339 research outputs found

    Second order brane cosmology with radion stabilization

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    We study cosmology in the five-dimensional Randall-Sundrum brane-world with a stabilizing effective potential for the radion and matter localized on the branes. The analysis is performed by employing a perturbative expansion in the ratio rho/V between the matter energy density on the branes and the brane tensions around the static Randall-Sundrum solution (which has rho=0 and brane tensions +-V). This approach ensures that the matter evolves adiabatically and allows us to find approximate solutions to second order in \rho/V. Some particular cases are then analyzed in details.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX4, 4 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Radion Induced Spontaneous Baryogenesis

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    We describe a possible scenario for the baryogenesis arising when matter is added on the branes of a Randall-Sundrum model with a radion stabilizing potential. We show that the radion field can naturally induce spontaneous baryogenesis when the cosmological evolution for the matter on the branes is taken into account.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 8 pages and no figures, minor corrections to match version to appear in MPL

    Planck scale inflationary spectra from quantum gravity

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    We derive the semiclassical evolution of massless minimally coupled scalar matter in the de Sitter space-time from the Born-Oppenheimer reduction of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. We show that the dynamics of trans-Planckian modes can be cast in the form of an effective modified dispersion relation and that high energy corrections in the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation produced during inflation remain very small if the initial state is the Bunch-Davies vacuum.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, final version to appear in PR

    Trans-Planckian footprints in inflationary cosmology

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    We consider a minimum uncertainty vacuum choice at a fixed energy scale Lambda as an effective description of trans-Planckian physics, and discuss its implications for the linear perturbations of a massless scalar field in power-law inflationary models. We find possible effects with a magnitude of order H/\Lambda in the power spectrum, in analogy with previous results for de-Sitter space-time.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, final version to appear in Physics Letters

    The deactivation of an NH3-SCR Cu-SAPO catalyst upon exposure to non-oxidizing conditions

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    Abstract A Cu-SAPO catalyst for NH3-SCR applications showed a significant loss of deNOx performance after exposure to oxygen-free conditions. The present work aims at elucidating the causes of the observed progressive deactivation by comparing different experimental procedures for the SCR activity tests. The adoption of an experimental protocol, which avoids the exposure to a non-oxidizing environment, ensured a stable activity of the Cu-SAPO catalyst. Moreover, treatment of the deactivated catalyst with an oxidizing mixture at 550 °C for 5 h enabled to partially recover the deNOx activity

    The Inflaton and Time in the Matter-Gravity System

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    The emergence of time in the matter-gravity system is addressed within the context of the inflationary paradigm. A quantum minisuperspace-homogeneous minimally coupled inflaton system is studied with suitable initial conditions leading to inflation and the system is approximately solved in the limit for large scale factor. Subsequently normal matter (either non homogeneous inflaton modes or lighter matter) is introduced as a perturbation and it is seen that its presence requires the coarse averaging of a gravitational wave function (which oscillates at trans-Planckian frequencies) having suitable initial conditions. Such a wave function, which is common for all types of normal matter, is associated with a ``time density'' in the sense that its modulus is related to the amount of time spent in a given interval (or the rate of flow of time). One is then finally led to an effective evolution equation (Schroedinger Schwinger-Tomonaga) for ``normal'' matter. An analogy with the emergence of a temperature in statistical mechanics is also pointed out.Comment: 14 pages, late

    Particle Production in Tachyon Condensation

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    We study particle production in the tachyon condensation process as described by different effective actions for the tachyon. By making use of invariant operators, we are able to obtain exact results for the density of produced particles, which is shown to depend strongly on the specific action. In particular, the rate of particle production remains finite only for one of the actions considered, hence confirming results previously appeared in the literature.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Gravity Effects in Black Holes at the LHC

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    We study possible back-reaction and quantum gravity effects in the evaporation of black holes which could be produced at the LHC through a modification of the Hawking emission. The corrections are phenomenologically taken into account by employing a modified relation between the black hole mass and temperature. The usual assumption that black holes explode around 11 TeV is also released, and the evaporation process is extended to (possibly much) smaller final masses. We show that these effects could be observable for black holes produced with a relatively large mass and should therefore be taken into account when simulating micro-black hole events for the experiments planned at the LHC.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, extended version of hep-ph/0601243 with new analysis of final products, final version accepted for publication in J. Phys.
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