4,465 research outputs found

    Real-time evolution method and its application to 3α\alpha cluster system

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    A new theoretical method is proposed to describe the ground and excited cluster states of atomic nuclei. The method utilizes the equation-of-motion of the Gaussian wave packets to generate the basis wave functions having various cluster configurations. The generated basis wave functions are superposed to diagonalize the Hamiltonian. In other words, this method uses the real time as the generator coordinate. The application to the 3α3\alpha system as a benchmark shows that the new method works efficiently and yields the result consistent with or better than the other cluster models. Brief discussion on the structure of the excited 0+0^+ and 11^- states is also made

    Solar cell radiation handbook

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    The handbook to predict the degradation of solar cell electrical performance in any given space radiation environment is presented. Solar cell theory, cell manufacturing and how they are modeled mathematically are described. The interaction of energetic charged particles radiation with solar cells is discussed and the concept of 1 MeV equivalent electron fluence is introduced. The space radiation environment is described and methods of calculating equivalent fluences for the space environment are developed. A computer program was written to perform the equivalent fluence calculations and a FORTRAN listing of the program is included. Data detailing the degradation of solar cell electrical parameters as a function of 1 MeV electron fluence are presented

    Energetics and electronic structure of phenyl-disubstituted polyacetylene: A first-principles study

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    Phenyl-disubstituted polyacetylene (PDPA) is an organic semiconductor which has been studied during the last years for its efficient photo-luminescence. In contrast, the molecular geometry, providing the basis for the electronic and optical properties, has been hardly investigated. In this paper, we apply a density-functional-theory based molecular-dynamics approach to reveal the molecular structure of PDPA in detail. We find that oligomers of this material are limited in length, being stable only up to eight repeat units, while the polymer is energetically unfavorable. These facts, which are in excellent agreement with experimental findings, are explained through a detailed analysis of the bond lengths. A consequence of the latter is the appearance of pronounced torsion angles of the phenyl rings with respect to the plane of the polyene backbone, ranging from 5555^{\circ} up to 9595^{\circ}. We point out that such large torsion angles do not destroy the conjugation of the π\pi electrons from the backbone to the side phenyl rings, as is evident from the electronic charge density.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Dipole anisotropies of IRAS galaxies and the contribution of a large-scale local void

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    Recent observations of dipole anisotropies show that the velocity of the Local Group (\Vec v_{\rm G}) induced by the clustering of IRAS galax ies has an amplitude and direction similar to those of the velocity of Cosmic Microwave Background dipole anisotropy (\Vec v_{\rm CMB}), but the difference | \Vec v_{\rm G} - \Vec v_{\rm CMB} | is still 170\sim 170 km/s, which is about 28% of |\Vec v_{\rm CMB} |. Here we consider the possibility that the origin of this difference comes from a hypothetical large-scale local void, with which we can account for the accelerating behavior of type Ia supernovae due to the spatial inhomogeneity of the Hubble constant without dark energies and derive the constraint to the model parameters of the local void. It is found as a result that the distance between the Local Group and the center of the void must be (1020)h1(10 -- 20) h^{-1} Mpc, whose accurate value depends on the background model parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, to be published in ApJ 584, No.2 (2003

    Micro-Autoradiography Study of L-Methionine Distribution in Tumor Tissue: Effects of Radiotherapy

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Theory of nonlinear optical properties of phenyl-substituted polyacetylenes

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    In this paper we present a theoretical study of the third-order nonlinear optical properties of poly(diphenyl)polyacetylene (PDPA) pertaining to the third-harmonic-generation (THG) process. We study the aforesaid process in PDPA's using both the independent electron Hueckel model, as well as correlated-electron Pariser-Parr-Pople (P-P-P) model. The P-P-P model based calculations were performed using various configuration interaction (CI) methods such as the the multi-reference-singles-doubles CI (MRSDCI), and the quadruples-CI (QCI) methods, and the both longitudinal and the transverse components of third-order susceptibilities were computed. The Hueckel model calculations were performed on oligo-PDPA's containing up to fifty repeat units, while correlated calculations were performed for oligomers containing up to ten unit cells. At all levels of theory, the material exhibits highly anisotropic nonlinear optical response, in keeping with its structural anisotropy. We argue that the aforesaid anisotropy can be divided over two natural energy scales: (a) the low-energy response is predominantly longitudinal and is qualitatively similar to that of polyenes, while (b) the high-energy response is mainly transverse, and is qualitatively similar to that of trans-stilbene.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures (included), to appear in Physical Review B (April 15, 2004

    Consequence of Hawking radiation from 2d dilaton black holes

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    We investigate the CGHS model through numerical calculation. The behavior of the mass function, which we introduced in our previous work as a ``local mass'', is examined. We found that the mass function takes negative values, which means that the amount of Hawking radiation becomes greater than the initial mass of the black hole as in the case of the RST model.Comment: 17pages, 5 figures (three of them are attached, the other 2 figures are available on request. Some mistakes including typographic errors have been correcte

    A study on correlation effects in two dimensional topological insulators

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    We investigate correlation effects in two dimensional topological insulators (TI). In the first part, we discuss finite size effects for interacting systems of different sizes in a ribbon geometry. For large systems, there are two pairs of well separated massless modes on both edges. For these systems, we analyze the finite size effects using a standard bosonization approach. For small systems, where the edge states are massive Dirac fermions, we use the inhomogeneous dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) combined with iterative perturbation theory as an impurity solver to study interaction effects. We show that the finite size gap in the edge states is renormalized for weak interactions, which is consistent with a Fermi-liquid picture for small size TIs. In the second part, we investigate phase transitions in finite size TIs at zero temperature focusing on the effects of possible inter-edge Umklapp scattering for the edge states within the inhomogeneous DMFT using the numerical renormalization group. We show that correlation effects are effectively stronger near the edge sites because the coordination number is smaller than in the bulk. Therefore, the localization of the edge states around the edge sites, which is a fundamental property in TIs, is weakened for strong coupling strengths. However, we find no signs for "edge Mott insulating states" and the system stays in the topological insulating state, which is adiabatically connected to the non-interacting state, for all interaction strengths smaller than the critical value. Increasing the interaction further, a nearly homogeneous Mott insulating state is stabilized.Comment: 20 page