1,473 research outputs found

    On the energy fluxes of low-energy protons and positive ions in the earth's inner radiation zones

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    Energy fluxes of low energy protons and positive ions in earth inner radiation zon

    Internalizing Data Collection: Personal Analytics as an Investigation of the Self

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    Personal analytics, aka self-tracking, is the practice of using a digital device to track aspects of behavior, such as exercise habits, heart rate, sleep patterns, location, diet, and a host of other data points. This dissertation is an exploration of “self” in self-tracking, informed by theories of subjectivity, autonomy, power and knowledge. As a technological intervention, self-tracking devices change how we experience our own body and behavior. They also serve as methods to digitize human behavior. This data is combined with other data and processed using computational methods. Self-tracking devices are both personal and bureaucratic. They are devices used for self-care and institutional processes. As mediating objects, they occupy a multifaceted position that they share with other forms of mediated experience. Like social media, which is both a form of personal expression and a way to track users’ behavior, self-tracking participates in changing attitudes about surveillance. People are willing to subject themselves to surveillance and are largely unaware or unconcerned with the ways in which self-surveillance is the same thing as institutional surveillance. This study positions self-tracking as a practice of institutional population management, not simply personalized exercise tools. A Fitbit might seem to simply measure a “step,” an identifiable metric that exists regardless of whether it is counted. Yet, how can this metric be considered neutral and objective when its institutional purpose guides its development? Thinking of measurement as neutral ignores the process by which anything comes to be measured. All kinds of decisions—about what to count, how to count it, and what to do with the data—are made prior to the end user’s experience. Measurement is a cultural activity and thus the outcome of this data collection is never neutral with respect to power. By looking at fitness-tracker privacy policies, workplace wellness programs, data sharing practices, and advertising materials, I trace the discursive practices surrounding self-tracking. As we surveil our bodies and behavior, we enact a focused attention upon the self. Understanding the consequence of this focus is crucial to understanding how data operates in today’s economy. My overall critique of data in this dissertation concerns how the focus on self obscures the institutional uses and abuses of data. The epistemic affordances of data flow in multiple directions. Self-tracking devices offer the promise to reveal hidden data about the self. They accomplish something different—they create the means to recraft the self into something else entirely. They make the self into an entity that is knowable and therefore able to be the subject of market transactions and manipulated by institutions

    Challenges, Changes, and Opportunities in Ngb Coach Education From 2003-2015

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    Advances in technology make it possible to transform the scope, duration, and format of formal coach education programs such as those operated by sport National Governing Bodies (NGBs). The United States Olympic Committee (USOC), which provides oversight to Olympic sports, has a strong interest in developing quality coach education programs. The purpose of this research is to better understand the challenges, changes, and trends in coach education administered by NGBs. We compared the findings from a 2003 survey administered by the USOC to 45 NGBs examining the content, delivery, and development of coach education programs with an updated version of the survey administered in 2015. An online, anonymous survey was sent to the individuals responsible for overseeing coach education at each of the 45 Olympic sport NGBs. The survey consisted of 32 multiple choice questions covering staffing, budget, content, and delivery of coach education programs. While 70% of NGBs have a system for identifying coaches, the majority (77.8% of NGBs) feel as if there are not enough qualified coaches in their sport. Whether this stems from an inadequate coach education system, limited appeal of the sport, or poor sport marketing, there is a clear need to enhance the education level of coaches. The number one challenge for NGBs in coach education is budget and the number two challenge is maintaining current, quality course content. Three strategies for maximizing impact with limited resources would be to partner with other organizations (e.g., National Alliance for Youth Sport), to pool resources between NGBs to create a unified foundation for a coach education program, and to create a mentorship program to allow coaches to learn in more informal settings. Mentoring is widely acknowledged as an important coach learning tool, yet only 38.9% of NGBs reported having a mentoring program

    Paternal Incarceration And Adolescent Well-Being: Life Course Contingencies And Other Moderators

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    Parental incarceration has been found to be associated with a wide range of negative outcomes in both childhood and adolescence. This Article uses data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) to focus on the conditions under which associations of paternal incarceration with adolescent delinquency and depression are strongest. Paternal incarceration is most consistently and positively associated with adolescent delinquency. Associations of paternal incarceration with adolescent depression are weaker and more contingent on gender and other moderating factors. One important moderator is the respondent's retrospective reports that he or she was physically or sexually abused by a parent or other adult caregiver during childhood. For example, in the absence of sexual abuse, paternal incarceration is associated with higher depression among girls. When coupled with reports of sexual abuse, in contrast, paternal incarceration is not associated with girls' depression, suggesting a potential protective effect. The child having ever coresided with his or her father is also found to moderate associations, with paternal incarceration most strongly associated with delinquency and depression among girls who had ever coresided with their fathers. Examination of the duration and timing of paternal incarceration also pointed to gender differences

    Potential structural material problems in a hydrogen energy system

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    Potential structural material problems that may be encountered in the three components of a hydrogen energy system - production, transmission/storage, and utilization - were identified. Hydrogen embrittlement, corrosion, oxidation, and erosion may occur during the production of hydrogen. Hydrogen embrittlement is of major concern during both transmission and utilization of hydrogen. Specific materials research and development programs necessary to support a hydrogen energy system are described

    Metabolism as a Basis for Differential Atrazine Tolerance in Warm-Season Forage Grasses

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    Atrazine metabolism was studied in four warmseason forage grasses to determine if metabolism was the basis for differential atrazine tolerance among the grasses. Big bluestem and switchgrass are atrazine tolerant while indiangrass and sideoats grama are atrazine susceptible in the seedling stage. Metabolism of atrazine in big bluestem and switchgrass occurred primarily by glutathione conjugation. The major metabolic product isolated from indiangrass and sideoats grama was the N-deethylated metabolite of atrazine. Glutathione conjugation by big bluestem and switchgrass occurred at a faster rate than N-dealkylation of atrazine in indiangrass and sideoats grama. Differential tolerance to atrazine among the grasses studied was probably due to the metabolic route by which they detoxify atrazine and the rate of metabolism for that specific route. Intraspecific differences in atrazine tolerance in indiangrass were due to the amount of metabolite produced in relationship to the amount of parent atrazine remaining in the shoot tissue. The more tolerant indiangrass lines had a higher metabolite to parent atrazine ratio than susceptible lines. This study confirmed differences in seedling atrazine tolerance of four indiangrass lines observed in previous greenhouse studies. Nomenclature: Atrazine, 6- chloro -N- ethyl - N\u27 -(1- methylethyl) -1,3,5 -triazine- 2,4-diamine; big bluestem, Andropogon gerardii Vitman; switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L.; indiangrass, Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash; sideoats grama, Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr


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    Notes by Charles M. Urruela, Norman B. Thirion, R. F. Swisher, Peter Francis Nemeth, Walter C. Ivansevic, Charles M. Boynton, Theodore P. Frericks, Hal Hunter, and J. D. Kelly
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