewing behavior. This also makes the dataset a good starting point for investigating whether viewing strategies change in patient groups
An extensive dataset of eye movements during viewing of complex images
We present a dataset of free-viewing eye-movement recordings that contains more than 2.7 million fixation locations from 949 observers on more than 1000 images from different categories. This dataset aggregates and harmonizes data from 23 different studies conducted at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University and the University Medical Center in Hamburg-Eppendorf. Trained personnel recorded all studies under standard conditions with homogeneous equipment and parameter settings. All studies allowed for free eye-movements, and differed in the age range of participants (~7–80 years), stimulus sizes, stimulus modifications (phase scrambled, spatial filtering, mirrored), and stimuli categories (natural and urban scenes, web sites, fractal, pink-noise, and ambiguous artistic figures). The size and variability of viewing behavior within this dataset presents a strong opportunity for evaluating and comparing computational models of overt attention, and furthermore, for thoroughly quantifying strategies of viewing behavior. This also makes the dataset a good starting point for investigating whether viewing strategies change in patient groups
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