3,047 research outputs found

    Beyond the Gray Green Gate

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    Transfer matrix solution of the Wako-Sait\^o-Mu\~noz-Eaton model augmented by arbitrary short range interactions

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    The Wako-Sait{\^o}-Mu\~noz-Eaton (WSME) model, initially introduced in the theory of protein folding, has also been used in modeling the RNA folding and some epitaxial phenomena. The advantage of this model is that it admits exact solution in the general inhomogeneous case (Bruscolini and Pelizzola, 2002) which facilitates the study of realistic systems. However, a shortcoming of the model is that it accounts only for interactions within continuous stretches of native bonds or atomic chains while neglecting interstretch (interchain) interactions. But due to the biopolymer (atomic chain) flexibility, the monomers (atoms) separated by several non-native bonds along the sequence can become closely spaced. This produces their strong interaction. The inclusion of non-WSME interactions into the model makes the model more realistic and improves its performance. In this study we add arbitrary interactions of finite range and solve the new model by means of the transfer matrix technique. We can therefore exactly account for the interactions which in proteomics are classified as medium- and moderately long-range ones.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    MW 775 Christian Witness and Other Faiths

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    Richard Plantinga, ed. Christianity and Plurality: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. 379 pages. ISBN: 0-631-20915-8 (paperback) Wesley Pluralism Packet David Bosch. A Spirituality of the Road. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2000 (1979). 92 pages. ISBN: 1-57910-795-8 (paperback) Paul Hiebert. Missiological Implications of Epistemological Shifts. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press, International, 1999. 135 pages. ISBN: 1-56338-259-8 (paperback)https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2452/thumbnail.jp


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    The classification of hydrotechnical buildings of hydromeliorationsystems according to capital construction classes and classes ofconsequences (liability) is analyzed. It is established that moderndesign rules for hydro-amelioration systems as a whole do not offerquantitative indicators of the reliability of objects and all design methods are based on deterministic models. In accordance with theclass of consequences (liability) of the buildings , the categories ofresponsibility of the buildings and its elements and the group ofboundary states, the values of the coefficients of reliability are set,which are the coefficients of the stock and does not change during theoperation time of the buildings . Since the intensity of decreasing thereliability of the objects of hydro-amelioration systems depends onmany random factors, performing the assessment of the reliability ofhydro-ameliorative buildings requires switching from deterministicmodels to probabilistic ones. Therefore, the proposed values ofpermissible levels of reliability for hydro-amelioration structuresdepending on the class of capital and classes of consequences(liability), which allows the design of structures with the designatedlevel of failure, to evaluate the work of the building without a refusalduring the time of the calculated loads, to avoid unreasonable costsfor construction of buildings and possible damages caused by failuresof buildings.Проанализирована классификация гидротехнических сооруженийгидромелиоративных систем по классам капитальности и классамипоследствий (ответственности). Предложено значения допустимыхуровней надежности для гидромелиоративных сооружений в зависимости от класса капитальности и классов последствий (ответственности).Проаналізовано класифікацію гідротехнічних споруд гідромеліоративних систем за класами капітальності та класами наслідків (відповідальності). Запропоновано значення допустимих рівнів надійності для гідромеліоративних споруд залежно від класу капітальності та класів наслідків (відповідальності)


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    The deterministic dependencies are analyzed for determining themain parameters of the channels, by which, their size and throughputare determined. The importance of the influence of the components of the Chezi equation on the magnitude of the trapezoidal channelthroughput is established. On the basis of the theoretical analysis ofregulatory tolerances on parameters in the construction ofhydromeliorative channels using probability theory and statisticalsimulation methods, analytical dependencies have been developed todetermine the confidence intervals of the throughput in channels anddepths. To determine the probable limits of changing the depths ofwater in the channels when passing the calculated costs Qr proposedto use graphs Qmin=f(hр); Qр=f(hр) та Qmax=f(hр). The obtainedmathematical model for estimating probabilistic limits of changes incosts and depths of water in channels of trapezoidal cross-sectionalshape allows to estimate the risk of flow of water from the channelbed and flooding part of the drainage system.Проанализированы детерминистические зависимости, которые дополнены вероятностными зависимостями для определения пропускной способности каналов гидромелиоративных систем. Предложена математическая модель для оценивания вероятностных границ изменения расходов в каналах трапецеидальной формы поперечного сечения.Проаналізовано детерміністичні залежності, які доповнені імовірнісними залежностями для визначення пропускної здатності каналівгідромеліоративних систем. Запропонована математична модельдля оцінювання імовірнісних меж зміни витрат у каналах трапецеїдальної форми поперечного перерізу

    On the mutual effect of ion temperature gradient instabilities and impurity peaking in the reversed field pinch

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    The presence of impurities is considered in gyrokinetic calculations of ion temperature gradient (ITG) instabilities and turbulence in the reversed field pinch device RFX-mod. This device usually exhibits hollow Carbon/Oxygen profiles, peaked in the outer core region. We describe the role of the impurities in ITG mode destabilization, and analyze whether ITG turbulence is compatible with their experimental gradients.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Plasma Phys. Control. Fusio

    Influence of the radio frequency ponderomotive force on anomalous impurity transport in tokamaks

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    Trace impurity transport in tokamaks is studied using an electrostatic, collisionless fluid model for ion-temperature-gradient and trapped-electron mode driven turbulence in the presence of radio frequency (rf) fields, and the results are compared with neoclassical predictions. It is shown that the inward impurity convective velocity (pinch) that is usually obtained can be reduced by the rf fields, in particular close to the wave resonance location where the rf ponderomotive force may be significant. However, the impurity diffusivity and convective velocity are usually similarly affected by the ponderomotive force, and hence the steady-state impurity density peaking factor -∇nz/nz is only moderately affected by the rf fields