1,128 research outputs found

    Saturn S-IVB Continuous Vent System for Propellent Control During Parking Orbit

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    Cryogenic propellant tanks coasting in space must be vented periodically to prevent excessive pressure. This requires that the liquid be settled with auxiliary ullaging rockets prior to venting to ensure minimum propellant loss. Other problems associated with blowdown of saturated liquids, such as surface level rise and boilover, are severe. The S-IVB, third stage of the Saturn Launch Vehicle, eliminates these problems during the earth parking orbit by continuously venting the liquid hydrogen tank. The boiloff gas is vented in the aft direction providing a continuous settling thrust on the propellants. The philosophy behind the system design is explored and critical components in the design are examined. Evaluation of system performance on several flights is presented

    Ozone Depletion from Nearby Supernovae

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    Estimates made in the 1970's indicated that a supernova occurring within tens of parsecs of Earth could have significant effects on the ozone layer. Since that time, improved tools for detailed modeling of atmospheric chemistry have been developed to calculate ozone depletion, and advances have been made in theoretical modeling of supernovae and of the resultant gamma-ray spectra. In addition, one now has better knowledge of the occurrence rate of supernovae in the galaxy, and of the spatial distribution of progenitors to core-collapse supernovae. We report here the results of two-dimensional atmospheric model calculations that take as input the spectral energy distribution of a supernova, adopting various distances from Earth and various latitude impact angles. In separate simulations we calculate the ozone depletion due to both gamma-rays and cosmic rays. We find that for the combined ozone depletion roughly to double the ``biologically active'' UV flux received at the surface of the Earth, the supernova must occur at <8 pc. Based on the latest data, the time-averaged galactic rate of core-collapse supernovae occurring within 8 pc is ~1.5/Gyr. In comparing our calculated ozone depletions with those of previous studies, we find them to be significantly less severe than found by Ruderman (1974), and consistent with Whitten et al. (1976). In summary, given the amplitude of the effect, the rate of nearby supernovae, and the ~Gyr time scale for multicellular organisms on Earth, this particular pathway for mass extinctions may be less important than previously thought.Comment: 24 pages, 4 Postscript figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal, 2003 March 10, vol. 58

    Recent Studies of the Cosmic-Ray Latitude Effect at High Altitudes

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    With an improved Geiger counter telescope, having an angular aperture of about ±15° from its axis, a series of balloon flights was made in August and September, 1947, at seven stations extending from San Antonio, Texas, to Saskatoon, Canada. The axis of the telescope in all cases was oriented in a vertical direction. All sets of equipment were compared with a standard to reduce all results to a common basis. The standard sets, in turn, were compared with an accurately constructed telescope which had been used to make an absolute determination of cosmic-ray intensity at the vertical in Pasadena. Two flights were made from each of the seven stations. The agreement between flights made within a few hours of each other at a given station is very good. Results from two flights made at a given station several days apart are not in general as consistent. Likewise, no monotonic increase of the radiation with increase of latitude was observed. Evidence is presented for rather large fluctuations at high altitudes of the lower energy components of cosmic rays. Some of the reasons for these fluctuations are discussed

    Munc18-1 promotes larger dense-core vesicle docking.

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    AbstractSecretory vesicles dock at the plasma membrane before Ca2+ triggers their exocytosis. Exocytosis requires the assembly of SNARE complexes formed by the vesicle protein Synaptobrevin and the membrane proteins Syntaxin-1 and SNAP-25. We analyzed the role of Munc18-1, a cytosolic binding partner of Syntaxin-1, in large dense-core vesicle (LDCV) secretion. Calcium-dependent LDCV exocytosis was reduced 10-fold in mouse chromaffin cells lacking Munc18-1, but the kinetic properties of the remaining release, including single fusion events, were not different from controls. Concomitantly, mutant cells displayed a 10-fold reduction in morphologically docked LDCVs. Moreover, acute overexpression of Munc18-1 in bovine chromaffin cells increased the amount of releasable vesicles and accelerated vesicle supply. We conclude that Munc18-1 functions upstream of SNARE complex formation and promotes LDCV docking

    Development of Readout Interconnections for the Si-W Calorimeter of SiD

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    The SiD collaboration is developing a Si-W sampling electromagnetic calorimeter, with anticipated application for the International Linear Collider. Assembling the modules for such a detector will involve special bonding technologies for the interconnections, especially for attaching a silicon detector wafer to a flex cable readout bus. We review the interconnect technologies involved, including oxidation removal processes, pad surface preparation, solder ball selection and placement, and bond quality assurance. Our results show that solder ball bonding is a promising technique for the Si-W ECAL, and unresolved issues are being addressed.Comment: 8 pages + title, 6 figure

    Recombination rate and selection strength in HIV intra-patient evolution

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    The evolutionary dynamics of HIV during the chronic phase of infection is driven by the host immune response and by selective pressures exerted through drug treatment. To understand and model the evolution of HIV quantitatively, the parameters governing genetic diversification and the strength of selection need to be known. While mutation rates can be measured in single replication cycles, the relevant effective recombination rate depends on the probability of coinfection of a cell with more than one virus and can only be inferred from population data. However, most population genetic estimators for recombination rates assume absence of selection and are hence of limited applicability to HIV, since positive and purifying selection are important in HIV evolution. Here, we estimate the rate of recombination and the distribution of selection coefficients from time-resolved sequence data tracking the evolution of HIV within single patients. By examining temporal changes in the genetic composition of the population, we estimate the effective recombination to be r=1.4e-5 recombinations per site and generation. Furthermore, we provide evidence that selection coefficients of at least 15% of the observed non-synonymous polymorphisms exceed 0.8% per generation. These results provide a basis for a more detailed understanding of the evolution of HIV. A particularly interesting case is evolution in response to drug treatment, where recombination can facilitate the rapid acquisition of multiple resistance mutations. With the methods developed here, more precise and more detailed studies will be possible, as soon as data with higher time resolution and greater sample sizes is available.Comment: to appear in PLoS Computational Biolog

    Changes in bacterial and fungal communities across compost recipes, preparation methods, and composting times. PLoS One

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    Abstract Compost production is a critical component of organic waste handling, and compost applications to soil are increasingly important to crop production. However, we know surprisingly little about the microbial communities involved in the composting process and the factors shaping compost microbial dynamics. Here, we used high-throughput sequencing approaches to assess the diversity and composition of both bacterial and fungal communities in compost produced at a commercial-scale. Bacterial and fungal communities responded to both compost recipe and composting method. Specifically, bacterial communities in manure and hay recipes contained greater relative abundances of Firmicutes than hardwood recipes with hay recipes containing relatively more Actinobacteria and Gemmatimonadetes. In contrast, hardwood recipes contained a large relative abundance of Acidobacteria and Chloroflexi. Fungal communities of compost from a mixture of dairy manure and silage-based bedding were distinguished by a greater relative abundance of Pezizomycetes and Microascales. Hay recipes uniquely contained abundant Epicoccum, Thermomyces, Eurotium, Arthrobotrys, and Myriococcum. Hardwood recipes contained relatively abundant Sordariomycetes. Holding recipe constant, there were significantly different bacterial and fungal communities when the composting process was managed by windrow, aerated static pile, or vermicompost. Temporal dynamics of the composting process followed known patterns of degradative succession in herbivore manure. The initial community was dominated by Phycomycetes, followed by Ascomycota and finally Basidiomycota. Zygomycota were associated more with manure-silage and hay than hardwood composts. Most commercial composters focus on the thermophilic phase as an economic means to insure sanitation of compost from pathogens. However, the community succeeding the thermophilic phase begs further investigation to determine how the microbial dynamics observed here can be best managed to generate compost with the desired properties

    A New Cosmic-Ray Telescope for High Altitudes

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    A cosmic-ray telescope is described having an angular resolution of approximately ±15°. The distance between the two outermost trays, each containing 8 Geiger counters, is 1 meter. The area of each tray is approximately 24×24 cm^2. Triple coincidences modulate a transmitter and the signals, including those giving the air pressure and temperature of the instrument, are recorded on the ground. The counting rate is such that at the peak of the curve the relative probable error during a 4 minute interval is about 1.5 percent. Accidental counts are found to be nearly negligible at all altitudes and latitudes, but some correction needs to be made for loss in efficiency because of the inherent dead time of the counters. An absolute determination of cosmic-ray intensity at the vertical at Pasadena was made in order to express the results as nearly as possible independently of the apparatus used

    Investigate the origins of COVID-19

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    On 30 December 2019, the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases notified the world about a pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan, China. Since then, scientists have made remarkable progress in understanding the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), its transmission, pathogenesis, and mitigation by vaccines, therapeutics, and non-pharmaceutical interventions. Yet more investigation is still needed to determine the origin of the pandemic. Theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover both remain viable. Knowing how COVID-19 emerged is critical for informing global strategies to mitigate the risk of future outbreaks

    Medin aggregation causes cerebrovascular dysfunction in aging wild-type mice

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    Medin is the most common amyloid known in humans, as it can be found in blood vessels of the upper body in virtually everybody over 50 years of age. However, it remains unknown whether deposition of Medin plays a causal role in age-related vascular dysfunction. We now report that aggregates of Medin also develop in the aorta and brain vasculature of wild-type mice in an age-dependent manner. Strikingly, genetic deficiency of the Medin precursor protein, MFG-E8, eliminates not only vascular aggregates but also prevents age-associated decline of cerebrovascular function in mice. Given the prevalence of Medin aggregates in the general population and its role in vascular dysfunction with aging, targeting Medin may become a novel approach to sustain healthy aging
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