311 research outputs found

    Time Reversal Invariance Violating and Parity Conserving effects in Neutron Deuteron Scattering

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    Time reversal invariance violating parity conserving effects for low energy elastic neutron deuteron scattering are calculated for meson exchange and EFT-type of potentials in a Distorted Wave Born Approximation, using realistic hadronic wave functions, obtained by solving three-body Faddeev equations in configuration space.Comment: There was a technical mistake in calculations due to singular behavior of Yukawa functions at short range. We corrected the integration algorithm. There were some typos which are corrected. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1104.305

    A Neutron Interferometric Method to Provide Improved Constraints on Non-Newtonian Gravity at the Nanometer Scale

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    In recent years, an energetic experimental program has set quite stringent limits on a possible "non - 1/r^2" dependence on gravity at short length scales. This effort has been largely driven by the predictions of theories based on compactification of extra spatial dimensions. It is characteristic of many such theories that the strength and length scales of such anomalous gravity are not clearly determined from first principles. As a result, it is productive to extend the current limits the range and strength of such hypothetical interactions. As a heavy, neutral, and (almost) stable particle, the neutron provides an ideal probe for the study of such hypothetical interactions at very short range. In this work, we describe methods based on neutron interferometry which have the capability to provide improved sensitivity non-Newtonian forces down to length scales at and below an nanometer.Comment: PDF-fil

    Nab: Measurement Principles, Apparatus and Uncertainties

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    The Nab collaboration will perform a precise measurement of 'a', the electron-neutrino correlation parameter, and 'b', the Fierz interference term in neutron beta decay, in the Fundamental Neutron Physics Beamline at the SNS, using a novel electric/magnetic field spectrometer and detector design. The experiment is aiming at the 10^{-3} accuracy level in (Delta a)/a, and will provide an independent measurement of lambda = G_A/G_V, the ratio of axial-vector to vector coupling constants of the nucleon. Nab also plans to perform the first ever measurement of 'b' in neutron decay, which will provide an independent limit on the tensor weak coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, talk presented at the International Workshop on Particle Physics with Slow Neutrons, Grenoble, 29-31 May 2008; to appear in Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Physics Research

    Sub-lattice of Jahn-Teller centers in hexaferrite crystal

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    A novel type of sub-lattice of the Jahn-Teller (JT) centers was arranged in Ti-doped barium hexaferrite BaFe12O19. In the un-doped crystal all iron ions, sitting in five different crystallographic positions, are Fe3+ in the high-spin configuration (S = 5/2) and have a non-degenerate ground state. We show that the electron-donor Ti substitution converts the ions to Fe2+ predominantly in tetrahedral coordination, resulting in doubly-degenerate states subject to the E⊗ e problem of the JT effect. The arranged JT complexes, Fe2+O4, their adiabatic potential energy, non-linear and quantum dynamics, have been studied by means of ultrasound and terahertz-infrared spectroscopies. The JT complexes are sensitive to external stress and applied magnetic field. For that reason, the properties of the doped crystal can be controlled by the amount and state of the JT complexes. © 2020, The Author(s).Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAADRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18–02–00332 aDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD: 91728513Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 19–53–0401019–72–00055Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe authors acknowledge fruitful discussions with A.S. Prokhorov. We acknowledge support of the HLD at HZDR, member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL). At Ural Federal University, the research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (18–02–00332 a), UrFU Center of Excellence “Radiation and Nuclear Technologies” (Competitiveness Enhancement Program), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Program 5–100). In M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics, the research was carried out within the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (theme “Electron” No. AAAA-A18–118020190098–5. At South Ural State University, the authors were generally supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0011. The single crystal growth part was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (19–53–04010). At Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Program 5–100) and by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Michael Lomonosov Programm Linie B, 91728513. Time-domain low temperature spectroscopic experiments were financially supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation (19–72–00055)

    Therapy chronic trichomoniasis at patients with associated urogenital chlamydial infection

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    Present material of problem question therapy chronic trichomoniasis. Study clinical and bacteriological effectiveness basic etiotropic preparation and their combination, used in treatment patients trichomoniasis. Found that the combined application antiprotozoal drugs have a more pronounced effect on kills T. vaginalis and shortens the rehabilitation of the patient

    Neutron Beta Decay Studies with Nab

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    Precision measurements in neutron beta decay serve to determine the coupling constants of beta decay and allow for several stringent tests of the standard model. This paper discusses the design and the expected performance of the Nab spectrometer.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the Conference CIPANP12, St.Petersburg, Florida, May 201

    Влияние ограничений возможных значений ординат графиков электрической нагрузки на расчетные величины пиков и впадин нагрузки

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    The influence of limitations on possible theta-ordinate values of group non-uniform electrical load graphs on the rated values of theta peaks and theta troughs and, particularly, on the rated heating load value is considered in the paper. It is shown that neglect of limitations on graph theta- ordinates of an electrical load leads in some cases to errors in evaluation of load theta peaks and theta troughs that exceed the tolerable values by ±10 %. Рассматривается влияние ограниченности возможных значений θ-ординат групповых неоднородных графиков электрической нагрузки на расчетные значения θ-пиков и θ-впадин нагрузки и, в частности, на расчетную нагрузку по нагреву. Показано, что неучет ограниченности θ-ординат графиков электрической нагрузки приводит в ряде случаев к погрешностям в оценке θ-пиков и θ-впадин нагрузки, превышающих допустимую ±10 %

    The Nab Experiment: A Precision Measurement of Unpolarized Neutron Beta Decay

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    Neutron beta decay is one of the most fundamental processes in nuclear physics and provides sensitive means to uncover the details of the weak interaction. Neutron beta decay can evaluate the ratio of axial-vector to vector coupling constants in the standard model, λ=gA/gV\lambda = g_A / g_V, through multiple decay correlations. The Nab experiment will carry out measurements of the electron-neutrino correlation parameter aa with a precision of δa/a=103\delta a / a = 10^{-3} and the Fierz interference term bb to δb=3×103\delta b = 3\times10^{-3} in unpolarized free neutron beta decay. These results, along with a more precise measurement of the neutron lifetime, aim to deliver an independent determination of the ratio λ\lambda with a precision of δλ/λ=0.03%\delta \lambda / \lambda = 0.03\% that will allow an evaluation of VudV_{ud} and sensitively test CKM unitarity, independent of nuclear models. Nab utilizes a novel, long asymmetric spectrometer that guides the decay electron and proton to two large area silicon detectors in order to precisely determine the electron energy and an estimation of the proton momentum from the proton time of flight. The Nab spectrometer is being commissioned at the Fundamental Neutron Physics Beamline at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Lab. We present an overview of the Nab experiment and recent updates on the spectrometer, analysis, and systematic effects.Comment: Presented at PPNS201

    Endoscopic treatment of patients with early forms of gastric cancer

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    Leningrad regional oncological dispensary, Russia, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaBackground: Currently, most patients with gastric tumors are detected in late stages. Early diagnosis is a major factor in improving treatment outcomes. On the other hand, patients who are diagnosed on early stages often receive aggressive treatment and are not subjects to less invasive interventions. Material and Methods: In our clinic we have been using endoscopic surgery for early gastric cancer since 2009. Japanese colleagues are the most experienced in this kind of treatment that is why we follow the recommendations of Japanese Gastric Cancer Association (JGCA). The main criterion provided that endoscopic removal is possible is the depth of tumor invasion. We evaluate the depth of invasion primarily by endoscopic ultrasonography. According to our data the accuracy of this method is 94%. The main operation used for the treatment of early gastric cancer is endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Its main advantages are single block resection within healthy tissues and adequate morphological assessment of the removed tumor. In the last ten years we have performed 148 ESD (145 patients) for early forms of gastric cancer. Surgeries were radical in 95% of cases. Results:There were no cases of postoperative mortality. Progression of the disease was noted only in one patient. These endoscopic surgeries have proved to be effective, safe and reasonable in treating early gastric cancer. Conclusions: Thus, endoscopic surgery significantly reduces the cost of treatment and hospital stay (average - 3.7 days), facilitates rehabilitation and improves the quality of patients’ life